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Fake Kahn Academy Hack

Fake kahn hack ; jt3ch.net

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.6.0 2019-07-17 Fixed not loading if your internet succ
  • v1.0.0 2019-04-23 After years of letting this be, i've decided to make one final update with my new found knowledge of javascript :p!
  • v0.8.1 2019-04-23 After years of letting this be, i've decided to make one final update with my new found knowledge of javascript :p!
  • v0.8.0 2019-04-23 After years of letting this be, i've decided to make one final update with my new found knowledge of javascript :p!
  • v0.7.2 2018-03-23 Exaclty 7.1 But, With a twist :O, Added credit to console.log :>
  • v0.7.1 2018-03-23 0.7 Was a lie :>, actually fixed main page not having energy points affected...
  • v0.7 2018-03-22 0.7: Fixed Hompage Glitch, It wouldn't run points on the khanacademy.org dashboard page, it would only do it in a skill... But now it displays everywhere
  • v0.6 2018-01-03 Good new update! :: Version 0.6 Now enables the ability to set energy points on ALL khan academy pages instead of just the home!
  • v0.5 2018-01-03 Nothing much has changed in this version, it was just a crediting in the web console and also a test if your internet is too slow to run the script...
  • v0.4 2017-12-22
  • v0.3 2017-12-06