Download images from weibo with user-id and weibo-id in its filename. filname format xxx_wb_uid_wid
Add a Download Image button at the top right corner to every weibo.
You can input a name in the input box on the right of the button.
And you can control which image to dowanload by input @number after the name, see the example
The images of that weibo will be downloaded as name_wb_uid_wid_ind.jpg, where ind is the index.
And the original weibo can be restored as
Input @123 at, get the 1,2,3th image saved as wb_123_qwer_x.jpg, where x=0,1,2;
xyz, get all images saved as xyz_wb_123_qwer_x.jpg
xyz@9, get the 9th image saves as xyz_wb_123_qwer_0.jpg
The script fails in some weibo, with console printing
The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header has a value '' that is not equal to the supplied origin. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access