Bringing A "Classic" touch to the Beta!
// ==UserScript== // @name FA Emotes-On-Beta // @namespace JaysonHusky // @version 1.1 // @description Bringing A "Classic" touch to the Beta! // @author JaysonHusky // @match https://** // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var BBCodeEmoji = ` <i class="smilie tongue" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :-p ');"></i> <i class="smilie cool" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :cool: ');"></i> <i class="smilie wink" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' ;-) ');"></i> <i class="smilie oooh" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :-o ');"></i> <i class="smilie smile" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :-) ');"></i> <i class="smilie evil" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :evil: ');"></i> <i class="smilie huh" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :huh: ');"></i> <i class="smilie whatever" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :whatever: ');"></i> <i class="smilie angel" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :angel: ');"></i> <i class="smilie badhairday" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :badhair: ');"></i> <i class="smilie lmao" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :lmao: ');"></i> <i class="smilie cd" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :cd: ');"></i> <i class="smilie crying" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :cry: ');"></i> <i class="smilie dunno" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :idunno: ');"></i> <i class="smilie embarrassed" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :embarrassed: ');"></i> <i class="smilie gift" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :gift: ');"></i> <i class="smilie coffee" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :coffee: ');"></i> <i class="smilie love" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :love: ');"></i> <i class="smilie nerd" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :isanerd: ');"></i> <i class="smilie note" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :note: ');"></i> <i class="smilie derp" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :derp: ');"></i> <i class="smilie sarcastic" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :sarcastic: ');"></i> <i class="smilie serious" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :serious: ');"></i> <i class="smilie sad" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :-( ');"></i> <i class="smilie sleepy" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :sleepy: ');"></i> <i class="smilie teeth" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :teeth: ');"></i> <i class="smilie veryhappy" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :veryhappy: ');"></i> <i class="smilie yelling" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :yelling: ');"></i> <i class="smilie zipped" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="performInsert(this, '', ' :zipped: ');"></i>`; var pathx=window.location.pathname; if(~pathx.indexOf("/controls/profile/")){ $("textarea[name='profileinfo']").before(BBCodeEmoji); } else if(~pathx.indexOf("/msg/pms/")){ $("textarea[name='message']").before("<br/><br/>"+BBCodeEmoji); } else if(~pathx.indexOf("/controls/journal/")) { $("textarea[name='message']").before("<br/><br/>"+BBCodeEmoji); } else { $("textarea[name='message']").before("<br/><br/>"+BBCodeEmoji); $("textarea[name='reply']").before("<br/><br/>"+BBCodeEmoji); $("textarea[name='shout']").after(BBCodeEmoji); } })();