
MangaFox mature gate auto-click 2018

Automatically clicks the mature age gate prompt on the the MangaFox website thus loading the page like normal.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==// @name       MangaFox mature gate auto-click 2018// @namespace  https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/374629-mangafox-mature-gate-auto-click-2018// @version    1.1// @description  Automatically clicks the mature age gate prompt on the the MangaFox website thus loading the page like normal.// @match      http://fanfox.net/*// @match      https://fanfox.net/*// @copyright  2018+, coldasice// @author     coldasice// ==/UserScript==window.setInterval( function() {let link = document.getElementById('checkAdult')if(link) {link.click()}}, 1000 );