You can also try these related scripts:
- StackExchange hide closed questions - Hide closed questions on the home page and in other lists of questions. Put a link showing the number of closed questions that have been hidden that shows the closed questions again.
- 🌟 Ultimate Web Enhancer 🚀 - A powerful script to enhance YouTube, Facebook, X, Spotify, Reddit, Twitch, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Discord, GitHub, Google, Wikipedia, eBay, Hulu, Quora, Medium, Stack Overflow, IMDb, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and more with intelligent features.
- 复制LaTex公式,支持ChatGPT/DeepSeek/wikipedia/知乎等多个网站 - Click on the LaTeX formula on the webpage and copy it to the clipboard. You can choose to directly copy it as a mathtype object or the LaTeX source code
- Privacy Redirector - Redirect social media platforms to their privacy respecting frontends
- copy2clipboard - a tampermonkey to copy code from etc.