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Do You Even Play, Bro?

Display playing stats for SteamGifts users

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Do You Even Play, Bro?
// @namespace    https://www.steamgifts.com/user/kelnage
// @version      1.6.5
// @description  Display playing stats for SteamGifts users
// @author       kelnage
// @match        https://www.steamgifts.com/user/*/giveaways/won*
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @connect      self
// @connect      api.steampowered.com
// @connect      store.steampowered.com
// @connect      howlongtobeat.com
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.0/jquery.min.js
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-sparklines/2.1.2/jquery.sparkline.js
// ==/UserScript==
var CURRENT_VERSION = [1,6,5];
var username = $(".featured__heading__medium").text();
var userID64 = $('[data-tooltip="Visit Steam Profile"]').attr("href").match(/https?:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/profiles\/([0-9]*)/)[1];
var WINS_URL = "https://www.steamgifts.com/user/" + username + "/giveaways/won/search";
var PLAYTIME_URL = "https://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/GetOwnedGames/v0001/"; // takes a steamid and API key
var ACHIEVEMENTS_URL = "https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetPlayerAchievements/v0001/"; // takes a steamid, appid and API key
var HLTB_URL = "https://howlongtobeat.com/search_main.php"; // takes a (POST) queryString and (GET) page number
var API_KEY_REGEXP = /[0-9A-Z]{32}/;
var WAIT_MILLIS = 500;
var PLAYTIME_CACHE_KEY = "DYEPB_PLAYTIME_CACHE_" + encodeURIComponent(username),
WINS_CACHE_KEY = "DYEPB_WINS_CACHE_" + encodeURIComponent(username),
LAST_CACHE_KEY = "DYEPB_LAST_CACHED_" + encodeURIComponent(username),
var $percentage = $('<div class="featured__table__row__right"></div>'),
$average_total_playtime = $('<div class="featured__table__row__right"></div>'),
$playtime_any_counts = $('<div class="featured__table__row__right" style="text-align: right"></div>'),
$playtime_5_10_counts = $('<div class="featured__table__row__right" style="text-align: right"></div>'),
$playtime_expectation_below = $('<span></span>'),
$playtime_expectation_between = $('<span></span>'),
$playtime_expectation_above = $('<span></span>'),
$playtime_expectation = $('<div class="featured__table__row__right" style="text-align: right"></div>'),
$achievement_any_counts = $('<div class="featured__table__row__right" style="text-align: right"></div>'),
$achievement_counts_chart = $('<div class="featured__table__row__right" style="text-align: right"></div>'),
$achievement_25_100_counts = $('<div class="featured__table__row__right" style="text-align: right"></div>'),
$last_updated = $('<span title="" style="color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4)"></span>'),
$disable_hltb = $('<input type="checkbox" id="disable_hltb" name="disable_hltb" value="disable_hltb" style="width: auto; margin: 0px 0.5em">'),
$hltb_left_row = $('<div class="featured__table__row"></div>'),
$progress_text = $('<span style="margin-left: 0.3em"></span>'),
$rm_key_link = $('<a style="margin-left: 0.5em;color: rgba(255,255,255,0.6)" href="#">Delete cached data</a>'),
$toolbar = $('<div id="sg_dyepb_toolbar" style="color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4)" class="nav__left-container"></div>'),
$fetch_button = $('<a class="nav__button" href="#">' + (GM_getValue(LAST_CACHE_KEY) ? 'Update Playing Info' : 'Fetch Playing Info' ) + '</a>'),
