Block websites that use domain extensions often associated with spam, scams, and malware.
// ==UserScript== // @name Suspicious Website TLD Blocker // @namespace blockSuspiciousTLDs // @version 1.5 // @description Block websites that use domain extensions often associated with spam, scams, and malware. // @author Kai Krause <[email protected]> // @include * // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== // TODO(?): Region-specific TLD blocking. For example, blocking of Russian or Chinese TLDs. // TODO(?): Whitelist of government-owned .us domains, and blocking of all other .us domains. var websiteTerms = location.hostname.split("."); var currentURL = websiteTerms[websiteTerms.length-2] + "." + websiteTerms[websiteTerms.length-1] var thisTLD = websiteTerms[websiteTerms.length-1] // whitelist var exclusions = [""]; if (exclusions.indexOf(currentURL) > -1) return; // var genericTLDs = ["academy", "accountant", "accountants", "active", "actor", "ads", "adult", "agency", "airforce", "analytics", "apartments", "app", "army", "art", "associates", "attorney", "auction", "audible", "audio", "author", "auto", "autos", "aws", "baby", "band", "bar", "barefoot", "bargains", "baseball", "basketball", "beauty", "beer", "best", "bestbuy", "bet", "bible", "bid", "bike", "bingo", "biz", "black", "blackfriday", "blockbuster", "blog", "blue", "boo", "book", "boots", "bot", "boutique", "box", "broadway", "broker", "build", "builders", "business", "buy", "buzz", "cab", "cafe", "call", "cam", "camera", "camp", "cancerresearch", "capital", "car", "cards", "care", "career", "careers", "cars", "case", "cash", "casino", "catering", "catholic", "center", "cern", "ceo", "cfd", "channel", "chat", "cheap", "christmas", "church", "cipriani", "circle", "city", "claims", "cleaning", "click", "clinic", "clothing", "cloud", "club", "coach", "codes", "coffee", "college", "community", "company", "compare", "computer", "condos", "construction", "consulting", "contact", "contractors", "cooking", "cool", "country", "coupon", "coupons", "courses", "credit", "creditcard", "cruise", "cricket", "cruises", "dad", "dance", "data", "date", "dating", "day", "deal", "deals", "degree", "delivery", "democrat", "dental", "dentist", "design", "dev", "diamonds", "diet", "digital", "direct", "directory", "discount", "diy", "docs", "doctor", "dog", "domains", "dot", "download", "drive", "duck", "earth", "eat", "education", "email", "energy", "engineer", "engineering", "enterprises", "equipment", "estate", "events", "exchange", "expert", "exposed", "express", "fail", "faith", "family", "fan", "fans", "farm", "fashion", "fast", "feedback", "film", "final", "finance", "financial", "fire", "fish", "fishing", "fit", "fitness", "flights", "florist", "flowers", "foo", "food", "foodnetwork", "football", "forsale", "forum", "foundation", "free", "frontdoor", "fun", "fund", "furniture", "fyi", "gallery", "game", "games", "garden", "gay", "gdn", "gift", "gifts", "gives", "glass", "global", "gold", "golf", "gop", "graphics", "gripe", "grocery", "group", "guide", "guitars", "guru", "hair", "hangout", "health", "healthcare", "help", "here", "hiphop", "hiv", "hockey", "holdings", "holiday", "homegoods", "homes", "homesense", "horse", "hospital", "host", "hosting", "hot", "hotels", "house", "how", "ice", "icu ", "industries", "ing", "ink", "institute", "insurance", "insure", "international", "investments", "jewelry", "jobs", "joy", "kim", "kitchen", "land", "lat", "latino", "law", "lawyer", "lease", "legal", "life", "lifeinsurance", "lighting", "like", "limited", "limo", "link", "live", "living", "loan", "loans", "locker", "lol", "lotto", "love", "luxury", "makeup", "management", "map", "market", "marketing", "markets", "mba", "med", "media", "meet", "meme", "memorial", "men", "menu", "mint", "mobi", "mobile", "mobily", "moe", "mom", "money", "monster", "mortgage", "motorcycles", "mov", "movie", "music", "name", "navy", "network", "new", "news", "ninja", "now", "observer", "off", "one", "onl", "online", "ooo", "open", "origins", "page", "