// ==UserScript== // @name Sonemic: Auto count average tracks rating with modifiers // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.6 // @description . // @author https://rateyourmusic.com/~PusH // @match https://rateyourmusic.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (() => { 'use strict'; /* Use recountRating(...ratings) in console to manually count any rating combinations. Function should return object with ratings info. For example: recountRating(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) should print this object: averageRating: 5.5 - raw average rating counted by adding all rating values then multiplying by number of ratings bonusRating: 0.45 - added bonus rating for some number of tracks rated higher than average rating highestPercent: {highestRatingPercent: 40, highestRatingCount: 4} - object with two keys. "highestRatingPercent" is the percent of ratings and "highestRatingCount" is number of ratings higher or equal to the avarage rating ratingsString: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10" - shows string of entered values realAverageRating: "7.24/20" - real counted average rating with all modifiers, excluding bonus rating, not converted to result rating scale resultRatingScale: 100 - current final rating scale (maximum rating) rymScaleSuggestedAverageRating: "3.5" - suggested rating on 5-grade rating scale shownAverageRating: 60 - final rating suggestedAverageRating: 7 - which rating will be suggested by script with that ratings combination So, avarage rating is 7 and ratings 7,8,9,10 are counted in highestPercent object. Release need more than 33.33% of highestPercent ratings to get counted suggested average rating. Also bonus rating is 0.45 (rating 8 gives additional +0.11, 9 adds +0.14 and 10 adds +0.2). */ //Final rating scale. //RYM has only 5-grade rating scale, so, for RYM resultRatingScale should be 5. Sonemic has 100-grade rating scale, so, on Sonemic, resultRatingScale would be 100. //If this is more than 10, shownAverageRating would be rounded to integer number. const resultRatingScale = 100; //By how much single track rating will be multiplied. //For example, rating 5/10 will be multiplied by 0.9 and will result in 4.5. Otherwise, 9 will be multiplied by 1.7 what will result in 15.30. //Also, 10 * 2 is the highest rating (and 1 * 0.5 is the minimum rating), so ratings goes from 0.5 to 20. As result, script suggests RYM ratings going from 1 to 10. const ratingsModifiers = { 1: .5, //0.50/20 2: .6, //1.20 3: .7, //2.10 4: .8, //3.20 5: .9, //4.50 6: 1, //6.00 7: 1.2, //8.40 8: 1.4, //11.20 9: 1.7, //15.30 10: 2 //20 }; //Script will suggest overall release rating by average track rating values multiplied by rating modifiers, which are specified in ratingsModifiers object. //Example: release with all 9 ratings will have these multiplied by 1.7 modifier received from ratingsModifiers object. So, average multiplied rating will be 15.30. //This means, 15.30 > 13 but less than 16.25, so script will show 9 as suggested rating. //Also, release need at least one track of some rating to be elegible for that rating. const suggestedRatingValues = { 1: 0, 2: 0.9, 3: 1.7, 4: 2.65, 5: 3.8, 6: 4.85, 7: 6.9, 8: 9.6, 9: 12.95, 10: 16.25 }; //Script can suggest higher release average rating by this modifier if there is any tracks higher than average rating. //For example: recountRating(7, 7, 8, 9, 8, 8, 10, 7, 9, 9) results in 12.57 average rating, which is lower for 9/10 rating (13). //But release has one 10/10 track, so suggested average rating is reduced by modifier 0.6, 13 - 0.6 = 12.40, and script will suggest 9/10 for this release, because 12.57 > 12.40. //This is edge cases, I don't have much release ratings changed by these modifiers. const suggestedMinimumRatingValueModifier = .6; //There are bonus rating for releases with low average rating, but with some tracks with higher ratings. Mostly, this