$key_button = $('<a class="nav__button" href="#">Provide API Key</a>'),
$button_container = $('<div class="nav__button-container"></div>'),
$hltb_status_container = $('<div id="dyepb_hltb_status"></div>'),
$progress_container = $('<div id="dyepb_progress" style="margin: 0.5em 0"><img src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/semantic-ui/0.16.1/images/loader-large.gif" height="10px" width="10px" /></div>'),
$chart_text_switch = $('<a href="#" style="font-size: smaller">chart</a>');
var playtimeCache = {},
achievementCache = {},
winsCache = {},
subAppIdsCache = {},
expectedPlaytimeCache = {},
activeRequests = 0,
errorCount = 0,
if(JSON.parse(GM_getValue(USER_CACHE_VERSION_KEY, "[0,0,0]")) > [1,3,2]) { // Ignore caches from versions older than 1.3.3
playtimeCache = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(PLAYTIME_CACHE_KEY));
achievementCache = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(ACHIEVEMENT_CACHE_KEY));
if(GM_getValue(WINS_CACHE_KEY)) {
var tempWinsCache = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(WINS_CACHE_KEY));
if(Array.isArray(tempWinsCache)) { // convert old array into an object
for(var i = 0; i < tempWinsCache.length; i++) {
winsCache['a'+tempWinsCache[i].appid] = tempWinsCache[i].appid;
} else {
winsCache = tempWinsCache;
expectedPlaytimeCache = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(EXPECTED_PLAYTIME_CACHE_KEY));
if(GM_getValue(SUB_APPID_CACHE_KEY)) {
if(JSON.parse(GM_getValue(SUB_APPID_CACHE_VERSION_KEY, "[0,0,0]")) > [1,3,2]) { // Ignore caches from versions older than 1.3.3
subAppIdsCache = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(SUB_APPID_CACHE_KEY));
var errorFn = function(response) {
activeRequests -= 1;
errorCount += 1;
console.log("Error details: ", response);
var maxIndex = function(arr, val) {
var i = arr.length - 1;
while(i >= 0) {
if(arr[i] == val) { return i; }
return 0;
var summaryStats = function(arr) {
var total = arr.reduce(function(x, y) { return x + y; }, 0),
min = Math.min(...arr),
max = Math.max(...arr);
return {"min": min, "median": (min + max) / 2, "mean": total / arr.length, "max": max, "total": total} ;
var formatPercentage = function(x, per, precision) {
if(isNaN(x / per)) {
return "N/A";
return Number(x / per * 100).toPrecision(precision) + "%";
var formatMinutes = function(mins) {
if(isNaN(mins)) {
return "N/A";
if(mins < 60) {
return mins.toPrecision(2) + " minutes";
} else {
var hours = mins / 60;
if(hours < 99.5) {
return hours.toPrecision(2) + " hours";
} else if(hours < 999.5) {
return hours.toPrecision(3) + " hours";
} else if(hours < 9999.5) {
return hours.toPrecision(4) + " hours";
} else {
return hours.toPrecision(5) + " hours";
var formatMinutesRange = function(min, max) {
var min_time = formatMinutes(min),
max_time = formatMinutes(max);
if(min_time == max_time) {
return min_time;
} else {
if(min_time.substr(-5) == max_time.substr(-5)) {
min_time = min_time.replace(/ .*$/, "");
return min_time + "-" + max_time;
var parseHLTBPlaytime = function(time) {
if(time === "--") {
return null;
time = time.replace(/½/, ".5");
if(time.match(/[Mm]in/)) {
return parseFloat(time);
if(time.match(/[Hh]our/)) {
return parseFloat(time) * 60;
return null;
var enhanceRow = function($heading, minutesPlayed, achievementCounts, minExpectedPlaytime, maxExpectedPlaytime, appid, hltb_id, hltb_game) {
var $playtimeSpan = $heading.find(".dyegb_playtime"), $achievementSpan = $heading.find(".dyegb_achievement"), $expectedPlaytimeSpan = $heading.find(".dyegb_exp_playtime");
if(minutesPlayed) {
if($playtimeSpan.length > 0) {
