Subscribe all guides in the page from Steam workshop in 1 click
// ==UserScript== // @name Steam Guide Subscribe All // @author popiazaza // @namespace popiazaza // @home-url // @homepageURL // @description Subscribe all guides in the page from Steam workshop in 1 click // @version 1.7 // @include*/myworkshopfiles/?section=guides* // @include*/myworkshopfiles/?section=guides* // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== function dota2workshopsubnext(loaded = 0, subscribe = true) { if ( jQuery(".pagebtn.disabled").length && jQuery(".pagebtn.disabled:first").text() == ">" ) { if (subscribe) { ShowAlertDialog( "Success!", "You have subsribed to " + loaded + " guides!" ).done(function () { window.location = "?section=guides"; }); } else { ShowAlertDialog( "Success!", "You have unsubsribed to " + loaded + " guides!" ).done(function () { window.location = "?section=guides"; }); } } else { jQuery(".pagebtn").each(function () { if (jQuery(this).text() == ">" && jQuery(this).attr("href")) { var thislocation = jQuery(this) .attr("href") .replace(/&d2wg_all=(\d*)/, ""); thislocation = thislocation.replace(/&d2wg_un=(\d*)/, ""); if (subscribe) { window.location = thislocation + "&d2wg_all=" + loaded; } else { window.location = thislocation + "&d2wg_un=" + loaded; } } }); } } function dota2workshopbackfirst(subscribe = true) { thislocation = window.location.href.replace(/&p=(\d*)/, ""); if (subscribe) { window.location = thislocation + "&d2wg_all=" + 999999; } else { window.location = thislocation + "&d2wg_un=" + 999999; } } function dota2workshopsubnownuke() { //dota2workshopsubnow(999999); dota2workshopbackfirst(); } function dota2workshopunsubnow() { dota2workshopsubnow(0, false); } function dota2workshopunsubnownuke() { //dota2workshopsubnow(999999,false); dota2workshopbackfirst(false); } function dota2workshopsubnow(d2wg_all = 0, subscribe = true) { var guideList = []; var subscribedList = []; jQuery("script").each(function () { var guidematch = jQuery(this) .html() .match(/SharedFileBindMouseHover\( "(.*?)", true, (.*?) \);/); if (guidematch) { var guidedetail = JSON.parse(guidematch[2].replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "")); guideList.push(; subscribedList[] = guidedetail.user_subscribed; } }); var i = 0, loaded = 0, package = 0, total = guideList.length, modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( "Executing…", "Please wait until all requests finish. Ignore all the errors, let it finish." ); for (; i < total; i++) { guideid = guideList[i]; //function below doesn't work because steam doesn't support it yet //if( subscribedList[ guideid ] ) //{ // loaded++; // continue; //} if (subscribe) { var subscribeurl = "//"; } else { var subscribeurl = "//"; } jQuery .post(subscribeurl, { appid: 570, id: guideid, sessionid: g_sessionID, }) .always(function () { loaded++; modal.Dismiss(); if (loaded >= total) { if (d2wg_all) { if (d2wg_all !== 999999) { loaded = d2wg_all + loaded; } if (subscribe) { dota2workshopsubnext(loaded); } else { dota2workshopsubnext(loaded, false); } } else { if (subscribe) { ShowAlertDialog( "Success!", "You have subsribed to " + loaded + " guides!" ).done(function () { location.reload(); }); } else { ShowAlertDialog( "Success!", "You have unsubsribed to " + loaded + " guides!" ).done(function () { location.reload(); }); } } } else { modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( "Executing…", "Loaded <b>" + loaded + "</b>/" + total + "." ); } }); } } (function () { if ("d2wg_all=")[1]) { dota2workshopsubnow(parseInt("d2wg_all=")[1])); } else if ("d2wg_un=")[1]) { dota2workshopsubnow(parseInt("d2wg_un=")[1]), false); } jQuery(".followStatsBlock").append( '<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="dota2workshopsuball" class="btn_darkblue_white_innerfade btn_medium"><span>Subscribe all on this page</span></a>' ); document .getElementById("dota2workshopsuball") .addEventListener("click", dota2workshopsubnow, false); jQuery(".followStatsBlock").append( '<br><br><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="dota2workshopsuballnuke" class="btn_darkblue_white_innerfade btn_medium"><span>Subscribe all from this person</span></a>' ); document .getElementById("dota2workshopsuballnuke") .addEventListener("click", dota2workshopsubnownuke, false); jQuery(".followStatsBlock").append( '<br><br><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="dota2workshopunsuball" class="btn_darkblue_white_innerfade btn_medium"><span>Unsubscribe all on this page</span></a>' ); document .getElementById("dota2workshopunsuball") .addEventListener("click", dota2workshopunsubnow, false); jQuery(".followStatsBlock").append( '<br><br><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="dota2workshopunsuballnuke" class="btn_darkblue_white_innerfade btn_medium"><span>Unsubscribe all from this person</span></a>' ); document .getElementById("dota2workshopunsuballnuke") .addEventListener("click", dota2workshopunsubnownuke, false); })();