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GitHub Download ZIP

A userscript adds download links so that downloaded filenames include the SHA

// ==UserScript==
// @name        GitHub Download ZIP
// @version     0.2.8
// @description A userscript adds download links so that downloaded filenames include the SHA
// @license     MIT
// @author      Rob Garrison
// @namespace   https://github.com/Mottie
// @match       https://github.com/*
// @run-at      document-idle
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @grant       GM.addStyle
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant       GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @connect     api.github.com
// @connect     assets-cdn.github.com
// @require     https://greasemonkey.github.io/gm4-polyfill/gm4-polyfill.js?updated=20180103
// @require     https://greasyfork.org/scripts/28721-mutations/code/mutations.js?version=1108163
// @icon        https://github.githubassets.com/pinned-octocat.svg
// @supportURL  https://github.com/Mottie/GitHub-userscripts/issues
// ==/UserScript==
/* global GM */
(() => {
"use strict";
.ghdz-releases { width:100% !important; padding:10px; }
.ghdz-releases summary { text-align:left; padding-left:16px; }
.ghdz-files.select-menu-modal { width:100%; border:0; box-shadow:none !important; margin-bottom:0; }
.ghdz-file { text-align:left; padding-left:16px; }
.commit-links-cell { min-width: 375px; width: auto; }
const zipIcon = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="16" height="16" class="octicon" style="vertical-align:text-top;margin-left:4px">
<path d="M28.7 7.2a28.4 28.4 0 0 0-5.9-5.9C21.2.1 20.4 0 20 0H4.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2 2.5v27C2 30.9 3.1 32 4.5 32h23c1.4 0 2.5-1.1 2.5-2.5V10c0-.4-.1-1.2-1.3-2.8zm-4.2-1.7c1 1 1.8 1.8 2.3 2.5H22V3.2c.7.5 1.6 1.3 2.5 2.3zm3.5 24c0 .3-.2.5-.5.5h-23a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-27c0-.3.2-.5.5-.5H20v7c0 .6.4 1 1 1h7v19.5z"/>
<path d="M8 2h4v2H8V2zM12 4h4v2h-4V4zM8 6h4v2H8V6zM12 8h4v2h-4V8zM8 10h4v2H8v-2zM12 12h4v2h-4v-2zM8 14h4v2H8v-2zM12 16h4v2h-4v-2zM8 26.5c0 .8.7 1.5 1.5 1.5h5c.8 0 1.5-.7 1.5-1.5v-5c0-.8-.7-1.5-1.5-1.5H12v-2H8v8.5zm6-2.5v2h-4v-2h4z"/>
const span = document.createElement("span");
span.innerHTML = zipIcon;
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.className = "btn btn-outline BtnGroup-item tooltipped tooltipped-s ghdz-btn";
link.setAttribute("aria-label", "Download ZIP");
link.innerHTML = zipIcon;
const div = document.createElement("details");
div.className = "select-menu get-repo-btn ghdz-releases";
div.innerHTML = `
<summary aria-haspopup="menu">
<span class="ghdz-get-list" data-menu-button>Latest Release Files</span>
class="select-menu-modal dropdown-menu-s ghdz-files"
style="z-index: 99;"
aria-label="Releases links"
<div class="select-menu-list">
<img src="https://github.githubassets.com/images/spinners/octocat-spinner-32.gif" width="32" alt="">
function buildURL(part) {
const [, user, repo] = window.location.pathname.split("/");
return `https://api.github.com/repos/${user}/${repo}/zipball/${part}`;
function buildLink(url, text) {
return `<a href="${url}" class="dropdown-item ghdz-file" role="menuitem">
function buildReleases(r###lt, container) {
let html = `<h5 class="ghdz-file">${
typeof r###lt === "string" ? r###lt : "No release files or assets found"
// Example page with release files & assets:
// https://github.com/Maximus5/ConEmu/releases
if (
Array.isArray(r###lt) &&
r###lt.length &&
Object.keys(r###lt[0] || {}).length
) {
html = "";
const last = r###lt[0];
if (last.assets) {
last.assets.forEach(release => {
const url = release.browser_download_url;
html += buildLink(url, url.split("/").slice(-1));
html += buildLink(last.zipball_url, "Source code (zip)");
html += buildLink(last.tarball_url, "Source code (tar.gz)");
$(".ghdz-files", container).innerHTML = html;
function getReleases(container) {
if ($(".ghdz-file", container)) {
// Already loaded
const [, user, repo] = window.location.pathname.split("/");
method : "GET",
url : `https://api.github.com/repos/${user}/${repo}/releases`,
onload : response => {
if (response.status !== 200) {
buildReleases(response.message, container);
return console.error(response);
let json = false;
try {
json = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
} catch (err) {
return console.error(response);
if (json) {
buildReleases(json, container);
function addBindings() {
document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
const target = event.target.closest("details");
if (target && target.classList.contains("ghdz-releases")) {
function updateLinks() {
// Branch dropdown on main repo page
const branch = $("summary[data-hotkey='w'] span");
// Download link in "Clone or Download" dropdown
const downloadLink = $("a[data-ga-click*='download zip']");
// Repo commits page
const commits = $(".commits-listing");
if (downloadLink && branch && !$(".ghdz-releases", downloadLink.parentElement)) {
const branchName = branch.textContent.indexOf("…") > -1
// Branch selector is showing trucated text; title has full text
? branch.parentNode.title
: branch.textContent;
downloadLink.href = buildURL(branchName.trim());
// Branch doesn't matter when you're using the SHA (first 7 values)
if (commits) {
[...document.querySelectorAll(".commit-group .commit .commit-links-group")].forEach(group => {
if (!$(".ghdz-btn", group)) {
const sha = $(".sha", group).textContent.trim();
const a = link.cloneNode(true);
a.href = buildURL(sha);
function $(selector, el) {
return (el || document).querySelector(selector);
// DOM targets - to detect GitHub dynamic ajax page loading
document.addEventListener("pjax:end", updateLinks);