} else {
$playtimeSpan = $('<span class="dyegb_playtime giveaway__heading__thin">' + formatMinutes(minutesPlayed) + '</span>');
if(hltb_id) {
if($expectedPlaytimeSpan.length > 0) {
if(minExpectedPlaytime) {
$expectedPlaytimeSpan.find(".dyegb_exp_playtime_value").text(formatMinutesRange(minExpectedPlaytime, maxExpectedPlaytime));
} else {
} else if(minExpectedPlaytime) {
if($playtimeSpan.length > 0) {
$expectedPlaytimeSpan = $('<span class="dyegb_exp_playtime giveaway__heading__thin" title="HLTB stats for ' +
hltb_game + '"><a target="_blank" href="https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=' +
hltb_id + '">(<span class="dyegb_exp_playtime_value">' +
formatMinutesRange(minExpectedPlaytime, maxExpectedPlaytime) + '</span>)</a></span>');
} else {
$expectedPlaytimeSpan = $('<span class="dyegb_exp_playtime giveaway__heading__thin" title="HLTB stats for ' +
hltb_game + '">HLTB: <a target="_blank" href="https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=' +
hltb_id + '"><span class="dyegb_exp_playtime_value">' +
formatMinutesRange(minExpectedPlaytime, maxExpectedPlaytime) + '</span></a></span>');
if(GM_getValue(DISABLE_HLTB_KEY, false)) {
$expectedPlaytimeSpan.css("display", "none");
} else {
$expectedPlaytimeSpan.css("display", "inline");
if(achievementCounts && achievementCounts.total > 0) {
if($achievementSpan.length === 0) {
$achievementSpan = $('<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/'+userID64+'/stats/'+appid+'/?tab=achievements" target="_new" class="dyegb_achievement giveaway__heading__thin">' +
formatPercentage(achievementCounts.achieved, achievementCounts.total, 3) + '</a>');
if(achievementCounts.achieved === 0) {
} else {
$achievementSpan.attr('style', "font-weight: bold");
$achievementSpan.text(formatPercentage(achievementCounts.achieved, achievementCounts.total, 3));
$achievementSpan.attr('title', achievementCounts.achieved + '/' + achievementCounts.total + ' achievements');
if(achievementCounts.achieved == achievementCounts.total) {
$achievementSpan.attr('style', "font-weight: bold; color: rgb(91, 192, 222)");
} else {
var enhanceWonGames = function() {
var $rows = $(".giveaway__row-inner-wrap");
$rows.each(function() {
var $this = $(this), $heading = $this.find(".giveaway__heading"),
$ga_icon = $this.find("a.giveaway__icon:has(i.fa-steam)");
if($ga_icon && $ga_icon.attr("href")) {
var id = $ga_icon.attr("href").match(/https?:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/([^\/]*)\/([0-9]*)/);
if(id[1] == "sub" || id[1] == "subs") {
var totalMinutes = 0, totalAchievements = {achieved: 0, total: 0}, bestAchievementAppid = null, topCompletion = null,
minExpectedPlaytime = 0, maxExpectedPlaytime = 0, highestExpectedPlaytime = null, bestPlaytimeId = null, bestPlaytimeGame = null;
if(subAppIdsCache['s'+id[2]]) {
var appids = subAppIdsCache['s'+id[2]];
for(var i = 0; i < appids.length; i++) {
if(playtimeCache['a'+appids[i]]) {
totalMinutes += playtimeCache['a'+appids[i]];
if(achievementCache['a'+appids[i]]) {
totalAchievements.achieved += achievementCache['a'+appids[i]].achieved;
totalAchievements.total += achievementCache['a'+appids[i]].total;
if(topCompletion === null || achievementCache['a'+appids[i]].achieved / achievementCache['a'+appids[i]].total > topCompletion) {
topCompletion = achievementCache['a'+appids[i]].achieved / achievementCache['a'+appids[i]].total;
bestAchievementAppid = appids[i];
if(expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+appids[i]]) {
var substats = summaryStats(expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+appids[i]].times);
