#神传说 MUD 脚本插件
// ==UserScript== // @name wsmud_pluginss_justpeht_modify_all_family // @namespace justpeht_modi // @version // @date 23/12/2018 // @modified 23/12/2018 // @homepage https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/375869-wsmud-pluginss-justpeht-modify // @description #神传说 MUD 脚本插件 // @author fjcqv(源程序) & zhzhwcn(提供websocket监听)& knva(做了一些微小的贡#) &Bob.cn(raid.js作者) & justpeht(添加了部分自己需要的功能) // @match http://game.wsmud.com/* // @match http://www.wsmud.com/* // @run-at document-start // @require https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js // @require https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery-contextmenu/3.0.0-beta.2/jquery.contextMenu.min.js // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_setClipboard // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; var updateinfo = "整合Bob.cn的自动移花脚本,请前往右键->自动菜单中运行 \n支付宝搜索 9214712 领大额线下花呗红包"; Array.prototype.baoremove = function (dx) { if (isNaN(dx) || dx > this.length) { return false; } this.splice(dx, 1); } if (WebSocket) { console.log('插件可正常运行,Plugins can run normally'); var _ws = WebSocket, ws, ws_on_message; unsafeWindow.WebSocket = function (uri) { ws = new _ws(uri); }; unsafeWindow.WebSocket.prototype = { CONNECTING: _ws.CONNECTING, OPEN: _ws.OPEN, CLOSING: _ws.CLOSING, CLOSED: _ws.CLOSED, get url () { return ws.url; }, get protocol () { return ws.protocol; }, get readyState () { return ws.readyState; }, get bufferedAmount () { return ws.bufferedAmount; }, get extensions () { return ws.extensions; }, get binaryType () { return ws.binaryType; }, set binaryType (t) { ws.binaryType = t; }, get onopen () { return ws.onopen; }, set onopen (fn) { ws.onopen = fn; }, get onmessage () { return ws.onmessage; }, set onmessage (fn) { ws_on_message = fn; ws.onmessage = WG.receive_message; }, get onclose () { return ws.onclose; }, set onclose (fn) { ws.onclose = fn; }, get onerror () { return ws.onerror; }, set onerror (fn) { ws.onerror = fn; }, send: function (text) { ws.send(text); }, close: function () { ws.close(); } }; } else { console.log("插件不可运行,请打开'https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/forum/discussion/41547/x',按照操作步骤进行操作,Plugins are not functioning properly.plase open https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/forum/discussion/41547/x"); } var roomItemSelectIndex = -1; var timer = 0; var cnt = 0; var zb_npc; var zb_place; var next = 0; var roomData = []; var currentRoomPath = ''; // 当前人物所处的房间path var wenfu_kill_num = 0; // 温府自动循环次数 var wenfu_kill_num_now = 0; // 当前自动循环的次数 var role_info_self = {}; // 角色的相关信息 var blacklist = ['张无忌', '天山童姥', '枯荣大师']; var blackpfm = []; var needfind = { "#当派-林间小径": ["go south"], "峨眉派-走廊": ["go north", "go south;go south", "go north;go east;go east"], "丐帮-暗道": ["go east", "go east;go east", "go east"], "逍遥派-林间小道": ["go west;go north", "go south;go south", "go north;go west"], "少林派-竹林": ["go north"], "逍遥派-地下石室": ["go up"], "逍遥派-木屋": ["go south;go south;go south;go south"] }; var store_list = [ "<hic>红宝石</hic>", "<hic>黄宝石</hic>", "<hic>蓝宝石</hic>", "<hic>绿宝石</hic>", "<hiy>精致的红宝石</hiy>", "<hiy>精致的黄宝石</hiy>", "<hiy>精致的蓝宝石</hiy>", "<hiy>精致的绿宝石</hiy>", "<hiz>完美的红宝石</hiz>", "<hiz>完美的黄宝石</hiz>", "<hiz>完美的蓝宝石</hiz>", "<hiz>完美的绿宝石</hiz>", "<wht>基本内功秘籍</wht>", "<wht>基本轻功秘籍</wht>", "<wht>基本招架秘籍</wht>", "<wht>基本剑法秘籍</wht>", "<wht>基本刀法秘籍</wht>", "<wht>基本拳脚秘籍</wht>", "<wht>基本暗器秘籍</wht>", "<wht>基本棍法秘籍</wht>", "<wht>基本鞭法秘籍</wht>", "<wht>基本杖法秘籍</wht>", "<wht>动物皮毛</wht>", "<wht>家丁服</wht>", "<wht>家丁鞋</wht>", "<hig>五虎断门刀残页</hig>", "<hig>太祖长拳残页</hig>", "<hig>流氓巾</hig>", "<hig>流氓衣</hig>", "<hig>流氓鞋</hig>", "<hig>流氓护腕</hig>", "<hig>流氓短剑</hig>", "<hig>流氓闷棍</hig>", "<hig>#服</hig>", "<hig>官服</hig>", "<hic>崔莺莺的手镯</hic>", "<hig>崔员外的戒指</hig>", "<hig>黑虎单刀</hig>", "<hig>员外披肩</hig>", "<hig>短衣劲装</hig>", "进阶残页", "聚气丹", "师门令牌", "喜宴", "突破丹" ]; var goods = { "米饭": { "id": null, "sales": "店小二", place: "扬州城-醉仙楼" }, "包子": { "id": null, "sales": "店小二", place: "扬州城-醉仙楼" }, "鸡腿": { "id": null, "sales": "店小二", place: "扬州城-醉仙楼" }, "面条": { "id": null, "sales": "店小二", place: "扬州城-醉仙楼" }, "扬州炒饭": { "id": null, "sales": "店小二", place: "扬州城-醉仙楼" }, "米酒": { "id": null, "sales": "店小二", place: "扬州城-醉仙楼" }, "花雕酒": { "id": null, "sales": "店小二", place: "扬州城-醉仙楼" }, "女儿红": { "id": null, "sales": "店小二", place: "扬州城-醉仙楼" }, "醉仙酿": { "id": null, "sales": "店小二", place: "扬州城-醉仙楼" }, "神仙醉": { "id": null, "sales": "店小二", place: "扬州城-醉仙楼" }, //扬州城-杂货铺 "布衣": { "id": null, "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福", place: "扬州城-杂货铺" }, "钢刀": { "id": null, "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福", place: "扬州城-杂货铺" }, "木棍": { "id": null, "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福", place: "扬州城-杂货铺" }, "英雄巾": { "id": null, "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福", place: "扬州城-杂货铺" }, "布鞋": { "id": null, "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福", place: "扬州城-杂货铺" }, "铁戒指": { "id": null, "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福", place: "扬州城-杂货铺" }, "簪子": { "id": null, "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福", place: "扬州城-杂货铺" }, "长鞭": { "id": null, "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福", place: "扬州城-杂货铺" }, "钓鱼竿": { "id": null, "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福", place: "扬州城-杂货铺" }, "鱼饵": { "id": null, "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福", place: "扬州城-杂货铺" }, //扬州城-打铁铺 "铁剑": { "id": null, "sales": "铁匠铺老板 铁匠", place: "扬州城-打铁铺" }, "钢刀": { "id": null, "sales": "铁匠铺老板 铁匠", place: "扬州城-打铁铺" }, "铁棍": { "id": null, "sales": "铁匠铺老板 铁匠", place: "扬州城-打铁铺" }, "铁杖": { "id": null, "sales": "铁匠铺老板 铁匠", place: "扬州城-打铁铺" }, "铁镐": { "id": null, "sales": "铁匠铺老板 铁匠", place: "扬州城-打铁铺" }, //扬州城-药铺 "金创药": { "id": null, "sales": "药铺老板 平一指", place: "扬州城-药铺" }, "引气丹": { "id": null, "sales": "药铺老板 平一指", place: "扬州城-药铺" }, "养精丹": { "id": null, "sales": "药铺老板 平一指", place: "扬州城-药铺" }, }; var equip = { "铁镐": 0, }; var npcs = { "店小二": 0 }; var place = { "住房": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go west;go north;go enter", "练功房": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go west;go north;go enter;go west;xiulian", "仓库": "jh fam 0 start;go north;go west;store", "扬州城-醉仙楼": "jh fam 0 start;go north;go north;go east", "扬州城-杂货铺": "jh fam 0 start;go east;go south", "扬州城-打铁铺": "jh fam 0 start;go east;go east;go south", "扬州城-药铺": "jh fam 0 start;go east;go east;go north", "扬州城-衙门正厅": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go north;go north", "扬州城-矿山": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go west;go west;go west", "扬州城-喜宴": "jh fam 0 start;go north;go north;go east;go up", "扬州城-擂台": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go south", "扬州城-当铺": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go east", "扬州城-帮派": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go south;go east", "扬州城-扬州#馆": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go south;go west", "扬州城-#庙": "jh fam 0 start;go north;go north;go west", "#当派-广场": "jh fam 1 start;", "#当派-三清殿": "jh fam 1 start;go north", "#当派-石阶": "jh fam 1 start;go west", "#当派-练功房": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go west", "#当派-太子岩": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup", "#当派-桃园小路": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north", "#当派-舍身崖": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go east", "#当派-南岩峰": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west", "#当派-乌鸦岭": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup", "#当派-五老峰": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup", "#当派-虎头岩": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup", "#当派-朝天宫": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup;go north", "#当派-三天门": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup;go north;go north", "#当派-紫金城": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup;go north;go north;go north", "#当派-林间小径": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup;go north;go north;go north;go north;go north", "#当派-后山小院": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup;go north;go north;go north;go north;go north;go north", "少林派-广场": "jh fam 2 start;", "少林派-山门殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north", "少林派-东侧殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go east", "少林派-西侧殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go