Turns the like bar green and makes it higher, works as of 14-Aug-2021
IMPORTANT NOTE: you will soon lose the like/dislike ratio bar, and dislike count, due to YT update that removes them (if you didn't already, it's rolled out in waves). This script is now useless. In a few more weeks I will overwrite it with an empty one and then delete it, or maybe make it make the buttons colored, and that will be it. More information from YT itself on: https://blog.youtube/news-and-events/update-to-youtube/
It makes the likes/dislikes bar green and red and more visible but it doesn't affect the layout at all.
Updated and working (on my Firefox/GreaseMonkey) as of 17-Oct-2021. Let me know of any problems on Chrome/TamperMonkey, etc.