minExpectedPlaytime += substats.min;
maxExpectedPlaytime += substats.max;
if(highestExpectedPlaytime === null || maxExpectedPlaytime > highestExpectedPlaytime) {
highestExpectedPlaytime = maxExpectedPlaytime;
bestPlaytimeId = expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+appids[i]].hltb_id;
bestPlaytimeGame = expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+appids[i]].hltb_game;
enhanceRow($heading, totalMinutes, totalAchievements, minExpectedPlaytime, maxExpectedPlaytime, bestAchievementAppid, bestPlaytimeId, bestPlaytimeGame);
if(id[1] == "app" || id[1] == "apps") {
if(expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+id[2]]) {
var stats = {};
if(expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+id[2]].times.length > 0) {
stats = summaryStats(expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+id[2]].times);
enhanceRow($heading, playtimeCache['a'+id[2]], achievementCache['a'+id[2]], stats.min, stats.max, id[2], expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+id[2]].hltb_id, expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+id[2]].hltb_game);
} else {
enhanceRow($heading, playtimeCache['a'+id[2]], achievementCache['a'+id[2]], undefined, undefined, id[2], undefined, undefined);
var updateTableStats = function() {
var achievement_percentage_sum = 0, achievement_game_count = 0, achieved_game_count = 0,
achieved_game_count_25 = 0, achieved_game_count_100 = 0, achieved_game_cumulative = [],
playtime_total = 0, playtime_game_count = 0, playtime_game_count_5h = 0, playtime_game_count_10h = 0,
win_count = 0, achievement_playtime_total = 0, achievement_playtime_count = 0,
expected_less_than_min = 0, expected_total_less_distance = 0, expected_between_min_max = 0, expected_greater_than_max = 0, expected_total_greater_distance = 0,
expected_playtime_count = 0, expected_below = "", expected_between = "", expected_above = "";
var i = 0;
while(i < 101) {
achieved_game_cumulative[i] = 0;
$.each(winsCache, function(aid, details) {
var achievement_counts = achievementCache[aid];
if(achievement_counts && achievement_counts.total > 0) {
achievement_game_count += 1;
if(achievement_counts.achieved > 0) {
var ratio = achievement_counts.achieved / achievement_counts.total;
achievement_percentage_sum += ratio;
achieved_game_count += 1;
if(achievement_counts.achieved >= (achievement_counts.total / 4)) {
achieved_game_count_25 += 1;
if(achievement_counts.achieved === achievement_counts.total) {
achieved_game_count_100 += 1;
var j = 0, percentage = Math.round(achievement_counts.achieved / achievement_counts.total * 100);
while(j <= percentage) {
achieved_game_cumulative[j] += 1;
if(playtimeCache[aid] !== undefined) {
win_count += 1;
playtime_total += playtimeCache[aid];
if(playtimeCache[aid] > 0) {
playtime_game_count += 1;
if(playtimeCache[aid] >= 300) {
playtime_game_count_5h += 1;
if(playtimeCache[aid] >= 600) {
playtime_game_count_10h += 1;
if(playtimeCache[aid] > 0 && expectedPlaytimeCache[aid] && expectedPlaytimeCache[aid].times.length > 0) {
expected_playtime_count += 1;
var stats = summaryStats(expectedPlaytimeCache[aid].times);
if(playtimeCache[aid] < stats.min) {
expected_less_than_min += 1;
expected_total_less_distance += stats.min - playtimeCache[aid];
expected_below += details.name + "\n";
} else if(playtimeCache[aid] > stats.max) {
expected_greater_than_max += 1;
expected_total_greater_distance += playtimeCache[aid] - stats.max;
expected_above += details.name + "\n";
} else {
expected_between_min_max += 1;