west", "少林派-天王殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north", "少林派-大雄宝殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northup", "少林派-钟楼": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northeast", "少林派-鼓楼": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest", "少林派-后殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast", "少林派-练#场": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north", "少林派-罗汉堂": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go east", "少林派-般若堂": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go west", "少林派-方丈楼": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north", "少林派-戒律院": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north;go east", "少林派-达摩院": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north;go west", "少林派-竹林": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north;go north;go north", "少林派-藏经阁": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north;go north;go west", "少林派-达摩洞": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north;go north;go north;go north", "华山派-镇岳宫": "jh fam 3 start;", "华山派-苍龙岭": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup", "华山派-舍身崖": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup;go southup", "华山派-峭壁": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup;go southup;jumpdown", "华山派-山谷": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup;go southup;jumpdown;go southup", "华山派-山间平地": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup;go southup;jumpdown;go southup;go south", "华山派-林间小屋": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup;go southup;jumpdown;go southup;go south;go east", "华山派-玉女峰": "jh fam 3 start;go westup", "华山派-玉女祠": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go west", "华山派-练#场": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go north", "华山派-练功房": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go north;go east", "华山派-客厅": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go north;go north", "华山派-偏厅": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go north;go north;go east", "华山派-寝室": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go north;go north;go north", "华山派-玉女峰山路": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south", "华山派-玉女峰小径": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup", "华山派-思过崖": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup;go southup", "华山派-山洞": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup;go southup;break bi;go enter", "华山派-长空栈道": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup;go southup;break bi;go enter;go westup", "华山派-落雁峰": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup;go southup;break bi;go enter;go westup;go westup", "华山派-华山绝顶": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup;go southup;break bi;go enter;go westup;go westup;jumpup", "e派-金顶": "jh fam 4 start", "峨嵋派-庙门": "jh fam 4 start;go west", "峨嵋派-广场": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south", "峨嵋派-走廊": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go west", "峨嵋派-休息室": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go east;go south", "峨嵋派-厨房": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go east;go east", "峨嵋派-练功房": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go west;go west", "峨嵋派-小屋": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go west;go north;go north", "峨嵋派-清修洞": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go west;go south;go south", "峨嵋派-大殿": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go south", "峨嵋派-睹光台": "jh fam 4 start;go northup", "峨嵋派-华藏庵": "jh fam 4 start;go northup;go east", "逍遥派-青草坪": "jh fam 5 start", "逍遥派-林间小道": "jh fam 5 start;go east", "逍遥派-练功房": "jh fam 5 start;go east;go north", "逍遥派-木板路": "jh fam 5 start;go east;go south", "逍遥派-工匠屋": "jh fam 5 start;go east;go south;go south", "逍遥派-休息室": "jh fam 5 start;go west;go south", "逍遥派-木屋": "jh fam 5 start;go north;go north", "逍遥派-地下石室": "jh fam 5 start;go down;go down", "丐帮-树洞内部": "jh fam 6 start", "丐帮-树洞下": "jh fam 6 start;go down", "丐帮-暗道": "jh fam 6 start;go down;go east", "丐帮-破庙密室": "jh fam 6 start;go down;go east;go east;go east", "丐帮-土地庙": "jh fam 6 start;go down;go east;go east;go east;go up", "丐帮-林间小屋": "jh fam 6 start;go down;go east;go east;go east;go east;go east;go up", "襄阳城-广场": "jh fam 7 start", "#道塔": "jh fam 8 start" }; var drop_list = []; var fenjie_list = []; var role; var family = null; var sm_loser = null; var wudao_pfm = "1"; var ks_pfm = "2000"; var automarry = null; var autoKsBoss = null; var eqlist = { 1: [], 2: [], 3: [] }; var unauto_pfm = ''; var auto_pfmswitch = null; var autoeq = 0; //自命令数组 var zml = []; //自定义存取 var zdy_item_store = ''; //快捷键功能 var KEY = { keys: [], roomItemSelectIndex: -1, init: function () { //添加快捷键说明 $("span[command=stopstate] span:eq(0)").html("S"); $("span[command=showcombat] span:eq(0)").html("A"); $("span[command=showtool] span:eq(0)").html("C"); $("span[command=pack] span:eq(0)").html("B"); $("span[command=tasks] span:eq(0)").html("L"); $("span[command=score] span:eq(0)").html("O"); $("span[command=jh] span:eq(0)").html("J"); $("span[command=skills] span:eq(0)").html("K"); $("span[command=message] span:eq(0)").html("U"); $("span[command=shop] span:eq(0)").html("P"); $("span[command=stats] span:eq(0)").html("I"); $("span[command=setting] span:eq(0)").html(","); $(document).on("keydown", this.e); this.add(27, function () { KEY.dialog_close(); }); this.add(192, function () { $(".map-icon").click(); }); this.add(32, function () { KEY.dialog_confirm(); }); this.add(83, function () { KEY.do_command("stopstate"); }); this.add(13, function () { KEY.do_command("showchat"); }); this.add(65, function () { KEY.do_command("showcombat"); }); this.add(67, function () { KEY.do_command("showtool"); }); this.add(66, function () { KEY.do_command("pack"); }); this.add(76, function () { KEY.do_command("tasks"); }); this.add(79, function () { KEY.do_command("score"); }); this.add(74, function () { KEY.do_command("jh"); }); this.add(75, function () { KEY.do_command("skills"); }); this.add(73, function () { KEY.do_command("stats"); }); this.add(85, function () { KEY.do_command("message"); }); this.add(80, function () { KEY.do_command("shop"); }); this.add(188, function () { KEY.do_command("setting"); }); this.add(81, function () { WG.sm_button(); }); this.add(87, function () { WG.go_yamen_task(); }); this.add(69, function () { WG.kill_all(); }); this.add(82, function () { WG.get_all(); }); this.add(84, function () { WG.sell_all(); }); this.add(89, function () { WG.zdwk(); }); this.add(9, function () { KEY.onRoomItemSelect(); return false; }); //方向 this.add(102, function () { WG.Send("go east"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(39, function () { WG.Send("go east"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(100, function () { WG.Send("go west"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(37, function () { WG.Send("go west"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(98, function () { WG.Send("go south"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(40, function () { WG.Send("go south"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(104, function () { WG.Send("go go north"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(38, function () { WG.Send("go north"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(99, function () { WG.Send("go southeast"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(97, function () { WG.Send("go southwest"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(105, function () { WG.Send("go northeast"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(103, function () { WG.Send("go northwest"); KEY.onChangeRoom(); }); this.add(49, function () { KEY.combat_commands(0); }); this.add(50, function () { KEY.combat_commands(1); }); this.add(51, function () { KEY.combat_commands(2); }); this.add(52, function () { KEY.combat_commands(3); }); this.add(53, function () { KEY.combat_commands(4); }); this.add(54, function () { KEY.combat_commands(5); }); //alt this.add(49 + 512, function () { KEY.onRoomItemAction(0); }); this.add(50 + 512, function () { KEY.onRoomItemAction(1); }); this.add(51 + 512, function () { KEY.onRoomItemAction(2); }); this.add(52 + 512, function () { KEY.onRoomItemAction(3); }); this.add(53 + 512, function () { KEY.onRoomItemAction(4); }); this.add(54 + 512, function () { KEY.onRoomItemAction(5); }); //ctrl this.add(49 + ####, function () { KEY.room_commands(0); }); this.add(50 + ####, function () { KEY.room_commands(1); }); this.add(51 + ####, function () { KEY.room_commands(2); }); this.add(52 + ####, function () { KEY.room_commands(3); }); this.add(53 + ####, function () { KEY.room_commands(4); }); this.add(54 + ####, function () { KEY.room_commands(5); }); }, add: function (k, c) { var tmp = { key: k, callback: c, }; this.keys.push(tmp); }, e: function (event) { if ($(".channel-box").is(":visible")) { KEY.chatModeKeyEvent(event); return; } if ($(".dialog-confirm").is(":visible") && ((event.keyCode >= 48 && event.keyCode <= 57) || (event.keyCode >= 96 && event.keyCode <= 105))) return; var kk = (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ? #### : 0) + (event.altKey ? 