Adds movie ratings and number of voters to any imdb link on any webpage. Modified version of And from [StackOverflow community (especially Brock Adams)]
// ==UserScript== // @name add IMDb rating & votes next to all IMDb Movie/Series Links (Working 2024 on new view) // @description Adds movie ratings and number of voters to any imdb link on any webpage. Modified version of And from [StackOverflow community (especially Brock Adams)] // @author [StackOverflow community (especially Brock Adams)] // @version 2024-03-09 // @include * // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @namespace Extra2020 // ==/UserScript== var maxLinksAtATime = 38; //-- pages can have 100's of links to fetch. Don't spam server or browser. var fetchedLinkCnt = 0; function processIMDB_Links () { //--- Get only links that could be to IMBD movie/TV pages. var linksToIMBD_Shows = document.querySelectorAll ("a[href*='/title/']"); for (var J = 0, L = linksToIMBD_Shows.length; J < L; J++) { var currentLink = linksToIMBD_Shows[J]; /*--- Strict tests for the correct IMDB link to keep from spamming the page with erroneous r###lts. if ( ! /^(?:www\.)?IMDB\.com$/i.test (currentLink.hostname) || ! /^\/title\/tt\d+\/?$/i.test (currentLink.pathname) || ! /nm_knf_t_/i.test (currentLink.pathname) ) */ if ( ! /^(?:www\.)?IMDB\.com$/i.test (currentLink.hostname) || ! /^\/title\/tt\d+\/?$/i.test (currentLink.pathname)) continue; if (! currentLink.getAttribute ("data-gm-fetched") ){ if (fetchedLinkCnt >= maxLinksAtATime){ //--- Position the "continue" button. = 'inline'; currentLink.parentNode.insertBefore (continueBttn, currentLink); break; } fetchTargetLink (currentLink); //-- AJAX-in the ratings for a given link. //---Mark the link with a data attribute, so we know it's been fetched. currentLink.setAttribute ("data-gm-fetched", "true"); fetchedLinkCnt++; } } } function fetchTargetLink (linkNode) { //--- This function provides a closure so that the callbacks can work correctly. /*--- Must either call AJAX in a closure or pass a context. But Tampermonkey does not implement context correctly! (Tries to JSON serialize a DOM node.) */ GM_xmlhttpRequest ( { method: 'get', url: linkNode.href, //context: linkNode, onload: function (response) { prependIMDB_Rating (response, linkNode); }, onabort: function (response) { prependIMDB_Rating (response, linkNode); } } ); } function prependIMDB_Rating (resp, targetLink) { var isError = true; var ratingTxt = "*Err!"; var colnumber = 0; var justrate =0; var votess=""; var color="#ddd"; if (resp.status != 200 && resp.status != 304) { ratingTxt = '** ' + resp.status + ' Error!'; } else { // var parser = new DOMParser(); // var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(resp.responseText, "application/xml"); var votesM = resp.responseText.match (/gPVQxL">(.*)<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/span><\/a><\/div><div data-testid="hero-rating-bar__user-rating/); var ratingM = resp.responseText.match (/cMEQkK">(.*)<\/span><span>\/<!-- -->10<\/span><\/div><div class=\"sc-bde20123-5/); //console.log(ratingM); //console.log(votesM); isError = false; justrate = ratingM[1].substring(0,3); votess = votesM[1].substring(0,4); ratingTxt =justrate + " - " + votess+ " "; colnumber = Math.floor(justrate); } color = ["#Faa","#Faa","#Faa","#F88", "#F88","#FAA", "#FF7","#7E7", "#5e5", "#0e0", "#ddd"] var resltSpan = document.createElement ("span"); resltSpan.innerHTML = '<b><font style="color:black; background-color:'+ color[colnumber] + ';">' + ratingTxt + '</font></b> '; // resltSpan.innerHTML = '<b><font style="background-color:' + justrate + '">' + ' [' + ratingTxt + '] </font></b> '; if (isError) = 'red'; //var targetLink = resp.context; //console.log ("targetLink: ", targetLink); targetLink.parentNode.insertBefore (resltSpan, targetLink); } //--- Create the continue button var continueBttn = document.createElement ("button"); continueBttn.innerHTML = "continueRatings"; continueBttn.addEventListener ("click", function (){ fetchedLinkCnt = 0; = 'none'; processIMDB_Links (); }, false ); processIMDB_Links ();