expected_between += details.name + "\n";
if(achievement_counts && achievement_counts.total > 0 && playtimeCache[aid]) {
achievement_playtime_total += playtimeCache[aid];
achievement_playtime_count += achievement_counts.achieved;
if(achieved_game_count > 0) {
$percentage.text(formatPercentage(achievement_percentage_sum, achieved_game_count, 3));
} else {
if(expected_playtime_count > 0) {
$playtime_expectation_below.text(expected_less_than_min + ' below (' + formatMinutes(expected_total_less_distance / expected_less_than_min) + ' avg.), ');
$playtime_expectation_below.attr("title", expected_below.replace(/\n$/, ""));
$playtime_expectation_between.text(expected_between_min_max + ' between, ');
$playtime_expectation_between.attr("title", expected_between.replace(/\n$/, ""));
$playtime_expectation_above.text(expected_greater_than_max + ' above (' + formatMinutes(expected_total_greater_distance / expected_greater_than_max) + ' avg.)');
$playtime_expectation_above.attr("title", expected_above.replace(/\n$/, ""));
} else {
if(playtime_game_count !== win_count) {
$average_total_playtime.text(formatMinutes(playtime_total / win_count) + ' per win, ' +
formatMinutes(playtime_total / playtime_game_count) + ' per played win, ' +
formatMinutes(playtime_total) + ' total');
} else {
$average_total_playtime.text(formatMinutes(playtime_total / win_count) + ' in all wins, ' +
formatMinutes(playtime_total) + ' total');
$playtime_any_counts.text(formatPercentage(playtime_game_count, win_count, 3) +
' (' + playtime_game_count + '/' + win_count + ')');
$playtime_5_10_counts.text('≥5 hours: ' + formatPercentage(playtime_game_count_5h, win_count, 3) +
' (' + playtime_game_count_5h + '/' + win_count +
'), ≥10 hours: ' + formatPercentage(playtime_game_count_10h, win_count, 3) +
' (' + playtime_game_count_10h + '/' + win_count + ')');
$achievement_any_counts.text(formatPercentage(achieved_game_count, achievement_game_count, 3) +
' (' + achieved_game_count + '/' + achievement_game_count + ')');
{'type': 'line', 'lineColor': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)', 'fillColor': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)', 'chartRangeMin': 0, 'height': 18,
'spotColor': 'rgb(153,204,102)', 'minSpotColor': 'rgb(153,204,102)', 'maxSpotColor': 'rgb(153,204,102)', 'tooltipOffsetX': -60, 'tooltipOffsetY': 25,
'tooltipFormatter': function(sparkline, options, fields) {
return maxIndex(achieved_game_cumulative, fields.y) +  '% complete: ' + formatPercentage(fields.y, achievement_game_count, 3) + ' (' + fields.y + '/' + achievement_game_count + ')';
'linear-gradient(to right, transparent calc(25%), rgba(255,0,0,0.5) calc(25% + 2px), transparent calc(25% + 4px), transparent calc(50% - 2px), rgba(255,0,0,0.5) calc(50%), transparent calc(50% + 2px), transparent calc(75% - 3px), rgba(255,0,0,0.5) calc(75% - 1px), transparent calc(75% + 1px))');
'≥25% complete: ' + formatPercentage(achieved_game_count_25, achievement_game_count, 3) +
' (' + achieved_game_count_25 + '/' + achievement_game_count +
'), completed: ' + formatPercentage(achieved_game_count_100, achievement_game_count, 3) +
' (' + achieved_game_count_100 + '/' + achievement_game_count + ')');
if(GM_getValue(DISABLE_HLTB_KEY, false)) {
$hltb_left_row.css("display", "none");
} else {
$hltb_left_row.css("display", "flex");
var updateDisplayedCacheDate = function(t) {
if(t) {
$last_updated.text('Last retrieved: ' + t.toLocaleDateString() + (errorCount > 0 ? ", with " + errorCount + " API query errors" : ""));
$last_updated.attr('title', t.toLocaleString());
