Unclutters the video page on Youtube's video section and resizes it
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Youtube video section cleaner
- // @description Unclutters the video page on Youtube's video section and resizes it
- // @include /^http(|s)://www\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=.*$/
- // @grant none
- // @author iceman94
- // @copyright 2014+, iceman94
- // @version 0.01
- // @grant none
- // @namespace 2883c859593dd67ceaea42331264acf6
- // ==/UserScript==
- // Wraps all the code in a single function to bypass issues with some browsers
- function main()
- {
- // Gets browser's current height and width
- var w = window.screen.availWidth;
- var h = window.screen.availHeight;
- // Sets video player size to browser's size minus reserved height and width
- var rh = 5;
- var rw = 5;
- var vw = rw * w / 100;
- vw = w - vw;
- var vh = rh * w / 100;
- vh = h - vh;
- // Video container manipulation
- var vidc = document.getElementsByClassName('html5-video-container')[0];
- vidc.style.width = vw + 'px';
- vidc.style.height = vh + 'px';
- // Adds the video container directly to the body
- var bdy = document.getElementById('body');
- bdy.appendChild(vidc);
- // Main video manipulation
- var vidm = document.getElementsByClassName('video-stream html5-main-video')[0];
- vidm.style.width = vw + 'px';
- vidm.style.height = vh + 'px';
- // Removes all clutter but the video container itself
- var clutter = document.getElementById('body-container');
- clutter.parentNode.removeChild(clutter);
- // Call the main function with a delay of 1 second
- setTimeout(main, 100);