Displays formulas using MathJax in VK messages
// ==UserScript== // @name MathJax for VKontakte // @namespace http://www.mathjax.org/ // @version 0.02 // @description Displays formulas using MathJax in VK messages // @include https://vk.com/im* // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // ***********THIS WAS STOLEN FROM https://openuserjs.org/scripts/copyme/MathJax_for_Evernote and slightly altered*********** // 0.02 -- some improvments from GmailTex - http://alexeev.org/gmailtex.html // 0.01 -- this is just a modification of script from http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/dynamic.html function va_lmj(){ var co = 'MathJax.Hub.Startup.onload();' ; var ch = ' MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End Config",function(){'+ 'MathJax.Hub.Config({'+ ' showProcessingMessages: true,'+ 'delayStartupUntil: "onload",'+ 'tex2jax: {'+ ' inlineMath: [ [\'$\',\'$\'], ["\\\\(","\\\\)"] ],' + ' processEscapes: true,'+ '},'+ 'TeX: {'+ 'Macros: {'+ 'A: "{\\\\mathbb A}",'+ 'B: "{\\\\mathbb B}",'+ 'C: "{\\\\mathbb C}",'+ 'D: "{\\\\mathbb D}",'+ 'E: "{\\\\mathbb E}",'+ 'F: "{\\\\mathbb F}",'+ 'G: "{\\\\mathbb G}",'+ 'H: "{\\\\mathbb H}",'+ 'I: "{\\\\mathbb I}",'+ 'J: "{\\\\mathbb J}",'+ 'K: "{\\\\mathbb K}",'+ 'L: "{\\\\mathbb L}",'+ 'M: "{\\\\mathbb M}",'+ 'N: "{\\\\mathbb N}",'+ 'O: "{\\\\mathcal O}",'+ 'P: "{\\\\mathbb P}",'+ 'Q: "{\\\\mathbb Q}",'+ 'R: "{\\\\mathbb R}",'+ 'S: "{\\\\mathbb S}",'+ 'T: "{\\\\mathbb T}",'+ 'U: "{\\\\mathbb U}",'+ 'V: "{\\\\mathbb V}",'+ 'W: "{\\\\mathbb W}",'+ 'X: "{\\\\mathbb X}",'+ 'Y: "{\\\\mathbb Y}",'+ 'Z: "{\\\\mathbb Z}",'+ 'AA: "{\\\\mathbb A}",'+ 'BB: "{\\\\mathbb B}",'+ 'CC: "{\\\\mathbb C}",'+ 'DD: "{\\\\mathbb D}",'+ 'EE: "{\\\\mathbb E}",'+ 'FF: "{\\\\mathbb F}",'+ 'GG: "{\\\\mathbb G}",'+ 'HH: "{\\\\mathbb H}",'+ 'II: "{\\\\mathbb I}",'+ 'JJ: "{\\\\mathbb J}",'+ 'KK: "{\\\\mathbb K}",'+ 'LL: "{\\\\mathbb L}",'+ 'MM: "{\\\\mathbb M}",'+ 'NN: "{\\\\mathbb N}",'+ 'OO: "{\\\\mathcal O}",'+ 'PP: "{\\\\mathbb P}",'+ 'QQ: "{\\\\mathbb Q}",'+ 'RR: "{\\\\mathbb R}",'+ 'SS: "{\\\\mathbb S}",'+ 'TT: "{\\\\mathbb T}",'+ 'UU: "{\\\\mathbb U}",'+ 'VV: "{\\\\mathbb V}",'+ 'WW: "{\\\\mathbb W}",'+ 'XX: "{\\\\mathbb X}",'+ 'YY: "{\\\\mathbb Y}",'+ 'ZZ: "{\\\\mathbb Z}",'+ 'bA: "{\\\\mathbb A}",'+ 'bB: "{\\\\mathbb B}",'+ 'bC: "{\\\\mathbb C}",'+ 