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OB Onekey-Info-Generator

Ourbits 一键获取信息

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         OB Onekey-Info-Generator
// @namespace    [email protected]
// @version      2018061002
// @description  Ourbits 一键获取信息
// @author       Exhen
// @match        https://ourbits.club/upload.php*
// @match        http://ourbits.club/upload.php*
// @match        https://ourbits.club/offers.php?add_offer=1*
// @match        http://ourbits.club/offers.php?add_offer=1*
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_setClipboard
// @icon         https://ourbits.club/favicon.ico
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_download
// @require      http://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js
// @require      https://cdn.bootcss.com/jqueryui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js
// @connect      *
// ==/UserScript==
var getDoc = function (url, meta, callback) {
method: 'GET',
url: url,
headers: {
'User-agent': window.navigator.userAgent,
'Content-type': null
onload: function (responseDetail) {
var doc;
doc = '';
if (responseDetail.status == 200) {
doc = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(responseDetail.responseText, 'text/html');
if (doc == undefined) {
doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
doc.querySelector('html').innerHTML = responseText;
callback(doc, responseDetail, meta);
var getBlob = function (url, referer, callback) {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'User-agent': window.navigator.userAgent,
'Content-type': null,
'referer': referer
responseType: 'blob',
onload: function (responseDetail) {
if (responseDetail.status >= 200 && responseDetail.status < 300) {
var compressImg = function (file, options, callback) {
imgtype = 'image/jpeg';
var self = this;
// 用FileReader读取文件
var reader = new FileReader();
// 将图片读取为base64
reader.onload = function (evt) {
var base64 = evt.target.r###lt;
// 创建图片对象
var img = new Image();
// 用图片对象加载读入的base64
img.src = base64;
img.onload = function () {
var that = this,
canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.setAttribute('width', that.width);
canvas.setAttribute('height', that.height);
// 将图片画入canvas
ctx.drawImage(that, 0, 0, that.width, that.height);
// 压缩到指定体积以下(M)
if (options.size) {
var scale = 0.9;
(function f(scale) {
if (base64.length / #### / #### > options.size && scale > 0) {
base64 = canvas.toDataURL(imgtype, scale);
scale = scale - 0.1;
} else {
} else if (options.scale) {
// 按比率压缩
base64 = canvas.toDataURL(imgtype, options.scale);
var postAttach = function (blob, filename, callback) {
compressImg(blob, { "size": 2 }, function (base64) {
var base64Arr = base64.split(',');
var imgtype = '';
var base64String = '';
if (base64Arr.length > 1) {
base64String = base64Arr[1];
imgtype = base64Arr[0].substring(base64Arr[0].indexOf(':') + 1, base64Arr[0].indexOf(';'));
// 将base64解码
var bytes = atob(base64String);
//var bytes = base64;
var bytesCode = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length);
// 转换为类型化数组
var byteArray = new Uint8Array(bytesCode);
// 将base64转换为ascii码
for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
byteArray[i] = bytes.charCodeAt(i);
// 生成Blob对象(文件对象)
blob = new Blob([bytesCode], { type: imgtype });
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', blob, filename);
xhr.open('POST', '/attachment.php');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && xhr.status === 200) {
let match = xhr.responseText.match(/(?<=\[attach\]).*(?=\[\/attach\])/);
if (match) callback(match);
var postAttach_picgd = function (blob, filename, callback) {
getDoc('https://www.picgd.com', null, function (doc, res, meta) {
var auth_token = res.responseText.match(/(?<=auth_token=).*(?=")/);
var myDate=new Date();
var formDataTest = new FormData();
formDataTest.append('source', blob, filename);
formDataTest.append('type', 'file');
formDataTest.append('action', 'upload');
formDataTest.append('timestamp', myDate.getTime());
formDataTest.append('auth_token', auth_token);
formDataTest.append('nsfw', '0');
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://www.picgd.com/json',
headers: {
'User-agent': window.navigator.userAgent,
data: formDataTest,
onload: function (responseDetail) {
let name = JSON.parse(responseDetail.responseText).image.file.resource.chain.image.slice(14);
callback( responseDetail.status,JSON.parse(responseDetail.responseText).error.message);
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '豆瓣链接' }).parent().addClass('douban');
var douban_button = $('<input type="button" class="douban_button" value="一键填写">');
douban_button.click(function () {
var dburl = $('input[name="dburl"]')[0].value;
var method = $('input[name="method"]:checked')[0].value;
var pic_source=$('input[name="pic_source"]:checked')[0].value;
getDoc(dburl, null, function (doc, res, meta) {
var douban_id = dburl.split('/')[4];
var title_cn = $('#content > h1 > span', doc)[0].textContent.split(' ').shift();
var director = $('div.article #info span.attrs:first', doc).text();
var imdburl = $('div#info a[href^=\'http://www.imdb.com/title/tt\']', doc).attr('href');
var moive_info = '';
if (title_cn) { moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎片  名 ' + title_cn.replace(/ \/ /g, '\n      ' ); }
var title_aka = $('div.article #info', doc).contents().filter(function () {
return (this.nodeType === 3) && ($(this).prev().text() == "又名:");
}).text().trim().replace(/ \/ /g, '/');
if (title_aka) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎又  名 ' + title_aka;
var year = $('#content > h1 > span.year', doc).text().substr(1, 4);
if (year) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎年  代 ' + year;
var region = $('div.article #info', doc).contents().filter(function () {
return (this.nodeType === 3) && ($(this).prev().text() == "制片国家/地区:");
}).text().trim().replace(/ \/ /g, '/');
if (region) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎产  地 ' + region;