is a rather small value, but sometimes it makes a difference. //This means, for example, what for any tracks rated 10 on any release with average rating 9 or less, this rating gets + 0.2 points. //The purpose of this is to increase avarage rating of releases with high number of tracks. Releases with 15+ tracks tends to have much lower average rating, and bonus rating makes these albums comparable to releases with less number of tracks. //Bonus rating are added to releases with 5 or more tracks. const bonusRatings = { 6: .04, 7: .08, 8: .11, 9: .14, 10: .2 }; //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- let pagetype; if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/release/')) pagetype = 'release'; else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/collection/')) pagetype = 'collection'; else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/collection_t/')) pagetype = 'mass-edit'; else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/list/') || window.location.pathname.startsWith('/lists/edit')) pagetype = 'list'; const highestPercentCount = (averageRating, ratingsArray) => { let highestRatingCount = 0; ratingsArray.forEach(rating => { if (rating >= averageRating) highestRatingCount += 1; }); const highestRatingPercent = Number.parseFloat((highestRatingCount / ratingsArray.length * 100).toFixed(2)); return { highestRatingPercent, highestRatingCount }; }; let initial = true; //Main recount function. Can be used in console with provided track ratings as arguments. Example: recountRating(8, 9, 8, 7) window.recountRating = (ratingBlock, ...ratings) => { if (!ratingBlock) return console.error('"ratingBlock" is not defined'); const ratingIsElement = ratingBlock instanceof Element; let trackRatings; let ratingsAverage; let suggestedRating; if (ratingIsElement) { ratingsAverage = ratingBlock.querySelectorAll('.track_rating_average'); suggestedRating = ratingBlock.querySelector('.release_rating_suggestion'); if (pagetype === 'release') { trackRatings = ratingBlock.querySelectorAll('.tracklisting .my_catalog_rating'); } else if (pagetype === 'collection' || pagetype === 'list') { trackRatings = ratingBlock.querySelectorAll('.trackratings td:last-child'); } } const ratingsArgs = (!ratingIsElement && ratings.length === 0) ? String(ratingBlock).split('').map(num => Number.parseInt(num, 10)) : [ratingBlock, ...ratings]; const ratingsArray = ratingIsElement ? [] : ratingsArgs; let countedTracks = ratingIsElement ? trackRatings.length : ratingsArray.length; let totalRating = 0; let averageRating; let ratingPercent; let suggestedTotalRating = 0; let suggestedAverageRating; let suggestedAverageRatingValue = 0; let highestRating = 0; let bonusRating = 0.00; let highestPercent; if (ratingIsElement) { [...trackRatings].forEach(element => { let ratingValue; let ratingText = ''; if (pagetype === 'release') { if (initial) { ratingText = element.nextElementSibling.textContent.split(', ')[2]; if (ratingText.startsWith('0')) { countedTracks -= 1; return; } ratingValue = Number.parseInt(ratingText, 10); } else { ratingText = element.querySelector('.rating_num').textContent; if (ratingText === '---') { countedTracks -= 1; return; } ratingValue = Number.parseFloat(ratingText) * 2; } } else if (pagetype === 'collection' || pagetype === 'list') { ratingText = element.querySelector('img') && parseFloat(element.querySelector('img').getAttribute('title')); if (!ratingText) { countedTracks -= 1; return; } ratingValue = Number.parseFloat(ratingText) * 2; } ratingsArray.push(ratingValue); }); if (initial) { initial = false; } } ratingsArray.forEach(ratingValue => { let albumRatingTrackValue; if (ratingValue > highestRating) highestRating = ratingValue; totalRating += ratingValue; albumRatingTrackValue = ratingValue * ratingsModifiers[ratingValue]; suggestedTotalRating += albumRatingTrackValue; }); if (ratingIsElement && countedTracks === 