var displayButtons = function() {
$last_updated.attr("title", "");
$last_updated.append('<a style="color: rgba(255,255,255,0.6)" target="_blank" href="https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey">Click here to obtain a Steam API key</a>');
} else if(run_status == "STOPPED") {
$last_updated.empty(); // will be updated by updateDisplayedCacheDate
if(GM_getValue(LAST_CACHE_KEY)) {
$fetch_button.text("Update Playing Info");
updateDisplayedCacheDate(new Date(GM_getValue(LAST_CACHE_KEY)));
} else {
$fetch_button.text("Fetch Playing Info");
} else {
if(run_status == "PLAYTIMES") {
$progress_text.text("Retrieving " + username + "'s logged playing times");
} else if(run_status == "WON_GAMES") {
$progress_text.text("Retrieving " + username + "'s won games");
} else if(run_status == "ACHIEVEMENTS") {
$progress_text.text("Retrieving " + username + "'s achievement " + (GM_getValue(DISABLE_HLTB_KEY, false) ? '' : 'and HLTB ') + "progress (" + activeRequests + " games left to check)");
var updatePage = function(update_time) {
var extractSubGames = function(sub, page) {
subAppIdsCache['s'+sub] = [];
$(".tab_item", page).each(function(i, e) {
var $this = $(e),
appId = $this.attr("data-ds-appid"),
name = $this.find(".tab_item_name").text(),
$link = $this.find(".tab_item_overlay");
if($link.attr("href") && (!winsCache['a'+appId] || !winsCache['a'+appId].appid)) {
var type = $link.attr("href").match(/https?:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/([^\/]*)\/[0-9]*/);
winsCache['a'+appId] = {'appid': appId, 'name': name};
var extractWon = function(page) {
var extractCount = 0;
$(".giveaway__row-inner-wrap", page)
.filter(function(i) {
return $(this).find("div.giveaway__column--positive").length == 1;
.each(function(i, e) {
var $ga_name = $(e).find("a.giveaway__heading__name"),
$ga_icon = $(e).find("a.giveaway__icon:has(i.fa-steam)");
if($ga_icon.length === 1 && $ga_icon.attr("href")) {
var url = $ga_icon.attr("href"),
id = url.match(/https?:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/([^\/]*)\/([0-9]*)/),
name = $ga_name.text();
if(name.endsWith("...") && name.length > 3) {
name = name.substr(0, name.length - 3);
if((id[1] == "sub" || id[1] == "subs") && (!subAppIdsCache['s'+id[2]] || subAppIdsCache['s'+id[2]].length === 0|| !subAppIdsCache['s'+id[2]][0].appid)) { // only fetch appids for uncached-subs - do subs ever change? Probably...
activeRequests += 1;
"method": "GET",
"url": url,
"onload": function(response) {
if(response.finalUrl === url) { // if not, probably got redirected to Steam homepage
extractSubGames(id[2], response.responseText);
} else {
console.log("Could not get details for sub " + id[2]);
activeRequests -= 1;
"onabort": errorFn,
"onerror": errorFn,
"ontimeout": errorFn
extractCount += 1;
} else if((id[1] == "app" || id[1] == "apps") && (!winsCache['a'+id[2]] || !winsCache['a'+id[2]].appid)) {
winsCache['a'+id[2]] = {'appid': id[2], 'name': name};
extractCount += 1;
return extractCount;
var fetchWon = function(page, callback) {
activeRequests += 1;
"method": "GET",
"url": WINS_URL + "?page=" + page,
"onload": function(response) {
var count = extractWon(response.responseText);
// stop fetching pages if no new wins found on current page
if($("div.pagination__navigation > a > span:contains('Next')", response.responseText).length === 1 && count > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
fetchWon(page + 1, callback);
} else {
activeRequests -= 1;
"onabort": errorFn,
"onerror": errorFn,
"ontimeout": errorFn
var fetchGamePlaytimes = function(steamID64, callback) {
