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Did they even play?

Show play stats on Steam Gifts winners pages. Adapted from kelnage's Do You Even Play, Bro? script.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Did they even play?
// @namespace    https://www.steamgifts.com/user/lext
// @version      1.0.2
// @description  Show play stats on Steam Gifts winners pages. Adapted from kelnage's Do You Even Play, Bro? script.
// @author       Lex
// @match        *://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/*/winners*
// @require      http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js
// @connect      api.steampowered.com
// @connect      store.steampowered.com
// @connect      steamdb.info
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// ==/UserScript==
// TODO: Erase cache when setting or deleting the Steam API Key
// TODO: Don't save r###lts to cache if there was an error retrieving the r###lts
(function($) {
'use strict';
const PLAYTIME_URL = "https://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/GetOwnedGames/v0001/?key={0}&steamid={1}"; // takes a steamid and API key
const ACHIEVEMENTS_URL = "https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetPlayerAchievements/v0001/"; // takes a steamid, appid and API key
const SG_USER_URL = "https://www.steamgifts.com/user/";
const GAME_ACHIEVEMENTS_URL = "http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/{0}/stats/{1}/achievements/";
const INVALIDATION_TIME = 30*60*1000; // 30 minute cache time
function getCachedPlaytime(steamID64, gameID) { return getCachedJSONValue(PLAYTIME_CACHE_KEY + encodeURIComponent(steamID64) + "_g" + encodeURIComponent(gameID)); }
function setCachedPlaytime(steamID64, gameID, value) { cacheJSONValue(PLAYTIME_CACHE_KEY + encodeURIComponent(steamID64) + "_g" + encodeURIComponent(gameID), value); }
function getCachedAchievements(steamID64, gameID) { return getCachedJSONValue(ACHIEVEMENTS_CACHE_KEY + encodeURIComponent(steamID64) + "_g" + encodeURIComponent(gameID)); }
function setCachedAchievements(steamID64, gameID, value) { cacheJSONValue(ACHIEVEMENTS_CACHE_KEY + encodeURIComponent(steamID64) + "_g" + encodeURIComponent(gameID), value); }
function getCachedSteamID(username) { return GM_getValue(STEAMID_CACHE_KEY + encodeURIComponent(username)); }
function setCachedSteamID(username, steamID64) { GM_setValue(STEAMID_CACHE_KEY + encodeURIComponent(username), steamID64); }
function getCachedSubAppids(subid) { return GM_getValue(SUBAPPIDS_CACHE_KEY + encodeURIComponent(subid)); }
function setCachedSubAppids(subid, appids) { GM_setValue(SUBAPPIDS_CACHE_KEY + encodeURIComponent(subid), appids); }
const API_KEY_REGEXP = /^[0-9A-F]{32}$/;
// From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/610406/javascript-equivalent-to-printf-string-format
if (!String.prototype.format) {
String.prototype.format = function() {
var args = arguments;
return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) {
return typeof args[number] != 'undefined'
? args[number]
: match
function getCachedJSONValue(key) {
try {
let r###lt = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(key));
if ((new Date()).getTime() - r###lt.UPDATE_TIME < INVALIDATION_TIME)
return r###lt;
} catch (err) { }
function cacheJSONValue(key, value) {
value.UPDATE_TIME = (new Date()).getTime();
GM_setValue(key, JSON.stringify(value));
function fetchGamePlaytimes(steamID64, callback) {
"method": "GET",
"url": PLAYTIME_URL.format(STEAM_API_KEY, steamID64),
"onload": function(response) {
let playtimes;
if (response.responseText.includes("<title>Unauthorized</title>")) {
displayNotice(`<span style="background-color:yellow">Did they even play? Error:</span> Steam API returned Unauthorized! Check API Key and try again.`);
} else {
try {
playtimes = JSON.parse(response.responseText).response.games;
} catch(err) { }
function fetchGamePlaytime(steamID64, appids, callback) {
let cpts = appids.map((aid) => getCachedPlaytime(steamID64, aid)); // Cached Playtime Objects
if (cpts.some((e) => e !== undefined)) { // If any cached playtimes are valid, use cache
callback(cpts.reduce((s, v) => s + (v === undefined ? 0 : v.playtime_forever), 0));
} else {
fetchGamePlaytimes(steamID64, function(games) {
if (games === undefined) {
return callback(-1); // Profile is private, so the games array is empty
let totalPlaytime;
for (let game of games) {
if (appids.indexOf(game.appid) !== -1) {
setCachedPlaytime(steamID64, game.appid, game);
totalPlaytime = (totalPlaytime || 0) + game.playtime_forever; // playtime in minutes
return callback(totalPlaytime);
function fetchAchievementStats(steamID64, appid, callback) {
const cachedAchievements = getCachedAchievements(steamID64, appid);
if (cachedAchievements !== undefined) {
return callback(cachedAchievements);
"method": "GET",
"url": `${ACHIEVEMENTS_URL}?appid=${appid}&steamid=${steamID64}&key=${STEAM_API_KEY}`,
"onload": function(response) {
let r###lts = {"achieved": 0, "total": 0};
if (response.responseText.includes("<title>Unauthorized</title>")) {
displayNotice(`<span style="background-color:yellow">Did they even play? Error:</span> Steam API returned Unauthorized! Check API Key and try again.`);
} else {
try {
const data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
r###lts.achieved = data.playerstats.achievements.filter(a => a.achieved == 1).length;
r###lts.total = data.playerstats.achievements.length;