0) { suggestedRating.style.display = 'none'; return [...ratingsAverage].forEach(item => { item.style.display = 'none'; }); } averageRating = Number.parseFloat((totalRating / countedTracks).toFixed(2)); suggestedAverageRatingValue = Number.parseFloat((suggestedTotalRating / countedTracks).toFixed(2)); if (ratingIsElement) { [...ratingsAverage].forEach(item => { item.style.display = 'inline'; item.querySelector('span').innerHTML = `<b>${averageRating.toFixed(2)}</b> from ${countedTracks}/${trackRatings.length}`; }); } //Bonus rating added to releases with 5 or more tracks if (ratingsArray.length > 4) { ratingsArray.forEach(rating => { if (bonusRatings[rating] && suggestedAverageRatingValue <= suggestedRatingValues[rating] - (rating === 10 ? 0 : suggestedMinimumRatingValueModifier)) { bonusRating += bonusRatings[rating]; } }); bonusRating = Number.parseFloat(bonusRating.toFixed(2)); suggestedAverageRatingValue = Number.parseFloat((suggestedAverageRatingValue + bonusRating).toFixed(2)); } suggestedAverageRating = (() => { let checkedRating = highestRating; while (suggestedAverageRatingValue < (suggestedRatingValues[checkedRating] - ((checkedRating === 10 || checkedRating <= 6) ? 0 : suggestedMinimumRatingValueModifier)) && highestRating === (checkedRating + 1) || suggestedAverageRatingValue < suggestedRatingValues[checkedRating] && highestRating === checkedRating) { checkedRating -= 1; } return checkedRating; })(); const prevSuggestedAverageRating = suggestedAverageRating; const currentSuggestedMinimumRatingValueModifier = (suggestedAverageRating === 10 || suggestedAverageRating <= 6) ? 0 : suggestedMinimumRatingValueModifier; highestPercent = highestPercentCount(suggestedAverageRating, ratingsArray); //Decreases suggested average rating if there are less than 33.33% of tracks (or number is less than 3) higher than average rating (except for releases with 3 tracks) if ((highestPercent.highestRatingPercent < 33.33 && suggestedAverageRatingValue < ((suggestedRatingValues[suggestedAverageRating + 1] || 20) - currentSuggestedMinimumRatingValueModifier)) || (ratingsArray.length > 6 && highestPercent.highestRatingCount < 3) || (ratingsArray.length === 3 && highestPercent.highestRatingCount < 2)) { suggestedAverageRating -= 1; } highestPercent = highestPercentCount(suggestedAverageRating, ratingsArray); const ratingsString = ratingsArray.join(', '); const ratingValueSpan = (suggestedRatingValues[suggestedAverageRating + 1] || 20) - suggestedRatingValues[suggestedAverageRating]; const ratingValueRest = suggestedAverageRatingValue - bonusRating - suggestedRatingValues[suggestedAverageRating]; const tenScaleRating = (suggestedAverageRating - 1) + (ratingValueRest / ratingValueSpan); let shownAverageRating = (tenScaleRating / (10 / resultRatingScale)).toFixed(2); if (resultRatingScale > 10) shownAverageRating = Number.parseInt(shownAverageRating, 10); const realAverageRatingNumber = suggestedAverageRatingValue - bonusRating; const realAverageRating = `${(realAverageRatingNumber).toFixed(2)}/20`; let starsRating = shownAverageRating; const rymScaleSuggestedAverageRating = (suggestedAverageRating / 2).toFixed(1); const scaledTenRating = suggestedAverageRating / (10 / resultRatingScale); const hasMarkMinus = suggestedRatingValues[suggestedAverageRating + 1] < realAverageRatingNumber; const hasMarkPlus = suggestedRatingValues[suggestedAverageRating] > realAverageRatingNumber; if (resultRatingScale <= 10) { starsRating = (suggestedAverageRating / (10 / resultRatingScale)).toFixed(1); } //Print html to browser page if (ratingIsElement) { suggestedRating.style.display = 'inline-block'; let suggestedRatingContent = `Suggested rating: <b class="release_rating_suggestion_value" title="${starsRating}/${resultRatingScale}">${starsRating}</b> ` + `(<span title="rating value by 5-grade scale">${rymScaleSuggestedAverageRating}</span>, ` + `<span title="bonus rating">+${bonusRating}</span>, <span title="percentage of ratings equal to or higher than average rating, ${highestPercent.highestRatingCount} ratings">${highestPercent.highestRatingPercent}%</span>)`; suggestedRating.innerHTML = suggestedRatingContent; ratingPercent = Number.parseInt(countedTracks / trackRatings.length * 100, 10); suggestedRating.style.opacity = (ratingPercent === 100) ? 