activeRequests += 1;
"method": "GET",
"url": PLAYTIME_URL + "?steamid=" + steamID64 + "&key=" + STEAM_API_KEY,
"onload": function(response) {
var data;
try {
data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
} catch(err) {
errorFn({"status": response.status, "responseText": response.responseText});
if(data) {
var games = data.response.games;
if(games) {
for(var i = 0; i < games.length; i++) {
playtimeCache["a"+games[i].appid] = games[i].playtime_forever;
activeRequests -= 1;
"onabort": errorFn,
"onerror": errorFn,
"ontimeout": errorFn
var fetchAchievementStatsFn = function(appid, steamID64) {
return function() {
"method": "GET",
"url": ACHIEVEMENTS_URL + "?appid=" + appid + "&steamid=" + steamID64 + "&key=" + STEAM_API_KEY,
"onload": function(response) {
var data;
try {
data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
} catch(err) {
errorFn({"status": response.status, "responseText": response.responseText});
if(data) {
achievements = data.playerstats.achievements;
if(achievements) {
var achieved = achievements.filter(function(achievement) { return achievement.achieved == 1; }).length;
var total = achievements.length;
achievementCache["a"+appid] = {"achieved": achieved, "total": total};
} else {
achievementCache["a"+appid] = {"achieved": 0, "total": 0};
activeRequests -= 1;
"onabort": errorFn,
"onerror": errorFn,
"ontimeout": errorFn
var fetchExpectedPlaytimes = function(appid, game_name) {
return function() {
if(game_name.match(/[^\w\s-_:]/)) {
game_name = game_name.replace(/[^-\w\s_:]/g, "");
"method": "POST",
"url": HLTB_URL + '?page=1',
"headers": {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'accept': '*/*'
"data": 'queryString='+encodeURIComponent(game_name)+'&t=games&sorthead=popular&sortd=Normal&20Order&plat=PC&length_type=main&length_min=&length_max=&detail=0',
"onload": function(response) {
var data = {"cache_date": Date.now()};
try {
var $r###lt = $('<ul>' + response.responseText + '</ul>').find('li:first');
if($r###lt.text().startsWith("No r###lts for")) {
data.search_term = $r###lt.find("strong:first").text();
data.times = [];
console.log("Could not find details for:", data.search_term);
} else {
var times = $r###lt.find(".search_list_details_block .search_list_tidbit").filter(":odd").map(function() { return $(this).text(); }).get(),
$game_link = $r###lt.find("h3.shadow_text a");
data.search_term = game_name;
data.hltb_game = $game_link.text();
data.hltb_id = $game_link.attr('href').replace(/^game\.php\?id=/g, '');
data.times = times.map(parseHLTBPlaytime).filter(function(x) { return x !== null; });
expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+appid] = data;
activeRequests -= 1;
} catch(err) {
errorFn({"status": response.status, "responseText": response.responseText, "error": err.message});
"onabort": errorFn,
"onerror": errorFn,
"ontimeout": errorFn
var cacheJSONValue = function(key, value) {
GM_setValue(key, JSON.stringify(value));
var updateTime = new Date();
GM_setValue(LAST_CACHE_KEY, updateTime.getTime());
(function() {
'use strict';
var $featured_table = $(".featured__table"),
$featured_table_col1 = $featured_table.children(":first-child"),
$featured_table_col2 = $featured_table.children(":last-child");
var $left_row_1 = $('<div class="featured__table__row"></div>'),
$left_row_2 = $('<div class="featured__table__row"></div>'),
$left_row_3 = $('<div class="featured__table__row"></div>'),
$right_row_1 = $('<div class="featured__table__row"></div>'),
$right_row_2 = $('<div class="featured__table__row"></div>'),
