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Instagram Keyboard Shortcuts

Helps you like/follow/browse in Instagram ultra-fast via numpad; use keys Numpad 7/9 for next/previous picture, for posts with multiple pictures use Numpad 1/3 for next/previous picture. Numpad 4/6 cycle through pictures in multiple picture post as well. Numpad 8 for Like/Unlike, Numpad 5 for play/pause video ...Update of script made by https://www.instagram.com/dunkel####

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Instagram Keyboard Shortcuts
// @description Helps you like/follow/browse in Instagram ultra-fast via numpad; use keys Numpad 7/9 for next/previous picture, for posts with multiple pictures use Numpad 1/3 for next/previous picture. Numpad 4/6 cycle through pictures in multiple picture post as well.  Numpad 8 for Like/Unlike, Numpad 5 for play/pause video ...Update of script made by https://www.instagram.com/dunkel####
// @namespace   https://www.instagram.com/bigjim963
// @icon        https://www.instagram.com/favicon.ico
// @include     https://www.instagram.com/*
// @version     1.0
// @grant       none
// @require     https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
// Based on "Simple Instagram Like Bot" by JoelDare
// https://www.joeldare.com/wiki/simple_instagram_like_bot
// Make sure you are on the Instagram Paginated Like-Page
// It looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/KB174
// Now Press:
// Numpad 8 for Like/Unlike
// Numpad 5 for play/pause video
// Numpad 9 for next post
// Numpad 7 for prev post
// Numpad 4 for Follow/Unfollow
// Numpad 3 for next image in a post
// Numpad 1 for previous image in a post
// Numpad 6 for next picture in multiple picture post, at end of pictures moves to next post
// Numpad 4 for prev picture in multiple picture post, at start of pictures moves to prev post
function getHeartElement() {
var knownHeartElementNames = [
var i = 0;
// Loop through the known heart elements until one works
for (i = 0; i < knownHeartElementNames.length; i++) {
var heartElement = document.querySelector('.' + knownHeartElementNames[i]);
if (heartElement != undefined) {
return heartElement;
function doLike() {
var nextElement = document.querySelector('.coreSpriteRightPaginationArrow');
var previousElement = document.querySelector('.coreSpriteLeftPaginationArrow');
var likeElement = getHeartElement();
// If you want auto-next after like, uncomment this
// nextElement.click();
$(document).on('keydown', function (e) {
// Find pagination element for skipping to next pic
var nextElement = document.querySelector('.coreSpriteRightPaginationArrow');
// Find pagination element for skipping to previous pic
var previousElement = document.querySelector('.coreSpriteLeftPaginationArrow');
// Find play button
var playbutton = document.querySelector('.videoSpritePlayButton');
// multiple pics
var nextpic = document.querySelector('.coreSpriteRightChevron');
var prevpic = document.querySelector('.coreSpriteLeftChevron');
// Adding key "numpad 5" for video play/pause
if (e.which == 101) { playbutton.click(); }
// Adding key "numpad 9" for next post
if (e.which == 105) { nextElement.click(); }
// Adding key "numpad 7" for next post
if (e.which == 103) { previousElement.click(); }
// Adding key "numpad 6" for next picture in multiple picture post, at end of pictures moves to next post
if ((e.which == 102) && (nextpic)) { nextpic.click(); }
else if (e.which == 102) { nextElement.click(); }
// Adding key "numpad4" for prev picture in multiple picture post, at start of pictures moves to prev post
if ((e.which == 100) && (prevpic)) { prevpic.click(); }
else if (e.which == 100) { previousElement.click(); }
// Adding key "numpad 3" for next pic in multiple pic post
if (e.which == 99) { nextpic.click(); }
// Adding key "numpad 1" for prev pic in multiple pic post
if (e.which == 97) { prevpic.click(); }
// Adding key "numpad 8" for like/unlike
if (e.which == 104) { doLike(); }