try to take over the world!
// ==UserScript== // @name steam探索队列 // @namespace // @version 0.4 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match* // @match // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { var Count = 0; var NextGameDelay = 1500; //下一个游戏的延迟 setInterval(function(){ if(++Count >= 3){ Count = 0; var StartBtn = document.getElementsByClassName("btn_green_white_innerfade btn_medium"); if(StartBtn[0]){ StartBtn[0].click(); } } }, 1000); var NewQueue = document.getElementById("refresh_queue_btn"); if(NewQueue){ var SubText = document.getElementsByClassName("subtext"); if(SubText[0]){ for(var i = 0; SubText[i]; i++){ var StrMatch = SubText[i].innerHTML.match("明日再来"); if(!StrMatch){ ShowConfirmDialog('提示', '是否开始进行探索队列(3秒后自动确认)!', '是', '否').done(function StartNewQueue() {;}); } else{ alert("今日探索队列已无卡牌掉落!"); } } } } GoToNextGame(NextGameDelay); function GoToNextGame (Delay) { window.setTimeout(function() { var NextGame = document.getElementsByClassName("btn_next_in_queue btn_next_in_queue_trigger"); if(NextGame[0]){ NextGame[0].click(); }}, Delay); } })();