'bD: "{\\\\mathbb D}",'+ 'bE: "{\\\\mathbb E}",'+ 'bF: "{\\\\mathbb F}",'+ 'bG: "{\\\\mathbb G}",'+ 'bH: "{\\\\mathbb H}",'+ 'bI: "{\\\\mathbb I}",'+ 'bJ: "{\\\\mathbb J}",'+ 'bK: "{\\\\mathbb K}",'+ 'bL: "{\\\\mathbb L}",'+ 'bM: "{\\\\mathbb M}",'+ 'bN: "{\\\\mathbb N}",'+ 'bO: "{\\\\mathbb O}",'+ 'bP: "{\\\\mathbb P}",'+ 'bQ: "{\\\\mathbb Q}",'+ 'bR: "{\\\\mathbb R}",'+ 'bS: "{\\\\mathbb S}",'+ 'bT: "{\\\\mathbb T}",'+ 'bU: "{\\\\mathbb U}",'+ 'bV: "{\\\\mathbb V}",'+ 'bW: "{\\\\mathbb W}",'+ 'bX: "{\\\\mathbb X}",'+ 'bY: "{\\\\mathbb Y}",'+ 'bZ: "{\\\\mathbb Z}",'+ 'bbA: "{\\\\mathbb A}",'+ 'bbB: "{\\\\mathbb B}",'+ '###: "{\\\\mathbb C}",'+ 'bbD: "{\\\\mathbb D}",'+ 'bbE: "{\\\\mathbb E}",'+ 'bbF: "{\\\\mathbb F}",'+ 'bbG: "{\\\\mathbb G}",'+ 'bbH: "{\\\\mathbb H}",'+ 'bbI: "{\\\\mathbb I}",'+ 'bbJ: "{\\\\mathbb J}",'+ 'bbK: "{\\\\mathbb K}",'+ 'bbL: "{\\\\mathbb L}",'+ 'bbM: "{\\\\mathbb M}",'+ 'bbN: "{\\\\mathbb N}",'+ 'bbO: "{\\\\mathbb O}",'+ 'bbP: "{\\\\mathbb P}",'+ 'bbQ: "{\\\\mathbb Q}",'+ 'bbR: "{\\\\mathbb R}",'+ 'bbS: "{\\\\mathbb S}",'+ 'bbT: "{\\\\mathbb T}",'+ 'bbU: "{\\\\mathbb U}",'+ 'bbV: "{\\\\mathbb V}",'+ 'bbW: "{\\\\mathbb W}",'+ 'bbX: "{\\\\mathbb X}",'+ 'bbY: "{\\\\mathbb Y}",'+ 'bbZ: "{\\\\mathbb Z}",'+ 'cA: "{\\\\mathcal A}",'+ 'cB: "{\\\\mathcal B}",'+ 'cC: "{\\\\mathcal C}",'+ 'cD: "{\\\\mathcal D}",'+ 'cE: "{\\\\mathcal E}",'+ 'cF: "{\\\\mathcal F}",'+ 'cG: "{\\\\mathcal G}",'+ 'cH: "{\\\\mathcal H}",'+ 'cI: "{\\\\mathcal I}",'+ 'cJ: "{\\\\mathcal J}",'+ 'cK: "{\\\\mathcal K}",'+ 'cL: "{\\\\mathcal L}",'+ 'cM: "{\\\\mathcal M}",'+ 'cN: "{\\\\mathcal N}",'+ 'cO: "{\\\\mathcal O}",'+ 'OO: "{\\\\mathcal O}",'+ 'cP: "{\\\\mathcal P}",'+ 'cQ: "{\\\\mathcal Q}",'+ 'cR: "{\\\\mathcal R}",'+ 'cS: "{\\\\mathcal S}",'+ 'cT: "{\\\\mathcal T}",'+ 'cU: "{\\\\mathcal U}",'+ 'cV: "{\\\\mathcal V}",'+ 'cW: "{\\\\mathcal W}",'+ 'cX: "{\\\\mathcal X}",'+ 'cY: "{\\\\mathcal Y}",'+ 'cZ: "{\\\\mathcal Z}",'+ 'bfA: "{\\\\mathbf A}",'+ 'bfB: "{\\\\mathbf B}",'+ 'bfC: "{\\\\mathbf C}",'+ 'bfD: "{\\\\mathbf D}",'+ 'bfE: "{\\\\mathbf E}",'+ 'bfF: "{\\\\mathbf F}",'+ 'bfG: "{\\\\mathbf G}",'+ 'bfH: "{\\\\mathbf H}",'+ 'bfI: "{\\\\mathbf I}",'+ 'bfJ: "{\\\\mathbf J}",'+ 'bfK: "{\\\\mathbf K}",'+ 'bfL: "{\\\\mathbf L}",'+ 'bfM: "{\\\\mathbf M}",'+ 'bfN: "{\\\\mathbf N}",'+ 'bfO: "{\\\\mathbf O}",'+ 