partners", "parts", "party", "pay", "pet", "phone", "photo", "photography", "photos", "pics", "pictures", "pid", "pin", "pink", "pizza", "place", "plumbing", "plus", "poker", "porn", "press", "prime", "pro", "productions", "prof", "promo", "properties", "property", "protection", "pub", "qpon", "racing", "radio", "read", "realestate", "realty", "recipes", "red", "rehab", "ren", "rent", "rentals", "repair", "report", "republican", "rest", "restaurant", "review", "reviews", "rich", "rip", "rocks", "rodeo", "room", "rugby", "run", "safe", "sale", "save", "scholarships", "school", "science", "search", "secure", "security", "select", "services", "sex", "sexy", "shoes", "shop", "shopping", "show", "showtime", "silk", "singles", "site", "ski", "skin", "sky", "sling", "smile", "soccer", "social", "software", "solar", "solutions", "song", "space", "spot", "spreadbetting", "storage", "store", "stream", "studio", "study", "style", "sucks", "supplies", "supply", "support", "surf", "surgery", "systems", "talk", "tattoo", "tax", "taxi", "team", "tech", "technology", "tennis", "theater", "theatre", "tickets", "tips", "tires", "today", "tools", "top", "tours", "town", "toys", "trade", "trading", "training", "travelersinsurance", "trust", "tube", "tunes", "uconnect", "university", "vacations", "ventures", "vet", "video", "villas", "vip", "vision", "vodka", "voting", "voyage", "wang", "watch", "watches", "weather", "webcam", "website", "wed", "wedding", "whoswho", "wiki", "win", "wine", "winners", "work", "works", "world", "wow", "wtf", "xxx", "xyz", "yachts", "yoga", "you", "zero", "zone", "shouji", "tushu", "wanggou", "weibo", "xihuan", "arte", "clinique", "luxe", "maison", "moi", "rsvp", "sarl", "epost", "haus", "immobilien", "jetzt", "kaufen", "kinder", "reisen", "schule", "versicherung", "desi", "shiksha", "casa", "immo", "moda", "bom", "passagens", "gratis", "futbol", "hoteles", "juegos", "soy", "tienda", "uno", "viajes", "vuelos"]; // // // var badTLDs = ["pw", "gq", "cf", "ga", "ml", "tk", "xin", "zip", "ws"]; if (badTLDs.indexOf(thisTLD) > -1 || genericTLDs.indexOf(thisTLD) > -1) { var isPageIgnored = GM_getValue(location.hostname); if (!isPageIgnored || isPageIgnored != "ignored") { blockPage(); } } function blockPage() { // Stop page from loading further window.stop(); // Rewrite the page if (!document.body) { setTimeout(() => { document.body = document.createElement("body"); fillPage(); }, 0); } else { fillPage(); } } function fillPage() { // reset document head var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head'); if (head && head[0]) { head[0].innerHTML = "<title>" + document.title + "</title>"; } // rewrite the document with itself if it already existed, to remove event listeners var old_element = document.body; var new_element = old_element.cloneNode(true); old_element.parentNode.replaceChild(new_element, old_element); // reset styling on the body element document.body.className = ""; = ""; // rewrite the document body contents with our warning message document.body.innerHTML = "<center><h2>Suspicious Site Blocked by <a href='#' id='authorlink' style='color:#000000;'><u>Supicious TLD Blocker</u></a></h2><br /></center>"; document.body.innerHTML += "<center>This website uses a non-standard domain extension and may be malicious. Go back or close this page.<br /><br /></center>"; document.body.innerHTML += "<center>If you think this is an error, confirm the website address before ignoring this warning.<br /><br /></center>"; document.body.innerHTML += "<center><button id='ignorePage'>Ignore Warning</button></center>"; = "18px"; = "#000000"; = "#f9d831"; document.getElementById("ignorePage").style.padding = "6px"; document.getElementById("ignorePage").addEventListener("click", ignorePage); document.getElementById("authorlink").addEventListener("click", openAuthorPage); } function openAuthorPage() {"", "_blank"); } // ignore pages by domain name, handled via GM storage function ignorePage() { if (GM_setValue) { GM_setValue(location.hostname, "ignored"); location.reload(); } }