Opens all pages on MAL that are not on your list.
// ==UserScript== // @name Find Missing Entries // @namespace // @version 1.0.4 // @description Opens all pages on MAL that are not on your list. // @author PurplePinapples // @license WTFPL // @match* // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript== function exit_script () { "use strict"; GM_setValue("reloadPageFailed", 0); location.href = (location.href.replace("&autoOpenMissingEntries=true", "")); } (function() { "use strict"; var RELOAD_IF_FAIL_MAX = 5; if (location.href.toString().indexOf("&autoOpenMissingEntries=true") === -1) { //place menu option $(".header-menu-dropdown.header-list-dropdown.arrow_box").find("li:contains('Manga List')").after("<li><a href=\"\">Open Missing</a></li>"); } else { //on the starting page, check for errors then open pages if ($("html").find("div.js-block-list").find("tr").length === 0) { //if page failed (i.e. no MAL entries loaded into table) GM_setValue("reloadPageFailed", GM_getValue("reloadPageFailed", 0) + 1); window.location.reload(); //reload the page } else { GM_setValue("reloadPageFailed", 0); //if page didnt fail, set it back to 0. } if (GM_getValue("reloadPageFailed", 0) >= RELOAD_IF_FAIL_MAX) { //if we've failed 5 times, stop window.alert("Failed too many times. Exiting Script"); exit_script(); return; } if ($(".btn-login").text().trim() === "Login") { //if user isnt logged in window.alert("You aren't logged in. Please login and try again."); exit_script(); return; } //open pages not on your list $('tr a.Lightbox_AddEdit[href*="ownlist/anime/add"]').each(function() { const link = $(this).parent().find('a[href*=""')$(link).attr("href")); }); if (location.href.indexOf("&show") === -1) { location.href = location.href + "&show=50"; } else { var parts = location.href.split("&show="); location.href = parts[0] + "&show=" + (+parts[1] + 50).toString(); } } })();