512 : 0) + event.keyCode; for (var k of KEY.keys) { if (k.key == kk) return k.callback(); } }, dialog_close: function () { $(".dialog-close").click(); }, dialog_confirm: function () { $(".dialog-btn.btn-ok").click(); }, do_command: function (name) { $("span[command=" + name + "]").click(); }, room_commands: function (index) { $("div.combat-panel div.room-commands span:eq(" + index + ")").click(); }, combat_commands: function (index) { $("div.combat-panel div.combat-commands span.pfm-item:eq(" + index + ")").click(); }, chatModeKeyEvent: function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 27) { KEY.dialog_close(); } else if (event.keyCode == 13) { if ($(".sender-box").val().length) $(".sender-btn").click(); else KEY.dialog_close(); } }, onChangeRoom: function () { KEY.roomItemSelectIndex = -1; }, onRoomItemSelect: function () { if (KEY.roomItemSelectIndex != -1) { $(".room_items div.room-item:eq(" + KEY.roomItemSelectIndex + ")").css("background", "#000"); } KEY.roomItemSelectIndex = (KEY.roomItemSelectIndex + 1) % $(".room_items div.room-item").length; var curItem = $(".room_items div.room-item:eq(" + KEY.roomItemSelectIndex + ")"); curItem.css("background", "#444"); curItem.click(); }, onRoomItemAction: function (index) { //NPC下方按键 $(".room_items .item-commands span:eq(" + index + ")").click(); }, } function messageClear () { $(".WG_log pre").html(""); } var log_line = 0; function messageAppend (m, t = 0) { 100 < log_line && (log_line = 0, $(".WG_log pre").empty()); var ap = m + "\n"; if (t == 1) { ap = "<hiy>" + ap + "</hiy>"; } else if (t == 2) { ap = "<hig>" + ap + "</hig>"; } else if (t == 3) { ap = "<hiw>" + ap + "</hiw>"; } $(".WG_log pre").append(ap); log_line++; $(".WG_log")[0].scrollTop = 99999; } var sm_array = { '#当': { place: "#当派-三清殿", npc: "#当派第二代弟子 #当首侠 宋远桥" }, '华山': { place: "华山派-客厅", npc: "华山派掌门 君子剑 岳不群" }, '少林': { place: "少林派-天王殿", npc: "少林寺第三十九代弟子 道觉禅师" }, '逍遥': { place: "逍遥派-青草坪", npc: "聪辩老人 苏星河" }, '丐帮': { place: "丐帮-树洞下", npc: "丐帮七袋弟子 左全" }, '峨眉': { place: "峨嵋派-庙门", npc: "峨眉派第五代弟子 苏梦清" }, '#馆': { place: "扬州城-扬州#馆", npc: "#馆教习" }, }; var WG = { sm_state: -1, sm_item: null, init: function () { $("li[command=SelectRole]").on("click", function () { WG.login(); }); }, inArray: function (val, arr) { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { let item = arr[i]; if (item[0] == "<") { if (item == val) return true; } else { if (val.indexOf(item) >= 0) return true; } } return false; }, login: function () { role = $('.role-list .select').text().split(/[\s\n]/).pop(); $(".bottom-bar").append("<span class='item-commands' style='display:none'><span WG='WG' cmd=''></span></span>"); //命令行模块 var html = ` <div class='WG_log'><pre></pre></div> <div style = " width: calc(100% - 40px);" > <span class='zdy-item sm_button'>师门(Q)</span> <span class='zdy-item go_yamen_task'>追捕(W)</span> <span class='zdy-item kill_all'>击杀(E))</span> <span class='zdy-item get_all'>拾取(R)</span> <span class='zdy-item sell_all'>清包(T)</span> <span class='zdy-item zdwk'>挖矿(Y)</span> <span class = "zdy-item auto_perform" style = "float:right;" > 自动攻击 </span> </div> `; $(".content-message").after(html); var css = `.zdy-item{ display: inline-block;border: solid 1px gray;color: gray;background-color: black; text-align: center;cursor: pointer;border-radius: 0.25em;min-width: 2.5em;margin-right: 0.4em; margin-left: 0.4em;position: relative;padding-left: 0.4em;padding-right: 0.4em;line-height: 2em;} .WG_log{flex: 1;overflow-y: auto;border: 1px solid #404000;max-height: 15em;width: calc(100% - 40px);} .WG_log > pre{margin: 0px; white-space: pre-line;} .item-plushp{display: inline-block;float: right;width: 100px;} .item-dps{display: inline-block;float: right;width: 100px;} .settingbox {margin-left: 0.625 em;border: 1px solid gray;background-color: transparent;color: unset;resize: none;width: 80% ;height: 3rem;} `; GM_addStyle(css); goods = GM_getValue("goods", goods); npcs = GM_getValue("npcs", npcs); equip = GM_getValue(role + "_equip", equip); family = GM_getValue(role + "_family", family); automarry = GM_getValue(role + "_automarry", automarry); autoKsBoss = GM_getValue(role + "_autoKsBoss", autoKsBoss); ks_pfm = GM_getValue(role + "_ks_pfm", ks_pfm); eqlist = GM_getValue(role + "_eqlist", eqlist); autoeq = GM_getValue(role + "_auto_eq", autoeq); if (family == null) { family = $('.role-list .select').text().substr(0, 2); } wudao_pfm = GM_getValue(role + "_wudao_pfm", wudao_pfm); sm_loser = GM_getValue(role + "_sm_loser", sm_loser); unauto_pfm = GM_getValue(role + "_unauto_pfm", unauto_pfm); auto_pfmswitch = GM_getValue(role + "_auto_pfmswitch", auto_pfmswitch); //自命令 zml = GM_getValue(role + "_zml", zml); //自定义存储 zdy_item_store = GM_getValue(role + "_zdy_item_store", zdy_item_store); if (auto_pfmswitch == '已开启') { G.auto_preform = true; } var unpfm = unauto_pfm.split(','); for (var pfmname of unpfm) { if (pfmname) blackpfm.push(pfmname); } if (zdy_item_store) { store_list = store_list.concat(zdy_item_store.split(",")); } $(".sm_button").on("click", WG.sm_button); $(".go_yamen_task").on("click", WG.go_yamen_task); $(".kill_all").on("click", WG.kill_all); $(".get_all").on("click", WG.get_all); $(".sell_all").on("click", WG.clean_all); $(".zdwk").on("click", WG.zdwk); $(".auto_perform").on("click", WG.auto_preform_switch); setTimeout(() => { role = role; var logintext = ''; document.title = role + "-MUD游戏-#神传说"; KEY.do_command("showtool"); KEY.do_command("pack"); KEY.do_command("score"); setTimeout(() => { KEY.do_command("score"); var rolep = role; if (G.level) { rolep = G.level + role; } if (WebSocket) { if (npcs['店小二'] == 0) { logintext = `<hiy>欢迎${rolep},插件已加载!第一次使用,请在设置中,初始化ID,并且设置一下是否自动婚宴,自动传送boss<br>插件版本: ${GM_info.script.version}</hiy>`; } else { logintext = `<hiy>欢迎${rolep},插件已加载!><br>插件版本: ${GM_info.script.version}<br>更新日志: ${updateinfo}</hiy>`; } } else { logintext = `<hiy>欢迎${role},插件未正常加载!<br>当前浏览器不支持自动喜宴自动boss,请使用火狐浏览器<br>谷歌系浏览器,请在network中勾选disable cache,多刷新几次,直至提示已加载!<br>插件版本: ${GM_info.script.version} </hiy>`; } messageAppend(logintext); }, 500); KEY.do_command("showcombat"); }, 1000); }, updete_goods_id: function () { var lists = $(".dialog-list > .obj-list:first"); var id; var name; if (lists.length) { messageAppend("检测到商品清单"); for (var a of lists.children()) { a = $(a); id = a.attr("obj"); name = $(a.children()[0]).html(); goods[name].id = id; messageAppend(name + ":" + id); } GM_setValue("goods", goods); return true; } else { messageAppend("未检测到商品清单"); return false; } }, updete_npc_id: function () { var lists = $(".room_items .room-item"); for (var npc of lists) { if (npc.lastElementChild.innerText.indexOf("[") >= 0) { if (npc.lastElementChild.lastElementChild.lastElementChild.lastElementChild == null) { if (npc.lastElementChild.firstChild.nodeType == 3 && npc.lastElementChild.firstChild.nextSibling.tagName == "SPAN") { npcs[npc.lastElementChild.innerText.split('[')[0]] = $(npc).attr("itemid"); messageAppend(npc.lastElementChild.innerText.split('[')[0] + " 的ID:" + $(npc).attr("itemid")); } } } else { if (npc.lastElementChild.lastElementChild == null) { npcs[npc.lastElementChild.innerText] = $(npc).attr("itemid"); messageAppend(npc.lastElementChild.innerText + " 的ID:" + $(npc).attr("itemid")); } } } GM_setValue("npcs", npcs); }, updete_id_all: function () { var t = []; Object.keys(goods).forEach(function (key) { if (t[goods[key].place] == undefined) t[goods[key].place] = goods[key].sales; }); var keys = Object.keys(t); var i = 0; var state = 0; var place, sales; //获取 var timer = setInterval(() => { switch (state) { case 0: if (i >= keys.length) { messageAppend("初始化完成"); WG.go("#当派-广场"); clearInterval(timer); return; } place = keys[i]; sales = t[place]; WG.go(place); state = 1; break; case 1: WG.updete_npc_id(); var id = npcs[sales]; WG.Send("list " + id); state = 2; break; case 2: if (WG.updete_goods_id()) { state = 0; i++; } else state = 1; break; } }, 1000); }, Send: async function (cmd) { if (cmd) { cmd = cmd instanceof Array ? cmd : cmd.split(';'); for (var c of cmd) { $("span[WG='WG']").attr("cmd", c).click(); }; } }, SendStep: async function (cmd) { if (cmd) { cmd = cmd instanceof Array ? cmd : cmd.split(';'); for (var c of cmd) { if (G.autoDevMed) { $("span[WG='WG']").attr("cmd", c).click(); await WG.sleep(12000); } }; } }, sleep: function (time) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time)); }, go: async function (p) { if (needfind[p] == undefined) { if (WG.at(p)) { return; } } if (place[p] != undefined) { WG.Send(place[p]); } }, at: function (p) { var w = $(".room-name").html(); return w.indexOf(p) == -1 ? false : true; }, smhook: undefined, sm: function () { if (!WG.smhook) { WG.smhook = WG.add_hook('text', function (data) { if (data.msg.indexOf("辛苦了, 你先去休息") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("和本门毫无瓜葛") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("你没有") >= 0 ) { WG.Send("taskover signin"); WG.sm_state = -1; $(".sm_button").text("师门(Q)"); WG.remove_hook(WG.smhook); WG.smhook = undefined; } }); } switch (WG.sm_state) { case 0: //前往师门接收任务 WG.go(sm_array[family].place); WG.sm_state = 1; setTimeout(WG.sm, 700); break; case 1: //接受任务 var lists = $(".room_items .room-item"); var id = null; for (var npc of lists) { if (npc.lastElementChild.innerText.indexOf("[") >= 0) { if (npc.lastElementChild.lastElementChild.lastElementChild.lastElementChild == null) { if (npc.lastElementChild.firstChild.nodeType == 3 && npc.lastElementChild.firstChild.nextSibling.tagName == "SPAN") { if (npc.lastElementChild.innerText.split('[')[0] == sm_array[family].npc) id = $(npc).attr("itemid"); } } } else { if (npc.lastElementChild.lastElementChild == null) { if (npc.lastElementChild.innerText == sm_array[family].npc) { id = $(npc).attr("itemid"); } } } } console.log(id); if (id != undefined) { WG.Send("task sm " + id); WG.Send("task sm " + id); WG.sm_state = 2; } else { WG.updete_npc_id(); } setTimeout(WG.sm, 300); break; case 2: var mysm_loser = GM_getValue(role + "_sm_loser", sm_loser); //获取师门任务物品 var item = $("span[cmd$='giveup']:last").parent().prev(); if (item.length == 0) { WG.sm_state = 0; setTimeout(WG.sm, 1000); return; }; var itemName = item.html(); item = item[0].outerHTML; //(逗比写法) //能上交直接上交 var tmpObj = $("span[cmd$='giveup']:last").prev(); for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (tmpObj.children().html()) { if (tmpObj.html().indexOf(item) >= 0) { tmpObj.click(); messageAppend("自动上交" + item); WG.sm_state = 0; setTimeout(WG.sm, 100); return; } tmpObj = tmpObj.prev(); } } //不能上交自动购买 WG.sm_item = goods[itemName]; if (WG.sm_item != undefined) { WG.go(WG.sm_item.place); messageAppend("自动购买" + item); WG.sm_state = 3; setTimeout(WG.sm, 1000); } else { messageAppend("无法购买" + item); if (mysm_loser == '已停止') { WG.sm_state = -1; $(".sm_button").text("师门(Q)"); } else { $("span[cmd$='giveup']:last").click(); messageAppend("放弃任务"); WG.sm_state = 0; setTimeout(WG.sm, 100); return; } } break; case 3: WG.go(WG.sm_item.place); if (WG.buy(WG.sm_item)) { WG.sm_state = 0; } setTimeout(WG.sm, 1000); break; default: break; } }, sm_button: function () { if (WG.sm_state >= 0) { WG.sm_state = -1; $(".sm_button").text("师门(Q)"); } else { WG.sm_state = 0; $(".sm_button").text("停止(Q)"); setTimeout(WG.sm, 200); } }, buy: function (good) { var tmp = npcs[good.sales]; if (tmp == undefined) { WG.updete_npc_id(); return false; } WG.Send("list " + tmp); WG.Send("buy 1 " + good.id + " from " + tmp); return true; }, Give: function (items) { var tmp = npcs["店小二"]; if (tmp == undefined) { WG.updete_npc_id(); return false; } WG.Send("give " + tmp + " " + items); return true; }, eq: function (e) { WG.Send("eq " + equip[e]); }, ask: function (npc, i) { npc = npcs[npc]; if (npc != undefined) WG.Send("ask" + i + " " + npc); else WG.updete_npc_id(); }, yamen_lister: undefined, go_yamen_task: async function () { if (!WG.yamen_lister) { WG.yamen_lister = WG.add_hook('text', function (data) { if (data.msg.indexOf("最近没有在逃的逃犯了,你先休息下吧。") >= 0) { clearInterval(WG.check_yamen_task); WG.check_yamen_task = 'over'; WG.remove_hook(WG.yamen_lister); WG.yamen_lister = undefined; } else if (data.msg.indexOf("没有这个人") >= 0) { WG.updete_npc_id(); } }); } WG.go("扬州城-衙门正厅"); await WG.sleep(200); WG.updete_npc_id(); WG.ask("扬州知府 程药发", 1); if (WG.check_yamen_task == 'over') { return; } window.setTimeout(WG.check_yamen_task, 1000); }, check_yamen_task: function () { if (WG.check_yamen_task == 'over') { return; } messageAppend("查找任务中"); var task = $(".task-desc:eq(-2)").text(); if (task.length == 0) { KEY.do_command("tasks"); window.setTimeout(WG.check_yamen_task, 1000); return; } try { zb_npc = task.match("犯:([^%]+),据")[1]; zb_place = task.match("在([^%]+)出")[1]; messageAppend("追捕任务:" + zb_npc + " 地点:" + zb_place); KEY.do_command("score"); WG.go(zb_place); window.setTimeout(WG.check_zb_npc, 1000); } catch (error) { messageAppend("查找衙门追捕失败"); window.setTimeout(WG.check_yamen_task, 1000); } }, check_zb_npc: function () { var lists = $(".room_items .room-item"); for (var npc of lists) { if (npc.innerText.indexOf(zb_npc) != -1) { WG.Send("kill " + $(npc).attr("itemid")); messageAppend("找到" + zb_npc + ",自动击杀!!!"); return; } } window.setTimeout(WG.check_zb_npc, 1000); }, kill_all: function () { var lists = $(".room_items .room-item"); for (var npc of lists) { WG.Send("kill " + $(npc).attr("itemid")); } }, get_all: function () { var lists = $(".room_items .room-item"); for (var npc of lists) { WG.Send("get all from " + $(npc).attr("itemid")); } }, clean_all: function () { WG.go("扬州城-打铁铺"); WG.Send("sell all"); }, packup_listener: null, sell_all: function () { if (WG.packup_listener) { messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>运行中"); messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>手动结束"); WG.remove_hook(WG.packup_listener); WG.packup_listener = undefined; return; } let stores = []; WG.packup_listener = WG.add_hook(["dialog", "text"], (data) => { if (data.type == "dialog" && data.dialog == "list") { if (data.stores == undefined) { return; } stores = []; //去重 for (let i = 0; i < data.stores.length; i++) { let s = null; for (let j = 0; j < stores.length; j++) { if (stores[j].name == data.stores[i].name) { s = stores[j]; break; } } if (s != null) { s.count += data.stores[i].count; } else { stores.push(data.stores[i]); } } } else if (data.type == "dialog" && data.dialog == "pack") { let cmds = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) { //仓库 if (WG.inArray(data.items[i].name, store_list)) { if (data.items[i].can_eq) { //装备物品,不能叠加,计算总数 let store = null; for (let j = 0; j < stores.length; j++) { if (stores[j].name == data.items[i].name) { store = stores[j]; break; } } if (store != null) { if (store.count < 4) { store.count += data.items[i].count; cmds.push("store " + data.items[i].count + " " + data.items[i].id); messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "储存到仓库"); } else { messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "超过设置的储存上限"); } } else { stores.push(data.items[i]); cmds.push("store " + data.items[i].count + " " + data.items[i].id); messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "储存到仓库"); } } else { cmds.push("store " + data.items[i].count + " " + data.items[i].id); messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "储存到仓库"); } } //丢弃 if (WG.inArray(data.items[i].name, drop_list)) { cmds.push("drop " + data.items[i].count + " " + data.items[i].id); messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "丢弃"); } //分解 if (fenjie_list.length && WG.inArray(data.items[i].name, fenjie_list) && data.items[i].name.indexOf("★") == -1) { cmds.push("fenjie " + data.items[i].id); messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "分解"); } } if (cmds.length > 0) { WG.Send(cmds); } WG.go("扬州城-杂货铺"); WG.Send("sell all"); WG.Send("look3 1"); } else if (data.type == 'text' && data.msg == '没有这个玩家。') { messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>完成"); WG.remove_hook(WG.packup_listener); WG.packup_listener = undefined; } }); messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>开始"); WG.go("仓库"); WG.Send("store;pack"); }, ROOM_items_rich: '', room_items_rich: [], // 自动财主家 获取小箱子 rich_house_auto: function () { WG.get_auto_times('财主家', WG.rich_house_start); }, // 进入财主家 rich_house_start: function() { WG.set_once_auto(WG.rich_house_enter) }, rich_house_enter: function () { wenfu_kill_num_now++; messageAppend(`第${wenfu_kill_num_now}次财主府开始`); WG.ROOM_items_rich = WG.add_hook("items", (data) => { if ( data.type === 'items') { var list = data.items; list.pop(); WG.room_items_rich = list; } }); WG.Send('cr yz/cuifu/caizhu 1 0'); WG.check_all_npc_isDeath( function (){ // 前往大院 杀死管家家丁 WG.rich_house_dayuan() }, true); }, rich_house_dayuan: function() { // 从大门前往大院 WG.Send('go north'); setTimeout(function(){ WG.kill_all(); WG.check_all_npc_isDeath(function () { // 前往后院杀死财主 WG.rich_house_houyuan(); }, true); },200); }, // 后院杀财主 rich_house_houyuan: function () { WG.Send('go north'); setTimeout(function () { WG.kill_all(); WG.check_all_npc_isDeath(function () { WG.rich_house_check_key('东厢钥匙',WG.rich_house_go_dongxiang, WG.rich_house_end); }, true); },200); }, // 前往东厢 rich_house_go_dongxiang: function () { WG.Send('look men;open men;go east;'); setTimeout(function () { WG.get_id_by_name('丫鬟', function (id) { WG.Send(`select ${id}`); WG.Send(`ok ${id}`); WG.Send('go west;go south;go south;go north;go north;go west;'); setTimeout(function (){ WG.get_id_by_name('崔莺莺', function(id1){ WG.Send(`select ${id1}`); WG.Send(`ask ${id1} about 东厢`); WG.kill_all(); WG.check_all_npc_isDeath(function(){ WG.Send('go east;go east;look gui;search gui'); setTimeout(function(){ WG.rich_house_end(); },200) }, true) }) },200); }) },200) }, // 结束财主家 rich_house_end: function() { WG.Send("cr;cr over"); WG.remove_hook(WG.ROOM_items_rich); WG.ROOM_items_rich = ''; WG.room_items_rich = []; setTimeout(function () { WG.clean_all(); },200); // 再次循环 messageAppend(`第${wenfu_kill_num_now}次财主府结束`); setTimeout(WG.rich_house_start, 2000) }, // 选择某个人物 get_id_by_name(name, fun) { var list = WG.room_items_rich; for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len ;i++) { var e = list[i]; if (e.name.indexOf(name) > -1) { fun && fun(e.id); } } }, /** * 检查包裹里面是否存在 * @param {*} name 检查包裹的物品名字 * @param {*} success 包裹中存在物品的回调 * @param {*} err 不存在物品的回调 */ rich_house_check_key: function (name, success, err) { var package_listener = WG.add_hook(["dialog", "text"], (data) => { if (data.type == "dialog" && data.dialog == "pack") { $('.dialog').addClass('hide'); var flag = false; for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) { if (data.items[i].name.indexOf(name) > -1 ) { success && success(); flag = true; break; } } !flag && err && err(); WG.remove_hook(package_listener); } }); WG.Send('pack'); }, // 自动的次数 get_auto_times: function(tit, fun){ $('.container').trigger('click'); var num = prompt(`自动${tit}的次数`, "请在这里输入需要自动的次数"); var reg = /^\d+$/; // 非负整数 if (reg.test(num)) { var max_num = role_info_self.jingli / 10; if (num > max_num) { alert('精力不够多') } else { wenfu_kill_num = num; fun && fun(); } } else { alert('输入次数必须为正整数') } }, // 执行一次自动 判断循环次数是否大于1 set_once_auto: function (fn) { if (wenfu_kill_num < 1) { wenfu_kill_num = 0; wenfu_kill_num_now = 0; return false; } wenfu_kill_num--; fn && fn(); }, // 检测当前环境是否还存在自己以外的活人 check_all_npc_isDeath: function (fn, auto_skill) { var skill_auto; if (auto_skill) { var skills = $('.combat-commands .pfm-item'); skill_auto = setInterval(function () { for (var i = 0, len = skills.length; i < len; i++) { let e = $(skills[i]); let shadow = e.find('.shadow'); if (shadow.css('left') === '0px') { e.trigger('click'); break; } } }, 1000); } var check_timer = setInterval(function () { var live_number = $(".room_items .item-status"); if (live_number.length === 1) { clearInterval(check_timer); clearInterval(skill_auto); fn && fn(); } }, 500); }, // 温府脚本 // 开始进入温府 到达亭子 wenfu_kill_num wenfu_infinite: function () { WG.get_auto_times('温府', WG.wenfu_kill_start); }, // 开始新的温府循环 wenfu_kill_start: function () { wenfu_kill_num_now++; messageAppend(`第${wenfu_kill_num_now}次温府开始`); WG.set_once_auto(WG.wenfu_kill_enter) }, // 进入温府 wenfu_kill_enter: function () { WG.Send("cr cd/wen/damen;look tree;climb tree;go north"); var wenfu_timer = setInterval(function () { switch (currentRoomPath) { case 'cd/wen/dating': WG.Send('go northeast'); break; case 'cd/wen/zoulang4': WG.Send('go north'); break; case 'cd/wen/zoulang3': WG.Send('go northwest'); break; case 'cd/wen/zoulangtou': WG.Send('go north'); break; case 'cd/wen/tingzi': clearInterval(wenfu_timer); WG.wenfu_kill_5brother(); break; default: break; } }, 100) }, // 点击木桩 跳上去 然后杀五兄弟 wenfu_kill_5brother: function () { WG.Send('look zhuang;tiao zhuang'); var skill_auto; var skills = $('.combat-commands .pfm-item'); var check_timer = setInterval(function () { check_death_all(); }, 500); skill_auto = setInterval(function () { for (var i = 0, len = skills.length; i < len; i++) { let e = $(skills[i]); let shadow = e.find('.shadow'); if (shadow.css('left') === '0px') { e.trigger('click'); break; } } }, 1000); // 当数量为1时执行 function check_death_all () { // 还活着的数量 var live_number = $(".room_items .item-status"); if (live_number.length === 1) { clearInterval(check_timer); clearInterval(skill_auto); WG.wenfu_heal(WG.wenfu_kill_xiaxueyi); } } }, // 判断是否需要打坐、疗伤 wenfu_heal: function (fn) { var id = role_info_self.id; var $s = $(`.room-item[itemid=${id}]`); var hp_ratio = parseFloat($s.find('.progress.hp .progress-bar').css('width')).toFixed(2); var mp_ratio = parseFloat($s.find('.progress.mp .progress-bar').css('width')).toFixed(2); if (hp_ratio < 80) { WG.Send("liaoshang"); var heal_time = setInterval(function () { // 判断是不是疗伤结束 if ($('.state-bar').is('.hide')) { clearInterval(heal_time); // 打坐 if (mp_ratio < 40) { WG.Send('dazuo'); setTimeout(function () { WG.Send('stopstate'); fn && fn(); }, 1000 * 10 * 3); } else { fn && fn(); } } }, 1000); } else if (mp_ratio < 40) { WG.Send('dazuo'); setTimeout(function () { WG.Send('stopstate'); fn && fn(); }, 1000 * 10 * 3); } else { fn && fn(); } }, // 再次点击木桩 跳木桩 杀死夏雪宜 wenfu_kill_xiaxueyi: function () { var skill_auto; WG.Send('look zhuang;tiao zhuang'); var yuanzi_timer = setInterval(function () { if (currentRoomPath === 'cd/wen/xiaoyuan') { clearInterval(yuanzi_timer); WG.kill_all(); setTimeout(function () { var skills = $('.combat-commands .pfm-item'); skill_auto = setInterval(function () { for (var i = 0, len = skills.length; i < len; i++) { let e = $(skills[i]); let shadow = e.find('.shadow'); if (shadow.css('left') === '0px') { e.trigger('click'); break; } } }, 1000); }, 200) } }, 100) var check_timer = setInterval(function () { check_death_all(); }, 500); // 当数量为1时执行 function check_death_all () { // 还活着的数量 var live_number = $(".room_items .item-status"); if (live_number.length === 1) { clearInterval(skill_auto); clearInterval(check_timer); WG.wenfu_heal(WG.wenfu_kill_end); } } }, // 夏雪宜杀死了 完成副本 清包 wenfu_kill_end: function () { WG.Send("cr;cr over"); messageAppend(`第${wenfu_kill_num_now}次温府结束`); setTimeout(function () { WG.clean_all(); }); // 再次循环执行温府 setTimeout(WG.wenfu_kill_start, 2000) }, zdwk: function () { if (G.level) { if (G.level.indexOf('#帝') >= 0) { WG.go("练功房"); WG.Send("xiulian"); return; } } var t = $(".room_items .room-item:first .item-name").text(); t = t.indexOf("<挖矿"); if (t == -1) { messageAppend("当前不在挖矿状态"); if (timer == 0) { console.log(timer); WG.go("扬州城-矿山"); WG.eq("铁镐"); WG.Send("wa"); timer = setInterval(WG.zdwk, 5000); } } else { WG.timer_close(); } if (WG.at("扬州城-矿山") && t == -1) { //不能挖矿,自动买铁镐 WG.go("扬州城-打铁铺"); WG.buy(goods["铁镐"]); //买完等待下一次检查 messageAppend("自动买铁镐"); return; } if (WG.at("扬州城-打铁铺")) { var lists = $(".dialog-list > .obj-list:eq(1)"); var id; var name; if (lists.length) { messageAppend("查找铁镐ID"); for (var a of lists.children()) { a = $(a); id = a.attr("obj"); name = $(a.children()[0]).html(); if (name == "铁镐") { equip["铁镐"] = id; WG.eq("铁镐"); } } GM_setValue(role + "_equip", equip); WG.go("扬州城-矿山"); WG.Send("wa"); } return; } }, timer_close: function () { if (timer) { clearInterval(timer); timer = 0; } }, wudao_auto: function () { //创建定时器 if (timer == 0) { timer = setInterval(WG.wudao_auto, 2000); } if (!WG.at("#道塔")) { //进入#道塔 WG.go("#道塔"); WG.ask("守门人", 1); WG.Send("go enter"); } else { //#道塔内处理 messageAppend("#道塔"); var w = $(".room_items .room-item:last"); var t = w.text(); if (t.indexOf("守护者") != -1) { WG.Send("kill " + w.attr("itemid")); WG.wudao_autopfm(); } else { WG.Send("go up"); } } }, wudao_autopfm: function () { var pfm = wudao_pfm.split(','); for (var p of pfm) { if ($("div.combat-panel div.combat-commands span.pfm-item:eq(" + p + ") span").css("left") == "0px") $("div.combat-panel div.combat-commands span.pfm-item:eq(" + p + ") ").click(); } }, xue_auto: function () { var t = $(".room_items .room-item:first .item-name").text(); t = t.indexOf("<打坐") != -1 || t.indexOf("<学习") != -1 || t.indexOf("<练习") != -1; //创建定时器 if (timer == 0) { if (t == false) { messageAppend("当前不在打坐或学技能"); return; } timer = setInterval(WG.xue_auto, 1000); } if (t == false) { //学习状态中止,自动去挖矿 WG.timer_close(); WG.zdwk(); } else { messageAppend("自动打坐学技能"); } }, fbnum: 0, needGrove: 0, oncegrove: function () { this.fbnum += 1; messageAppend("第" + this.fbnum + "次"); WG.Send("cr yz/lw/shangu;cr over"); if (this.needGrove == this.fbnum) { WG.Send("taskover