setCachedAchievements(steamID64, appid, r###lts);
} catch(err) { }
return callback(r###lts);
function fetchSteamID(username, callback) {
const cachedSteamID = getCachedSteamID(username);
if (cachedSteamID !== undefined) {
return callback(cachedSteamID);
"method": "GET",
"url": SG_USER_URL + username,
"onload": function(response) {
const steamID = $('a[data-tooltip="Visit Steam Profile"]', response.responseText).attr("href").match(/\d{17}/)[0];
setCachedSteamID(username, steamID);
function steamIDRetrieved(steamID, appids, heading) {
const achUrl = GAME_ACHIEVEMENTS_URL.format(steamID, appids[0]);
const ASTYLE = "color:#4b72d4;text-decoration:underline";
heading.find("p").after(`<div style="display:inline-block; margin-left:1em"><span><span class="DTEP_ACHIEVEMENTS"/><a href="${achUrl}"><span style="${ASTYLE}">Achievements</span></a></span><span class="DTEP_PLAYTIME"/></div>`);
fetchGamePlaytime(steamID, appids, function(playtime) {
console.log(heading.find("a:first").text() + "   " + steamID);
const DTEP_PLAYTIME = heading.find(".DTEP_PLAYTIME")
//let err = msg => heading.find(".DTEP_PLAYTIME").parent().text(msg).css({'color':'crimson', "font-weight":"bold"});
let err = msg => DTEP_PLAYTIME.text(msg).css({'color':'crimson', "font-weight":"bold"});
// Has the gift been sent already
const isSent = heading.parent('.table__row-inner-wrap').find(".table__gift-not-sent:not(.is-hidden)").length != 1;
if (playtime === undefined) {
const username = heading.find("a:first").text();
const e = err("Game appears unactivated").attr("title", "Check their Steam profile to confirm, especially for DLCs").parent().append(
`<a style="${ASTYLE}" target=_blank href="http://www.sgtools.info/nonactivated/${username}">sgtools activation checker</a>`);
// Gift is not sent, so don't worry about it being not activated
if (!isSent) e.css({'color':''});
} else if (playtime == -1) {
err("Profile is private");
} else {
const hours = +(playtime / 60).toFixed(2);
DTEP_PLAYTIME.html(`, ${hours} hours total `);
const span = document.createElement("span")
span.innerHTML = `(<a style="${ASTYLE}" target=_blank href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/${steamID}/screenshots/?appid=${appids[0]}">screenshots?</a>)`
// Gift is not sent, but they already own it!
if (!isSent) {
let warning = $("<span>WARNING: User already owns this game! </span>");
fetchAchievementStats(steamID, appids[0], function(achievements) {
if (achievements.total === 0) {
heading.find(".DTEP_ACHIEVEMENTS").parent().text("Game has no achievements");
} else {
heading.find(".DTEP_ACHIEVEMENTS").text(achievements.achieved + " / " + achievements.total + " ");
// Alt API from Steam (but missing deleted packages): http://store.steampowered.com/api/packagedetails?packageids=116814
function fetchSubAppIds(subid, callback) {
const cachedSubAppids = getCachedSubAppids(subid);
if (cachedSubAppids !== undefined)
return callback(cachedSubAppids);
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://steamdb.info/sub/"+subid+"/apps/",
"onload": function(response) {
if (!response.responseText.includes("No package was found matching this SubID")) {
var appids = $(".app[data-appid]", response.responseText).map(function() {
return parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-appid"));
setCachedSubAppids(subid, appids);
return callback(appids);
console.log("Could not get details for sub " + subid);
function loopWinners(appids, isSubId) {
if (isSubId === true) {
fetchSubAppIds(appids[0], loopWinners);
} else {
$("p.table__column__heading a").each(function(){
var self = $(this);
fetchSteamID(self.text(), (sid) => steamIDRetrieved(sid, appids, self.parents("div:first")));
function addStatsToPage() {
const steamGameUrl = $("div.featured__inner-wrap a.global__image-outer-wrap").attr('href');
var appids = [ parseInt(steamGameUrl.match(/\/(\d+)/)[1]) ];
loopWinners(appids, steamGameUrl.includes("/sub"));
function makeLink(e) {
e.css("cursor", "pointer");
e.mouseenter(function(){this.style.textDecoration = "underline";})
e.mouseleave(function(){this.style.textDecoration = "";});
// Displays a notice to the user. Used to display error messages
function displayNotice(message) {
let notice = document.createElement("div");
notice.innerHTML = message;
// Displays a form on the page to request the user input a Steam API Key
function displayApiKeyForm() {
var apiDiv = $(`<div class="table__heading"><span style="background-color: yellow">NOTICE:</span>&nbsp; To use&nbsp; <em>Did they even play?&nbsp;</em> you must add your&nbsp; <a style="text-decoration:underline;color:#4B72D4" href="https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey" target="_blank">Steam API Key</a>.
<form><input id="DTEP_SteamApiKey" style="width: 240px" type="text" placeholder="STEAM_API_KEY_HERE" pattern="[0-9A-F]{32}"/>
<input style="width:80px" name="btnSubmit" type="button" value="Submit"></input></form></div>`);
const api_key = $("#DTEP_SteamApiKey").val();
if (api_key.match(API_KEY_REGEXP)) {
GM_setValue("STEAM_API_KEY", api_key);
$(this).parent().text(" API key set. Refresh the page to view stats.");
} else {
alert("Error: Invalid API Key. Please try again.");
// Displays a button to delete the Steam API Key
function displayDeleteApiKey() {
var apiDelDiv = $(`<div style="margin-left: 15px"><a>Delete API Key for Did they even play?</a></div>`);
apiDelDiv.find("a").one("click", function(){
if (STEAM_API_KEY === undefined) {
} else {