Removes the "more from subreddit" links that appear on comments pages when you are not signed in
// ==UserScript== // @name Reddit Remove More From // @namespace reddit_remove_more_from // @description Removes the "more from subreddit" links that appear on comments pages when you are not signed in // @homepageURL // @author daraeman // @version 1.2 // @date 2017-06-10 // @include*/comments/* // ==/UserScript== (function() { var classes = [ "seo-comments-recommendations", "seo-comments", ]; var ids = [ "bottom-comments", ]; var children = []; classes.forEach( function( classname ){ children.push( document.getElementsByClassName( classname ) ); }); ids.forEach( function( id ){ children.push( [ document.getElementById( id ) ] ); }); for ( var a = 0; a < children.length; a++ ) { for ( var b = 0; b < children[ a ].length; b++ ) { children[a][b].parentNode.removeChild( children[a][b] ); } } })();