Show actual size image when clicking on it. It also unmutes the stories automatically
// ==UserScript== // @name InstaZoom // @namespace // @version 0.16 // @description Show actual size image when clicking on it. It also unmutes the stories automatically // @icon // @author nljuggler // @license MIT // @match https://** // @grant unsafeWindow // @require // ==/UserScript== $(function(){ var muteOverride = false; addStyleSheet(); createLightbox(); $(document).on("click","._si7dy, .FFVAD, .KL4Bh, ._9AhH0, .eLAPa _23QFA,._aagu ._aagw", function() { var $divWithImage = $(this).parent().find('img'); $('body').find('#nljugglerLightbox #lightboxImage').attr('src', $divWithImage.attr('src')); $('#nljugglerLightbox').show(); if ($(this).hasClass("_si7dy")){ $(this).remove(); } // Remove Instagrams own overlay (if at all displayed), // so you don't need to click twice to hide the current image. var $imageInTimeline = $(this).closest('._8Rm4L'); if ($imageInTimeline.length == 0){ $('[role="dialog"] > div > button.wpO6b').click(); } }); // Right click on insta video to enable video controls $(document).on("contextmenu","._aakl", function(e) { //alert($(this).InnerHtml); e.currentTarget.previousSibling.remove(); e.currentTarget.remove(); }); $('#lightboxImage').click(function() { $(this).parent().hide(); $(this).attr('src', ''); }); // Unmute story when muted $('body').on('DOMSubtreeModified', '._ac0a', function(){ if (!muteOverride && $('button[aria-label*="udio"] svg')[0] != undefined && $('button[aria-label*="udio"] svg').attr('aria-label').includes('muted')) { $('button[aria-label*="udio"]').click(); } }); // (Un)mute by hitting the M key $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (e.which == 77) { $('button[aria-label*="udio"]').click(); muteOverride = true; } }); function createLightbox(){ var lightbox = "<div id='nljugglerLightbox'><img id='lightboxImage'/></div>"; $('body').append(lightbox); $('#nljugglerLightbox').hide(); } function addStyleSheet (){ addCss('#nljugglerLightbox { position: fixed; top: 10px; left: 40%; width: auto; transform: translateX(-40%); max-height:1000px; z-index:1000; overflow:scroll; border:solid 2px black; }'+ '#lightboxImage {width: auto; }'); console.log('InstaZoom styles added'); } function addCss(cssString) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var newCss = document.createElement('style'); newCss.type = "text/css"; newCss.innerHTML = cssString; head.appendChild(newCss); } });