'bfP: "{\\\\mathbf P}",'+ 'bfQ: "{\\\\mathbf Q}",'+ 'bfR: "{\\\\mathbf R}",'+ 'bfS: "{\\\\mathbf S}",'+ 'bfT: "{\\\\mathbf T}",'+ 'bfU: "{\\\\mathbf U}",'+ 'bfV: "{\\\\mathbf V}",'+ 'bfW: "{\\\\mathbf W}",'+ 'bfX: "{\\\\mathbf X}",'+ 'bfY: "{\\\\mathbf Y}",'+ 'bfZ: "{\\\\mathbf Z}",'+ 'fA: "{\\\\mathfrak A}",'+ 'fB: "{\\\\mathfrak B}",'+ 'fC: "{\\\\mathfrak C}",'+ 'fD: "{\\\\mathfrak D}",'+ 'fE: "{\\\\mathfrak E}",'+ 'fF: "{\\\\mathfrak F}",'+ 'fG: "{\\\\mathfrak G}",'+ 'fH: "{\\\\mathfrak H}",'+ 'fI: "{\\\\mathfrak I}",'+ 'fJ: "{\\\\mathfrak J}",'+ 'fK: "{\\\\mathfrak K}",'+ 'fL: "{\\\\mathfrak L}",'+ 'fM: "{\\\\mathfrak M}",'+ 'fN: "{\\\\mathfrak N}",'+ 'fO: "{\\\\mathfrak O}",'+ 'fP: "{\\\\mathfrak P}",'+ 'fQ: "{\\\\mathfrak Q}",'+ 'fR: "{\\\\mathfrak R}",'+ 'fS: "{\\\\mathfrak S}",'+ 'fT: "{\\\\mathfrak T}",'+ 'fU: "{\\\\mathfrak U}",'+ 'fV: "{\\\\mathfrak V}",'+ 'fW: "{\\\\mathfrak W}",'+ 'fX: "{\\\\mathfrak X}",'+ 'fY: "{\\\\mathfrak Y}",'+ 'fZ: "{\\\\mathfrak Z}",'+ 'iso: "{\\\\simeq}",'+ 'reals: "{\\\\mathbb{R}}",'+ 'm: "{\\\\mathfrak{m}}",'+ 'p: "{\\\\mathfrak{p}}",'+ 'Sp: "{\\\\operatorname{Sp}}",'+ 'SL: "{\\\\operatorname{SL}}",'+ 'GL: "{\\\\operatorname{GL}}",'+ 'Ass: "{\\\\operatorname{Ass}}",'+ 'Aut: "{\\\\operatorname{Aut}}",'+ 'End: "{\\\\operatorname{End}}",'+ 'Gal: "{\\\\operatorname{Gal}}",'+ 'Gr: "{\\\\operatorname{Gr}}",'+ 'gr: "{\\\\operatorname{gr}}",'+ 'Pic: "{\\\\operatorname{Pic}}",'+ 'Supp: "{\\\\operatorname{Supp}}",'+ 'Spec: "{\\\\operatorname{Spec}}",'+ 'Proj: "{\\\\operatorname{Proj}}",'+ 'eps: "{\\\\varepsilon}",'+ 'dag: "{\\\\dagger}" '+ '},'+ ' noErrors: {'+ ' inlineDelimiters: ["",""],'+ ' multiLine: true,'+ ' style: {'+ ' "font-size": "90%",'+ ' "color": "red",'+ ' "border": ""'+ ' }'+ ' },'+ 'noUndefined: {'+ ' attributes: {'+ ' mathcolor: "black",'+ ' }'+ '}'+ '},'+ '"HTML-CSS": { }'+ '});'+ '});'; var s = document.createElement("script"); s.type = "text/x-mathjax-config"; var config = co + ch; if (window.opera) {s.innerHTML = config} else {s.text = config}; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); var s2 = document.createElement("script"); s2.type = "text/javascript"; s2.src = 'https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s2); } if (typeof (typeof window.unsafeWindow == 'undefined' ? window : unsafeWindow).MathJax == 'undefined') { va_lmj(); }