1 : (ratingPercent >= 50 ? .66 : .33); } //Return info values return { averageRating, bonusRating, highestPercent, ratingsString, realAverageRating, resultRatingScale, rymScaleSuggestedAverageRating, shownAverageRating, suggestedAverageRating }; }; if (!document.querySelector('header')) return; (() => { //Correctly show average track rating on custom collection page if (pagetype === 'collection' && window.location.pathname.includes('/d.rp,')) { const tracksHeader = document.createElement('th'); tracksHeader.textContent = 'Track ratings'; const ratingsHeader = document.querySelector('.or_q_header:nth-child(2)'); ratingsHeader.parentNode.insertBefore(tracksHeader, ratingsHeader.nextSibling); const ratingCol = document.querySelectorAll('.or_q_rating'); ratingCol.forEach(item => { const reviewCol = document.createElement('td'); reviewCol.classList.add('or_q_review_td'); item.parentNode.insertBefore(reviewCol, item.nextSibling); }); const tracksCol = document.querySelectorAll('.or_q_review_td[colspan="3"]'); tracksCol.forEach(item => { const parentRow = item.parentNode; const previousRow = parentRow.previousSibling; const reviewInner = item.querySelector('.or_q_review'); const reviewsCol = previousRow.querySelector('.or_q_review_td'); reviewsCol.appendChild(reviewInner); const tagsCol = item.nextSibling; previousRow.appendChild(tagsCol); parentRow.remove(); }); } //Correctly show average track rating on mass-edit page else if (pagetype === 'mass-edit') { const tracksHeader = document.createElement('th'); tracksHeader.textContent = 'Track ratings'; const ratingsHeader = document.querySelector('.or_q_header:nth-child(4)'); ratingsHeader.parentNode.insertBefore(tracksHeader, ratingsHeader.nextSibling); const ratingCol = document.querySelectorAll('.or_q_rating'); ratingCol.forEach(item => { const reviewCol = document.createElement('td'); reviewCol.classList.add('or_q_review_td'); item.parentNode.insertBefore(reviewCol, item.nextSibling); }); const tracksCol = document.querySelectorAll('.or_q_review_td[colspan="5"]'); tracksCol.forEach(item => { const parentRow = item.parentNode; const previousRow = parentRow.previousSibling; const reviewInner = item.querySelector('.or_q_review'); const reviewsCol = previousRow.querySelector('.or_q_review_td'); reviewsCol.appendChild(reviewInner); const tagsCol = item.nextSibling; previousRow.appendChild(tagsCol); parentRow.remove(); }); } })(); (() => { //Create DOM elements on release page if (pagetype === 'release') { const trackRatingsButton = document.getElementById('track_rating_btn'); if (!trackRatingsButton) return; const trackRatingsSaveButton = document.getElementById('track_ratings_save_btn'); const trackRatingsSuccess = document.getElementById('track_rating_success'); let ratingsSaveInterval; let ratingsSaveIntervalIndex = 0; const ratingsAverage = []; ratingsAverage.push(document.createElement('span')); ratingsAverage[0].classList.add('track_rating_average'); ratingsAverage[0].style.display = 'none'; ratingsAverage[0].innerHTML = ': <span></span>'; ratingsAverage.push(ratingsAverage[0].cloneNode(true)); ratingsAverage[1].innerHTML = `Average${ratingsAverage[1].innerHTML}`; ratingsAverage[1].style.fontSize = '11px'; ratingsAverage[1].style.marginLeft = '5px'; trackRatingsButton.appendChild(ratingsAverage[0]); trackRatingsSuccess.parentNode.insertBefore(ratingsAverage[1], trackRatingsSuccess.nextSibling); const suggestedRating = document.createElement('span'); const catalogTopDiv = document.querySelector('.release_my_catalog'); suggestedRating.classList.add('release_rating_suggestion'); suggestedRating.style.fontSize = '11px'; suggestedRating.style.marginTop = '2px'; suggestedRating.style.cursor = 'pointer'; suggestedRating.style.opacity = .3; catalogTopDiv.parentNode.insertBefore(suggestedRating, catalogTopDiv.nextSibling); trackRatingsSaveButton.addEventListener('click', () => { window.recountRating(document.getElementById('my_catalog')); clearInterval(ratingsSaveInterval); ratingsSaveInterval = setInterval(() => { ratingsSaveIntervalIndex++; if (trackRatingsSaveButton.getAttribute('disabled') || ratingsSaveIntervalIndex >= 15) { console.log(window.recountRating(document.getElementById('my_catalog'))); clearInterval(ratingsSaveInterval); ratingsSaveIntervalIndex = 0; } }, 300); }); console.log(window.recountRating(document.getElementById('my_catalog'))); } //Create DOM elements on collection pages else if ((pagetype === 'collection') || (pagetype === 'mass-edit')) { const resultsArray = []; const trackRatingsButton = document.querySelectorAll('.or_q_review'); trackRatingsButton.forEach(item => { const trackRatingsHeader = item.querySelector('.track_rating_header'); if (!trackRatingsHeader) return; const titleDiv = trackRatingsHeader.querySelector('div[style="float:left;"]'); const suggestedRating = document.createElement('span'); suggestedRating.classList.add('release_rating_suggestion'); suggestedRating.style.marginLeft = '25px'; suggestedRating.style.color = '#000'; suggestedRating.style.opacity = .3; titleDiv.parentNode.insertBefore(suggestedRating, titleDiv.nextSibling); const ratingsAverage = document.createElement('span'); ratingsAverage.classList.add('track_rating_average'); ratingsAverage.style.marginLeft = '25px'; ratingsAverage.style.fontSize = '11px'; ratingsAverage.style.color = '#000'; ratingsAverage.style.display = 'none'; ratingsAverage.innerHTML = 'Average: <span></span>'; titleDiv.parentNode.insertBefore(ratingsAverage, titleDiv.nextSibling); resultsArray.push(window.recountRating(item)); }); console.table(resultsArray); } //Create DOM elements on list pages else if (pagetype === 'list') { const loadingFunction = () => { const resultsArray = []; const spoilers = document.querySelectorAll('.spoiler'); spoilers.forEach(item => { if (!item.offsetParent) return; const spoilerContent = item.querySelector('.spoiler_inner'); const trackRatingsWrapper = spoilerContent.querySelector('.rsummaryframe .mbgen > tbody > tr > td[style]'); if (!trackRatingsWrapper) return; const trackRatingsTable = spoilerContent.querySelector('.trackratings'); if (!trackRatingsTable) return; const suggestedRating = document.createElement('span'); suggestedRating.classList.add('release_rating_suggestion'); suggestedRating.style.color = '#000'; suggestedRating.style.opacity = .3; trackRatingsWrapper.appendChild(suggestedRating); resultsArray.push(window.recountRating(spoilerContent)); item.textContent = `(${spoilerContent.querySelector('.release_rating_suggestion_value').textContent})`; item.parentNode.title = `${spoilerContent.querySelector('.artist').textContent} — ${spoilerContent.querySelector('.album').textContent} | ${spoilerContent.querySelector('.release_rating_suggestion').textContent}`; }); console.table(resultsArray); }; const loadingDiv = document.getElementById('list_loading'); let loadingInterval = setInterval(() => { if (loadingDiv && loadingDiv.offsetParent) return; clearInterval(loadingInterval); loadingFunction(); }, 100); //Load ratings on lists pages change const navbar = document.getElementById('navbar'); if (navbar) { navbar.addEventListener('click', event => { if (event.target.tagName !== 'A') return; clearInterval(loadingInterval); const currentPage = document.querySelector('.navlinkcurrent').textContent; loadingInterval = setInterval(() => { if (currentPage === document.querySelector('.navlinkcurrent').textContent) return; clearInterval(loadingInterval); loadingFunction(); }, 100); }); } } })(); })();