signin"); messageAppend("<hiy>" + this.fbnum + "次副本小树林秒进秒退已完成</hiy>"); this.timer_close(); WG.zdwk(); this.needGrove = 0; this.fbnum = 0; } }, grove_ask_info: function () { return prompt("请输入需要秒进秒退的副本次数", ""); }, grove_auto: function (needG = null) { if (timer == 0) { if (needG == null) { this.needGrove = this.grove_ask_info(); } else { this.needGrove = needG; } if (this.needGrove) //如果返回的有内容 { if (parseFloat(this.needGrove).toString() == "NaN") { messageAppend("请输入数字"); return; } messageAppend("开始秒进秒退小树林" + this.needGrove + "次"); timer = setInterval(() => { this.oncegrove() }, 1000); } } }, showhideborad: function () { if ($('.WG_log').css('display') == 'none') { $('.WG_log').show(); } else { $('.WG_log').hide(); } }, calc: function () { messageClear(); var html = ` <div> <div style="width:50%;float:left"> <span>潜能计算器</span> <input type="number" id="c" placeholder="初始等级" style="width:50%" class="mui-input-speech"><br/> <input type="number" id="m" placeholder="目标等级" style="width:50%"><br/> <select id="se" style="width:50%"> <option value='0'>选择技能颜色</option> <option value='1' style="color: #c0c0c0;">白色</option> <option value='2' style="color:#00ff00;">绿色</option> <option value='3' style="color:#00ffff;">蓝色</option> <option value='4' style="color:#ffff00;">黄色</option> <option value='5' style="color:#912cee;">紫色</option> <option value='6' style="color: #ffa600;">橙色</option> </select><br/> <input type="button" value="计算" style="width:50%" id="qnjs"><br/> </div> <div style="width:50%;float:left"> <span>开花计算器</span> <input type="number" id="nl" placeholder="当前内力" style="width:50%" class="mui-input-speech"><br/> <input type="number" id="xg" placeholder="先天根骨" style="width:50%"><br/> <input type="number" id="hg" placeholder="后天根骨" style="width:50%"><br/> <input type="button" value="计算" id = "kaihua" style="width:50%" <br/> <label>人花分值:5000 地花分值:6500 天花分值:8000</label> </div> </div>`; messageAppend(html); $("#qnjs").on('click', function () { messageAppend("需要潜能:" + Helper.dian(Number($("#c").val()), Number($("#m").val()), Number($("#se").val()))); }); $("#kaihua").on('click', function () { messageAppend("你的分值:" + Helper.gen(Number($("#nl").val()), Number($("#xg").val()), Number($("#hg").val()))); }); }, setting: function () { messageClear(); var a = `<div style='text-align:right;width:280px'> 有空的话请点个star,您的支持是我最大的动力<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/knva/wsmud_plugins">https://github.com/knva/wsmud_plugins</a> <span> <label for="family">门派选择:</label><select style='width:80px' id="family"> <option value="#当">#当</option> <option value="华山">华山</option> <option value="少林">少林</option> <option value="峨眉">峨眉</option> <option value="逍遥">逍遥</option> <option value="丐帮">丐帮</option> <option value="#馆">#馆</option> </select> </span> <span><label for="sm_loser">师门自动放弃: </label><select style='width:80px' id = "sm_loser"> <option value="已停止">已停止</option> <option value="已开启">已开启</option> </select> </span> <span><label for="wudao_pfm">#道自动攻击: </label><input style='width:80px' type="text" id="wudao_pfm" name="wudao_pfm" value=""> </span> <span><label for="marry_kiss">自动喜宴: </label><select style='width:80px' id = "marry_kiss"> <option value="已停止">已停止</option> <option value="已开启">已开启</option> </select> </span> <span><label for="ks_Boss">自动传到boss: </label><select style='width:80px' id = "ks_Boss"> <option value="已停止">已停止</option> <option value="已开启">已开启</option> </select> </span> <span><label for="auto_eq">BOSS击杀时自动换装: </label><select style='width:80px' id = "auto_eq"> <option value="0">已停止</option> <option value="1">套装1</option> <option value="2">套装2</option> <option value="3">套装3</option> </select> </span> <span><label for="ks_pfm">叫杀延时(ms): </label><input style='width:80px' type="text" id="ks_pfm" name="ks_pfm" value=""> </span> <span> <label for = "autopfmswitch" > 自动施法开关: </label><select style = 'width:80px' id = "autopfmswitch" > <option value = "已停止" > 已停止 </option> <option value = "已开启" > 已开启 </option> </select> </span> <span><label for = "unautopfm" > 自动施法黑名单(使用半角逗号分隔): </label> <span><textarea class = "settingbox hide"style = "display: inline-block;" id="unauto_pfm" name="unauto_pfm" > </textarea></span> </span><label for="store_info"> 输入自动存储的物品名称(使用半角逗号分隔):</label></span> <span><textarea class = "settingbox hide"style = "display: inline-block;" id = 'store_info' > </textarea></span> <div class="item-commands"><span class="updete_id_all">初始化ID</span></div> </div> `; messageAppend(a); $('#family').val(family); $("#family").change(function () { family = $("#family").val(); GM_setValue(role + "_family", family); }); $('#wudao_pfm').val(wudao_pfm); $('#wudao_pfm').focusout(function () { wudao_pfm = $('#wudao_pfm').val(); GM_setValue(role + "_wudao_pfm", wudao_pfm); }); $('#sm_loser').val(sm_loser); $('#sm_loser').focusout(function () { sm_loser = $('#sm_loser').val(); GM_setValue(role + "_sm_loser", sm_loser); }); $('#ks_pfm').val(ks_pfm); $('#ks_pfm').focusout(function () { ks_pfm = $('#ks_pfm').val(); GM_setValue(role + "_ks_pfm", ks_pfm); }); $('#marry_kiss').val(automarry); $('#marry_kiss').change(function () { automarry = $('#marry_kiss').val(); GM_setValue(role + "_automarry", automarry); }); $('#ks_Boss').val(autoKsBoss); $('#ks_Boss').change(function () { autoKsBoss = $('#ks_Boss').val(); GM_setValue(role + "_autoKsBoss", autoKsBoss); }); $('#auto_eq').val(autoeq); $('#auto_eq').change(function () { autoeq = $('#auto_eq').val(); GM_setValue(role + "_auto_eq", autoeq); }); $('#autopfmswitch').val(auto_pfmswitch); $('#autopfmswitch').change(function () { auto_pfmswitch = $('#autopfmswitch').val(); GM_setValue(role + "_auto_pfmswitch", auto_pfmswitch); if (auto_pfmswitch == '已开启') { G.auto_preform = true; } else { G.auto_preform = false; } }); $('#unauto_pfm').val(unauto_pfm); $('#unauto_pfm').change(function () { unauto_pfm = $('#unauto_pfm').val(); GM_setValue(role + "_unauto_pfm", unauto_pfm); var unpfm = unauto_pfm.split(','); for (var pfmname of unpfm) { if (pfmname) blackpfm.push(pfmname); } }); $('#store_info').val(zdy_item_store); $('#store_info').change(function () { zdy_item_store = $('#store_info').val(); GM_setValue(role + "_zdy_item_store", zdy_item_store); store_list = store_list.concat(zdy_item_store.split(",")); }) $(".updete_id_all").on("click", WG.updete_id_all); }, hooks: [], hook_index: 0, add_hook: function (types, fn) { var hook = { 'index': WG.hook_index++, 'types': types, 'fn': fn }; WG.hooks.push(hook); return hook.index; }, remove_hook: function (hookindex) { var that = this; console.log("remove_hook"); for (var i = 0; i < that.hooks.length; i++) { if (that.hooks[i].index == hookindex) { that.hooks.baoremove(i); } } }, run_hook: function (type, data) { //console.log(data); for (var i = 0; i < this.hooks.length; i++) { // if (this.hooks[i] !== undefined && this.hooks[i].type == type) { // this.hooks[i].fn(data); // } var listener = this.hooks[i]; if (listener.types == data.type || (listener.types instanceof Array && $ .inArray(data.type, listener.types) >= 0)) { listener.fn(data); } } }, receive_message: function (msg) { ws_on_message.apply(this, arguments); if (!msg || !msg.data) return; var data; if (msg.data[0] == '{' || msg.data[0] == '[') { var func = new Function("return " + msg.data + ";"); data = func(); } else { data = { type: 'text', msg: msg.data }; } if (data.type === 'dialog' && data.dialog === 'score' && !role_info_self.type) { role_info_self = data; } if (data.type === 'room') { currentRoomPath = data.path; } WG.run_hook(data.type, data); }, auto_preform_switch: function () { if (G.auto_preform) { G.auto_preform = false; messageAppend("<hio>自动施法</hio>关闭"); WG.auto_preform("stop"); } else { G.auto_preform = true; messageAppend("<hio>自动施法</hio>开启"); WG.auto_preform(); } }, auto_preform: function (v) { if (v == "stop") { if (G.preform_timer) { clearInterval(G.preform_timer); G.preform_timer = undefined; $(".auto_perform").css("background", ""); } return; } if (G.preform_timer || G.auto_preform == false) return; $(".auto_perform").css("background", "#3E0000"); G.preform_timer = setInterval(() => { if (G.in_fight == false) WG.auto_preform("stop"); for (var skill of G.skills) { if (family.indexOf("逍遥") >= 0) { if (skill.id == "unarmed.duo") { continue; } } if (WG.inArray(skill.id, blackpfm)) { continue; } if (!G.