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YouTube to MP3 Downloader Button

Adds a download button to YouTube videos which allows you to download the MP3 of the video with MediaHuman YouTube to MP3

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         YouTube to MP3 Downloader Button
// @description  Adds a download button to YouTube videos which allows you to download the MP3 of the video with MediaHuman YouTube to MP3
// @author       FaySmash
// @include      http*://*.youtube.com/*
// @include      http*://youtube.com/*
// @include      http*://*.youtu.be/*
// @include      http*://youtu.be/*
// @run-at       document-end
// @version      2.1
// @namespace    youtube.to.mp3.downloader.button
// ==/UserScript==
function AddButton() {
var subscribeButton = document.querySelectorAll("ytd-subscribe-button-renderer.ytd-watch-metadata");
var downloadButton = document.createElement("button");
if (typeof downloadButton !== "undefined"){
downloadButton.id = "downloadButton"
downloadButton.style.width = "36px";
downloadButton.style.height = "36px";
downloadButton.style.border = "0";
downloadButton.style.borderRadius = "18px";
downloadButton.style.cursor = "pointer";
downloadButton.style.fontFamily = "inherit";
downloadButton.style.fontWeight = "bold";
downloadButton.style.marginLeft = "8px";
downloadButton.style.fontSize = "x-large";
downloadButton.onclick = function() {
document.location.href = 'yt2mp3://' + (location.href);
if (typeof subscribeButton[0] !== "undefined"){
setInterval(function() {
if (document.getElementById("info") && document.getElementById("downloadButton") === null)
}, 100);