$right_row_3 = $('<div class="featured__table__row"></div>');
$hltb_status_container.append('<label style="margin-right: 0.5em" for="disable_hltb">Disable HLTB enrichment?</label>');
$left_row_1.append('<div class="featured__table__row__left">Average and Total Playtime</div>');
$left_row_2.append('<div class="featured__table__row__left">Games with any Playtime</div>');
$left_row_3.append('<div class="featured__table__row__left">Games with Playtime...</div>');
$hltb_left_row.append('<div class="featured__table__row__left">Compared to HLTB Estimates</div>');
$right_row_1.append('<div class="featured__table__row__left">Avg. Achievement Percentage</div>');
$right_row_2.append('<div class="featured__table__row__left">Games with ≥1 Achievement</div>');
var $achievement_games = $('<div class="featured__table__row__left">Achievement Rates </div>');
if(GM_getValue(CHART_TEXT_PREFERENCE, "text") == "text") {
} else {
if(GM_getValue(DISABLE_HLTB_KEY, false)) {
$disable_hltb.prop("checked", true);
} else {
$disable_hltb.prop("checked", false);
updatePage(GM_getValue(LAST_CACHE_KEY) ? new Date(GM_getValue(LAST_CACHE_KEY)) : null);
$disable_hltb.change(function(e) {
GM_setValue(DISABLE_HLTB_KEY, this.checked);
$chart_text_switch.click(function(e) {
if(GM_getValue(CHART_TEXT_PREFERENCE, "text") == "text") {
// switch to chart
GM_setValue(CHART_TEXT_PREFERENCE, "chart");
} else {
// switch to text
$key_button.click(function(e) {
STEAM_API_KEY = prompt('Please provide your Steam API key');
while(STEAM_API_KEY !== "" && STEAM_API_KEY !== null && !API_KEY_REGEXP.test(STEAM_API_KEY)) {
STEAM_API_KEY = prompt('Please provide your valid Steam API key');
$rm_key_link.click(function(e) {
playtimeCache = {};
achievementCache = {};
winsCache = {};
subAppIdsCache = {};
expectedPlaytimeCache = {};
$fetch_button.click(function(e) {
activeRequests = 0;
errorCount = 0;
run_status = "PLAYTIMES";
fetchGamePlaytimes(userID64, function() {
run_status = "WON_GAMES";
cacheJSONValue(PLAYTIME_CACHE_KEY, playtimeCache);
fetchWon(1, function() {
var intervalId = setInterval(function() {
if(activeRequests === 0) {
run_status = "ACHIEVEMENTS";
cacheJSONValue(WINS_CACHE_KEY, winsCache);
cacheJSONValue(SUB_APPID_CACHE_KEY, subAppIdsCache);
var i = 0;
$.each(winsCache, function(id, details) {
activeRequests += 1;
if(details.name) {
setTimeout(fetchAchievementStatsFn(details.appid, userID64), i * 50);
// only update individual games expected playtime cache if tha data is missing or >30 days old
if(!GM_getValue(DISABLE_HLTB_KEY, false) && (!expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+details.appid] || expectedPlaytimeCache['a'+details.appid].cache_date < Date.now() - 2592000000)) {
activeRequests += 1;
setTimeout(fetchExpectedPlaytimes(details.appid, details.name), i * 1000); // rate limit data requests
} else if(details.appid) {
setTimeout(fetchAchievementStatsFn(details.appid, userID64), i * 50);
} else { // if details is not an object with an attribute name or an appid, it's probably an appid itself
setTimeout(fetchAchievementStatsFn(details, userID64), i * 50);
// increment delay to try to prevent overloading of Steam API
i += 1;
intervalId = setInterval(function() {
if(activeRequests === 0) {
run_status = "STOPPED";
cacheJSONValue(ACHIEVEMENT_CACHE_KEY, achievementCache);
cacheJSONValue(EXPECTED_PLAYTIME_CACHE_KEY, expectedPlaytimeCache);
console.log("Errors during API queries:", errorCount);
} else {
console.log("Active achievement requests:", activeRequests);
}, 500);
} else {
console.log("Active game requests:", activeRequests);
}, 250);