### && !G.cds.get(skill.id)) { WG.Send("perform " + skill.id); break; } } }, 350); }, }; var Helper = { formatCurrencyTenThou: function (num) { num = num.toString().replace(/\$|\,/g, ''); if (isNaN(num)) num = "0"; var sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num))); num = Math.floor(num * 10 + 0.50000000001); //cents = num%10; num = Math.floor(num / 10).toString(); for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length - (1 + i)) / 3); i++) { num = num.substring(0, num.length - (4 * i + 3)) + ',' + num.substring(num.length - (4 * i + 3)); } return (((sign) ? '' : '-') + num); }, gen: function (nl, xg, hg) { var jg = nl / 100 + xg * hg / 10; var sd = this.formatCurrencyTenThou(jg); return sd; }, dian: function (c, m, se) { var j = c + m; var jj = m - c; var jjc = jj / 2; var z = j * jjc * se * 5; var sd = this.formatCurrencyTenThou(z); return sd; }, //找boss,boss不在,-1, findboss: function (data, bossname, callback) { for (let i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) { if (data.items[i] != 0) { if (data.items[i].name.indexOf(bossname) >= 0) { callback(data.items[i].id); } } } callback(-1); }, ksboss: '', marryhy: '', kksBoss: function (data) { var boss_place = boss_place = data.content.match("出现在([^%]+)一带。"); var boss_name = data.content.match("听说([^%]+)出现在"); if (boss_name == null || boss_place == null) { return; } if (G.level.indexOf("#帝") < 0 && WG.inArray(boss_name, blacklist)) { messageAppend("黑名单boss,忽略!"); return; } boss_name = data.content.match("听说([^%]+)出现在")[1]; boss_place = data.content.match("出现在([^%]+)一带。")[1]; var autoKsBoss = GM_getValue(role + "_autoKsBoss", autoKsBoss); var ks_pfm_p = GM_getValue(role + "_ks_pfm", ks_pfm); var autoeq = GM_getValue(role + "_auto_eq", autoeq); console.log("boss"); console.log(boss_place); messageAppend("自动前往BOSS地点"); WG.Send("stopstate"); WG.go(boss_place); this.ksboss = WG.add_hook(["items", "itemadd", "die"], function (data) { if (data.type == "items") { if (!WG.at(boss_place)) { return; } Helper.findboss(data, boss_name, function (bid) { if (bid != -1) { next = 999; Helper.eqhelper(autoeq); setTimeout(() => { WG.Send("kill " + bid); //WG.Send("select " + bid); next = 0; }, Number(ks_pfm_p)); } else { if (next == 999) { console.log('found'); return; } let lj = needfind[boss_place]; if (needfind[boss_place] != undefined && next < lj.length) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(lj[next]); WG.Send(lj[next]); next++; }, 1000); } else { console.log("not found"); } } }); } if (data.type == "itemadd") { if (data.name.indexOf(boss_name) >= 0) { next = 0; WG.get_all(); WG.remove_hook(this.index); } } if (data.type == "die") { next = 0; WG.Send('relive'); WG.remove_hook(this.index); } }); setTimeout(() => { console.log("复活挖矿"); WG.Send('relive'); WG.remove_hook(this.ksboss); WG.zdwk(); next = 0; }, 60000); }, xiyan: function () { WG.Send("stopstate"); WG.go("扬州城-喜宴"); this.marryhy = WG.add_hook(['items', 'cmds', 'text', 'msg'], function (data) { if (data.type == 'items') { for (let idx = 0; idx < data.items.length; idx++) { if (data.items[idx] != 0) { if (data.items[idx].name.indexOf(">婚宴礼桌<") >= 0) { console.log("拾取"); WG.Send('get all from ' + data.items[idx].id); console.log("xy" + this.index); WG.remove_hook(this.index); break; } } } } else if (data.type == 'text') { if (data.msg == "你要给谁东西?") { console.log("没人"); } if (/^店小二拦住你说道:怎么又是你,每次都跑这么快,等下再进去。$/.test(data.msg)) { console.log("cd"); messageAppend("<hiy>你太勤快了, 1秒后回去挖矿</hiy>") } if (/^店小二拦住你说道:这位(.+),不好意思,婚宴宾客已经太多了。$/.test(data.msg)) { console.log("客满"); messageAppend("<hiy>你来太晚了, 1秒后回去挖矿</hiy>") } } else if (data.type == 'cmds') { for (let idx = 0; idx < data.items.length; idx++) { if (data.items[idx].name == '1金贺礼') { WG.Send(data.items[idx].cmd + ';go up'); console.log("交钱"); break; } } } }); setTimeout(() => { console.log("挖矿"); WG.remove_hook(this.marryhy); WG.zdwk(); next = 0; }, 30000); }, saveRoomstate (data) { roomData = data.items; }, eqx: null, eqhelper (type) { if (type == undefined || type == 0 || type > eqlist.length) { return; } if (eqlist == null || eqlist[type] == "") { messageAppend("套装未保存,保存当前装备作为套装" + type + "!", 1); this.eqx = WG.add_hook("dialog", (data) => { if (data.dialog == "pack" && data.eqs != undefined) { eqlist[type] = data.eqs; GM_setValue(role + "_eqlist", eqlist); messageAppend("套装" + type + "保存成功!", 1); WG.remove_hook(this.eqx); } }); WG.Send("pack"); } else { eqlist = GM_getValue(role + "_eqlist", eqlist); for (let i = 1; i < eqlist[type].length; i++) { if (eqlist[type][i] != null) { WG.Send("eq " + eqlist[type][i].id); } } if (eqlist[type][0] != null) { WG.Send("eq " + eqlist[type][0].id); } messageAppend("套装装备成功" + type + "!", 1); } }, eqhelperdel: function (type) { eqlist = GM_getValue(role + "_eqlist", eqlist); eqlist[type] = []; GM_setValue(role + "_eqlist", eqlist); messageAppend("清除套装" + type + "设置成功!", 1); }, uneqall: function () { this.eqx = WG.add_hook("dialog", (data) => { if (data.dialog == "pack" && data.eqs != undefined) { for (let i = 0; i < data.eqs.length; i++) { if (data.eqs[i] != null) { WG.Send("uneq " + data.eqs[i].id); } } WG.remove_hook(this.eqx); } }); WG.Send("pack"); messageAppend("取消所有装备成功!", 1); }, fight_listener: undefined, auto_fight: function () { if (Helper.fight_listener) { messageAppend("<hio>自动比试</hio>结束"); WG.remove_hook(Helper.fight_listener); Helper.fight_listener = undefined; return; } let name = prompt("请输入NPC名称,例如:\"高根明\""); let id = Helper.find_item(name); if (id == null) return; Helper.fight_listener = WG.add_hook(["sc", "combat"], function (data) { if (data.type == "combat" && data.end) { Helper.recover(1, 1, 0, function () { }); } else if (data.type == "sc" && data.id == id) { let item = G.items.get(id); if (item.hp >= item.max_hp) { Helper.recover(1, 1, 0, function () { WG.Send("stopstate;fight " + id); }); } } }); WG.Send("stopstate;fight " + id); messageAppend("<hio>自动比试</hio>开始"); }, find_item: function (name) { for (let [k, v] of G.items) { if (v.name == name) { return k; } } return null; }, recover: function (hp, mp, cd, callback) { //返回定时器 if (hp == 0) { if (WG.recover_timer) { clearTimeout(WG.recover_timer); WG.recover_timer = undefined; } return; } WG.Send("dazuo"); WG.recover_timer = setInterval(function () { //检查状态 let item = G.items.get(G.id); if (item.mp / item.max_mp < mp) { //内力控制 if (item.state != "打坐") { WG.Send("stopstate;dazuo"); } return; } if (item.hp / item.max_hp < hp) { //血满 if (item.state != "疗伤") { WG.Send("stopstate;liaoshang"); } return; } if (item.state) WG.Send("stopstate"); if (cd) { for (let [k, v] of G.cds) { if (k == "force.tu") continue; if (v) return; } } clearInterval(WG.recover_timer); callback(); }, 1000); }, useitem_hook: undefined, auto_useitem: async function () { var useflag = true; if (!Helper.useitem_hook) { Helper.useitem_hook = WG.add_hook("text", function (data) { if (data.msg.indexOf("你身上没有这个东西") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("太多") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("不能使用") >= 0) { useflag = false; WG.remove_hook(Helper.useitem_hook); Helper.useitem_hook = undefined; } }) } let name = prompt("请输入物品id,在背包中点击查看物品,即可在提示窗口看到物品id输出"); if (!name) { WG.remove_hook(Helper.useitem_hook); Helper.useitem_hook = undefined; return; } let num = prompt("请输入物品使用次数,例如:\"10\"", '10'); if (name) { if (name.length != 11) { alert('id不合法'); WG.remove_hook(Helper.useitem_hook); Helper.useitem_hook = undefined; return; } for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (useflag) { WG.Send('use ' + name); await WG.sleep(1000); } else { WG.remove_hook(Helper.useitem_hook); Helper.useitem_hook = undefined; return; } } } WG.remove_hook(Helper.useitem_hook); Helper.useitem_hook = undefined; }, auto_Development_medicine: function () { messageClear(); var a = `<div style='text-align:right;width:280px'> 有空的话请点个star,您的支持是我最大的动力 <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/knva/wsmud_plugins">https://github.com/knva/wsmud_plugins</a> <span> <label for = "medicine_level" > 级别选择: </label><select style='width:80px' id="medicine_level"> <option value="1">绿色</option> <option value="2">蓝色</option> <option value="3">黄色</option> <option value="4">紫色</option> <option value="5">橙色</option> </select> </span> <span> <label for="medicint_info"> 输入使用的顺序(使用半角逗号分隔):</label> </span> <span> <textarea class = "settingbox hide" style = "display: inline-block;" id = 'medicint_info'>石楠叶,金银花,金银花,金银花,当归</textarea> </span> <div class = "item-commands" > <span class = "startDev" > 开始 </span><span class = "stopDev" > 停止 </span> </div> </div>` messageAppend(a); $('.startDev').on('click', function () { if (WG.at('住房-炼药房')) { G.autoDevMed = true; Helper.auto_start_dev_med($('#medicint_info').val().replace(" ", ""), $('#medicine_level').val()); } else { alert("请先前往炼药房"); } }); $('.stopDev').on('click', function () { G.autoDevMed = false; WG.Send("stopstate"); }); }, findMedItems_hook: