A userscript that makes rare cryptokitty cattributes more noticeable.
While viewing a specific cryptokitty page:
- The Cattribute labels will include the count of cattributes as shown on cryptokittydex.
- Cattribute names will be colored based on their rarity:
- Gold, if there are between 1 - 10 cats.
- Purple, if between 11 - 100 cats.
- Orange, if between 101 - 500 cats.
- Blue, if between 501 - 1,000 cats.
- Green, if between 1,001 - 10,000 cats.
- Silver, if between 10,001 - 100,000 cats.
- Black, if greater than 100,001 cats.
- Hover over the label count and it will display the date and time of the last update of the script from CryptoKittydex.


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