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Escapist video section cleaner

Resizes a video on the Escapist's video section, centers it and autoplays it

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Escapist video section cleaner
// @version     0.04
// @description Resizes a video on the Escapist's video section, centers it and autoplays it
// @include     /^http://www\.escapistmagazine\.com/videos/view/.*/.*$/
// @grant       none
// @author      iceman94
// @copyright   2014+, iceman94
// @namespace 8f39a87d8081774a9cbd024879f09787
// ==/UserScript==
// Cross-browsers load function
// Accepts a JS Object containing optional parameters:
// |-mode: 'auto'|'jqload'|'jqready'|'atchevt'|'evtlist'|'timeout' (default: 'auto')
// |-verbose: true|false (default: false)
// |-timeoutval: integer in milliseconds USED ONLY by the timeout mode (default: 5000)
// Script loading modes are tested in this order :
// |-support for jQuery API
// |--uses $(window).load method if available
// |--uses $(window).ready method if available
// |-support for DOMContentLoaded event (compatible only with the following browsers :
//   Chrome >= 0.2; Firefox >= 1.0; IE >= 9.0; Opera >= 9.0; Safari >= 3.1)
// |-support for document.attachEvent
// |-uses setTimeout w/ custom delay
// Usage: XBLoad(function_to_call_wo_parenthesis, {mode: 'MODE', verbose: true|false, timeoutval:7500})
function XBLoad(func, options)
var options = options || new Object();
var verbose = (typeof options.verbose !== 'undefined') ? options.verbose : false;
var mode = (typeof options.mode !== 'undefined') ? options.mode : 'auto';
var timeoutval = (typeof options.timeoutval !== 'undefined') ? options.timeoutval : 5000;
case 'auto':
if (window.jQuery)
if ($(window).load)
if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using $(window).load mode through option', mode); };
return $(window).load(function() { func(); });
else if ($(window).ready)
if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using $(window).ready mode through option', mode); };
return $(window).ready(function() { func(); });
else if (document.addEventListener)
if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using document.addEventListener mode through option', mode); };
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event)
return func();
else if (document.attachEvent)
if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using document.attachEvent mode through option', mode); };
document.attachEvent('load', function()
return func();
if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using setTimeout method through option', mode, 'and timeout value of', timeoutval); };
return setTimeout(function() { func(); }, timeoutval);
case 'jqload':
if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using $(window).load mode through option', mode); };
return $(window).load(function() { func(); });
case 'jqready':
if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using $(window).ready mode through option', mode); };
return $(window).ready(function() { func(); });
case 'evtlist':
if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using document.addEventListener mode through option', mode); };
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event)
return func();
case 'atchevt':
if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using document.attachEvent mode through option', mode); };
document.attachEvent('load', function()
return func();
case 'timeout':
if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using setTimeout mode through option', mode, 'and timeout value of', timeoutval); };
return setTimeout(function() { func(); }, timeoutval);
console.log('[XBLoad] Wrong script loading mode [', mode, '] passed to function. Please investigate.');
// Locates video player DOM node
function locateVideo()
return document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
// Deletes a DOM node based of its type (id, tag or class)
function delElement(elmt_type, elmt_name)
switch (elmt_type)
case 'id':
var tgt = document.getElementById(elmt_name);
case 'tag':
var tgt = document.getElementsByTagName(elmt_name)[0];
case 'class':
var tgt = document.getElementsByClassName(elmt_name)[0];
console.log("delElement syntax error\nUsage:\n  delElement(<[id|tag|class]>, <elmt_name>)");
return -1;
// Sets video player size attributes w/ reserved width and height percentages
function setVideoAttr(browserWidth, browserHeight, reservedWidth, reservedHeight)
var obj = {};
var videoWidth = reservedWidth * browserWidth / 100;
obj.width = browserWidth - videoWidth;
var videoHeight = reservedHeight * browserWidth / 100;
obj.height = browserHeight - videoHeight;
return obj;
// Wraps all previous code for... showtime !
function showtime()
// Delete page top navigation bar to make some head room
delElement('id', 'site_menu');
// Object containing reserved browser's width and height values in percentage
var reservedSpace = {};
reservedSpace.widthInPct = 8;
reservedSpace.heightInPct = 8;
// Sets video player attributes
var browserSize = setVideoAttr(window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.availHeight, reservedSpace.widthInPct, reservedSpace.heightInPct);
// Locates video player and its parent element
var videoElmt = locateVideo();
var videoElmtParent = videoElmt.parentElement;
// Sets video player style
videoElmtParent.setAttribute('style', ('width:' + browserSize.width + 'px;' + 'height:' + browserSize.height + 'px'));
// Sets video's parent's parent element style
videoElmtParent.parentElement.setAttribute('style', ('position: absolute; left: -17%; top: -22%'));
// Bug: If the video player "loading spinner" stays visible after modifying the page, we remove it
delElement ("class", "vjs-loading-spinner");
// Autoplays the video
// Showtime !
XBLoad(showtime, {mode:'timeout', timeoutval:'2500'});