var genre = '';
$('div.article #info span[property="v:genre"]', doc).each(function () { genre += $(this).text() + '/' });
if (genre) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎类  别 ' + genre.slice(0, -1);
var language = $('div.article #info', doc).contents().filter(function () {
return (this.nodeType === 3) && ($(this).prev().text() == "语言:");
}).text().trim().replace(/ \/ /g, '/');
if (language) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎语  言 ' + language;
var releaseDate = '';
$('div.article #info [property="v:initialReleaseDate"]', doc).each(function () {
releaseDate += $(this).text() + '/';
if (releaseDate) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎上映日期 ' + releaseDate.slice(0, -1);
var doubanRating = $('strong.rating_num.ll', doc).text();
if (doubanRating) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎豆瓣评分 ' + doubanRating + '/10 from ' + $('a.rating_people span', doc).text().replace(/\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+(\.\d*)?$)/g, '$&,') + ' users';
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎豆瓣链接 ' + dburl;
var duration = $('div.article #info', doc).contents().filter(function () {
return ($(this).prev().attr('property') == "v:runtime") || ($(this).prev().text() == "片长:");
if (duration) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎片  长 ' + duration;
var director = $('div.article #info span.attrs:first', doc).text().replace(/ \/ /g, '\n      ' );
if (director) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎导  演 ' + director;
var actors = $('div.article #info span.actor span.attrs', doc).contents().filter(function () {
return $(this).attr("class") !== "more-actor";
}).text().replace(/ \/ /g, '\n      ' );
if (actors) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎主  演 ' + actors;
var intro = $('div.article div.related-info [property="v:summary"]', doc).text().replace(/ \n/g, '').replace(/ /g, '');
if (intro) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n\n◎简  介\n' + intro;
var award = '';
$('ul.award', doc).each(function () {
$(this).find('li').each(function () {
award += $(this).text().replace(/\n/g, ' ').replace(/ +/g, '') + ' ';
award += '\n  '
if (award) {
moive_info = moive_info + '\n◎获奖情况\n\n  ' + award;
getDoc(imdburl, null, function (doc_imdb, res, meta) {
var imdb_rating = $('span[itemprop=ratingValue]', doc_imdb).text();
if (imdb_rating) {
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val($('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val().replace(/◎豆瓣评分/, '◎IMDb评分 ' + imdb_rating + '/10 from ' + $('span[itemprop=ratingCount]', doc_imdb).text() + ' users' + '\n◎IMDb链接 ' + imdburl + '\n◎豆瓣评分'));
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val(`[quote]请在这里上传海报并把本行文字删掉[/quote]\n[quote]${moive_info}\n[/quote]\n[quote][font=Courier New]\n请在这里补充INFO信息并把本行文字删掉\n[/quote]`);
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return ($(this).text() == 'IMDb链接')||$(this).text() == 'IMDB链接' }).parent().find('input')[0].value = imdburl;
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '副标题' }).parent().find('input')[0].value = title_cn + ' ' + $('div.article #info span.attrs:first', doc).text().replace(/ \/ /g,'/') + '导演作品';
//console.log(title_cn, ' ', director, '导演作品');
if (method == 'none') return;
var posterAnchor = $('#mainpic img', doc);
if (posterAnchor.attr('src') && (posterAnchor.attr('title') !== '点击上传封面图片')) {
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val($('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val().replace(/请在这里上传海报并把本行文字删掉/, '已经找到可用海报,正在自动下载。'));
var get_image_and_upload=function(url){
getBlob(url, dburl, function (blob) {
if (!blob) {
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val($('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val().replace(/已经找到可用海报,正在自动下载。/, '自动下载海报失败,请自行上传海报并把本行文字删掉。'));
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val($('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val().replace(/已经找到可用海报,正在自动下载。/, '已成功下载海报,正在上传到OB服务器。'));
if (method == 'picgd') {
postAttach_picgd(blob, url.split('/')[7], function (status,name) {
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val($('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val().replace(/已成功下载海报,正在上传到OB服务器。/, '[img]https://' + name + '[/img]'));
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val($('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val().replace(/已成功下载海报,正在上传到OB服务器。/, '上传到picgd时发生错误:'+name ));
else if (method == 'attach') {
postAttach(blob, url.split('/')[7], function (attach_id) {
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val($('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val().replace(/已成功下载海报,正在上传到OB服务器。/, '[attach]' + attach_id + '[/attach]'));
var postersUrl = 'https://movie.douban.com/subject/' + douban_id + '/photos?type=R&start=0&sortby=size&size=a&subtype=o';
getDoc(postersUrl, null, function (doc1, res, meta) {
var aPosterUrl = $('.article > ul > li:nth-child(1) > div.cover > a', doc1).attr('href');
getDoc(aPosterUrl, null, function (doc2, res, meta) {
var hdPosterAnchor = $('span.magnifier > a', doc2);
if (hdPosterAnchor.attr('href') == '#') {
$('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val($('form#compose td').filter(function () { return $(this).text() == '简介*' }).parent().find('textarea').val().replace(/已经找到可用海报,正在自动下载。/, '未登录豆瓣,无法自动下载海报,请手动登陆豆瓣后重试,或自行上传海报并把本行文字删掉。'));
// get the posters page's URL via movie.douban.com's customs
//alert( $(this).prev()[0].value);
$('.douban td:last input').after(douban_button).after('<br>').after('<br>图片来源选择:<input type="radio" name="pic_source" value="fast" checked>直接用头图(匹配度高、速度快) <input type="radio" name="pic_source" value="size">优先大尺寸(稍慢)').after('<br>上传方式选择:<input type="radio" name="method" value="attach" checked>上传到附件(速度快,体积最大2M) <input type="radio" name="method" value="picgd">上传到OB图床(无体积限制,速度慢) <input type="radio" name="method" value="none">不自动上传图片');