undefined, auto_start_dev_med: function (med_item, level) { if (med_item) { if (med_item.split(",").length < 2) { alert("素材不足"); return; } } else { alert("素材不足"); return; } var med_items = med_item.split(','); var med_items_id = []; Helper.findMedItems_hook = WG.add_hook("dialog", function (data) { if (data.dialog == "pack" && data.items != undefined && data.items.length >= 0) { for (var med_item of med_items) { if (JSON.stringify(data.items).indexOf(med_item) >= 0) { for (var item of data.items) { if (item.name.indexOf(med_item) >= 0) { med_items_id.push(item.id); } } } } if (med_items_id.length != med_items.length) { alert("素材不足,请检查背包是否存在相应素材"); return; } var p_Cmd = Helper.make_med_cmd(med_items_id, level); console.log(p_Cmd); WG.SendStep(p_Cmd); WG.remove_hook(Helper.findMedItems_hook); } }); WG.Send('pack'); }, make_med_cmd: function (medItem_id, level) { var startCmd = "lianyao2 start " + level; var endCmd = "lianyao2 stop"; var midCmd = "lianyao2 add "; var r###lt = startCmd + ";"; for (var medid of medItem_id) { r###lt += midCmd + medid + ";" } r###lt += endCmd; return r###lt; }, zml: function () { zml = GM_getValue(role + "_zml", zml); messageClear(); var a = `<div style='text-align:right;width:280px'> <div class = "item-commands" > <span class = "editzml" > 编辑自命令 </span> </div> <div class = "item-commands" id = "zml_show"></div> </div>`; messageAppend(a); zml.forEach(function (v, k) { var btn = "<span class='addrun" + k + "'>" + v.name + "</span>"; $('#zml_show').append(btn); }) zml.forEach(function (v, k) { $(".addrun" + k).on("click", function () { WG.Send(v.zmlRun); messageAppend("运行" + v.name, 2); }); }); $(".editzml").on("click", function () { Helper.zml_edit(); }); }, zml_edit: function () { zml = GM_getValue(role + "_zml", zml); messageClear(); var edithtml = `<div style='text-align:right;width:280px'> <span><label for="zml_name"> 输入自定义命令名称:</label></span> <span><input id ="zml_name" style='width:80px' type="text" name="zml_name" value=""></span> <span><label for="zml_info"> 输入自定义命令(用半角分号(;)分隔):</label></span> <span> <textarea class = "settingbox hide"style = "display: inline-block;"id = 'zml_info'></textarea></span> <div class = "item-commands" > <span class = "editadd" > 添加 </span> </div> <div class = "item-commands" id = "zml_show"></div> </div> ` messageAppend(edithtml); $(".editadd").on('click', function () { let zmltext = $("#zml_info").val(); let zmlname = $("#zml_name").val().replace(" ", ""); let zmljson = { "name": zmlname, "zmlRun": zmltext }; zml.push(zmljson); GM_setValue(role + "_zml", zml); messageAppend("添加成功", 2); }); zml.forEach(function (v, k) { var btn = "<span class='addrun" + k + "'>删除" + v.name + "</span>"; $('#zml_show').append(btn); }) zml.forEach(function (v, k) { $(".addrun" + k).on("click", function () { zml.baoremove(k); GM_setValue(role + "_zml", zml); Helper.zml_edit(); messageAppend("删除成功", 2); }); }); }, daily_hook: undefined, oneKeyDaily: function () { messageAppend("本脚本会自动执行师门及自动进退小树林,请确保精力足够再执行", 1); Helper.daily_hook = WG.add_hook("dialog", async function (data) { if (data.dialog == "tasks") { if (data.items) { let dailylog = data.items[1].desc; let dailystate = data.items[1].state; if (dailystate == 3) { messageAppend("日常已完成", 1); WG.zdwk(); WG.remove_hook(Helper.daily_hook); Helper.daily_hook = undefined; } else { let str = dailylog; str = str.replace(/<(?!\/?p\b)[^>]+>/ig, ''); let str1 = str.split("副本"); let n = str1[0].match(":([^%]+)/20")[1]; let n1 = str1[1].match(":([^%]+)/20")[1]; n = 20 - parseInt(n); n1 = 20 - parseInt(n1); messageAppend("还需要" + n + "次师门任务," + n1 + "次副本,才可签到"); if (n != 0) { $(".sm_button").click(); } await WG.sleep(2000); while ($(".sm_button").text().indexOf("停止") >= 0) { await WG.sleep(2000); } WG.grove_auto(n1); WG.remove_hook(Helper.daily_hook); Helper.daily_hook = undefined; } } } }); WG.Send("stopstate"); KEY.do_command("tasks"); KEY.do_command("tasks"); }, sd_hook: undefined, oneKeySD: function () { if (!npcs["扬州知府 程药发"]) { messageAppend("请先初始化ID"); return; } messageAppend("本脚本自动执行购买扫荡符,进行追捕扫荡,请确保元宝足够\n注意! 超过上限会自动放弃", 1); Helper.sd_hook = WG.add_hook(["dialog", "text"], async function (data) { if (data.type = 'text' && data.msg) { if (data.msg.indexOf("无法快速完") >= 0) { WG.Send("ask1 " + npcs["扬州知府 程药发"]); await WG.sleep(2000); WG.Send("ask2 " + npcs["扬州知府 程药发"]); await WG.sleep(2000); WG.Send("ask3 " + npcs["扬州知府 程药发"]); messageAppend("追捕已完成", 1); await WG.sleep(2000); WG.zdwk(); WG.remove_hook(Helper.sd_hook); Helper.sd_hook = undefined; } //<hig>你的追捕任务完成了,目前完成20/20个,已连续完成40个。</hig> if (data.msg.indexOf("追捕任务完成了") >= 0) { let str = data.msg; str = str.replace(/<(?!\/?p\b)[^>]+>/ig, ''); let n = str.match("目前完成([^%]+)/20")[1]; if (n == "20") { messageAppend("追捕已完成", 1); await WG.sleep(2000); WG.zdwk(); WG.remove_hook(Helper.sd_hook); Helper.sd_hook = undefined; } } } if (data.dialog == "tasks") { if (data.items) { let dailylog = data.items[3].desc; let str = dailylog; str = str.replace(/<(?!\/?p\b)[^>]+>/ig, ''); let n = str.match("完成([^%]+)/20")[1]; n = 20 - parseInt(n); if (n == 0) { messageAppend("追捕已完成", 1); WG.zdwk(); WG.remove_hook(Helper.sd_hook); Helper.sd_hook = undefined; return; } else { messageAppend("还需要" + n + "次扫荡,自动购入" + n + "张扫荡符"); await WG.sleep(2000); WG.Send("shop 0 " + n); WG.go("扬州城-衙门正厅"); await WG.sleep(2000); WG.Send("ask3 " + npcs["扬州知府 程药发"]); await WG.sleep(2000); WG.remove_hook(Helper.sd_hook); Helper.sd_hook = undefined; } } } }); WG.Send("stopstate"); KEY.do_command("tasks"); KEY.do_command("tasks"); }, oneKeyRaid: function () { messageClear(); var html = `<div style='text-align:right;width:280px'> <div class = "item-commands" > <span class = "zdy-item yihua" > 移花宫(简单) </span><span class = "zdy-item yihuaH" > 移花宫(困难) </span> <span class = "zdy-item whiteteam" > 白驼山(组队) </span> </div> </div> `; messageAppend(html); $(".yihua").on('click', function () { WG.Send('stopstate'); ToRaid.yihua(false); }); $(".yihuaH").on('click', function () { WG.Send('stopstate'); ToRaid.yihua(true); }); $(".whiteteam").on('click', function () { WG.Send('stopstate'); ToRaid.baituo(); }); } }; //副本部分 author bob.cn var Role = { id: undefined, status: [], init: function () { WG.add_hook("login", function (data) { Role.id = data.id; Role.status = []; }); WG.add_hook("status", function (data) { if (data.id != Role.id) return; if (data.action == "add") { Role.status.push(data.sid); } else if (data.action == "remove") { let index = Role.status.indexOf(data.sid); if (index == -1) return; Role.status.splice(index, 1); } }); }, isStatus: function (s) { return Role.status.indexOf(s) != -1; } }; var Raid = { /* public */ name: "副本名称", cmds: [], enemyNames: [], willStartRun: undefined, // optional: function() didEndRun: undefined, // optional: function() willStartOnceRun: undefined, // optional: function(number) didEndOnceRun: undefined, // optional: function(number) willExecuteCmd: undefined, // optional: function(lastCmd, cmd) didExecuteCmd: undefined, // optional: function(cmd) repeatRun: function () { let num = prompt("输入扫荡【" + Raid.name + "】副本次数,例如:\"1\"", '1'); if (num === null) { messageAppend("已取消", 1); return; } if (num > 0) { Raid._repeatTotal = num; Raid._repeatCounter = 0; } Raid._cleanRepeatRun(); if (Raid.willStartRun) { Raid.willStartRun(); } Raid._indexes.push(Raid._monitorEnemy()); Raid._indexes.push(Raid._monitorEnemyDie()); Raid._once_run(); }, /* private */ _indexes: [], _repeatTotal: 1, _repeatCounter: 0, _cmdIndex: 0, // 下一条执行的命令的索引 _lastCmd: undefined, // 上一个执行的命令 _enemyIds: undefined, // 当前房间的敌人id _enemyCounter: 0, // 当前房间剩余的敌人 _once_run: function () { Raid._cleanForOnceRun(); if (Raid.willStartOnceRun) { Raid.willStartOnceRun(Raid._repeatCounter); } Raid._executeCmd(); }, _cleanRepeatRun: function () { for (var i = Raid._indexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let index = Raid._indexes[i]; WG.remove_hook(index); } Raid._indexes = []; }, _cleanForOnceRun: function () { Raid._cmdIndex = 0; Raid._lastCmd = undefined; Raid._enemyIds = undefined; Raid._enemyCounter = 0; }, _overOnceRun: function () { if (Raid.didEndOnceRun) { Raid.didEndOnceRun(Raid._repeatCounter); } Raid._repeatCounter += 1; if (Raid._repeatCounter < Raid._repeatTotal) { window.setTimeout(Raid._once_run, 2000); } else { Raid._cleanRepeatRun(); if (Raid.didEndRun) { Raid.didEndRun(); } } }, _executeCmd: function () { if (Raid._cmdIndex >= Raid.cmds.length) { WG.Send("cr;cr over"); Raid._overOnceRun(); return; } if (Role.isStatus("busy")) { Raid._delayExecuteCmd(); return; } var cmd = Raid.cmds[Raid._cmdIndex]; if (Raid.willExecuteCmd) { let valid = Raid.willExecuteCmd(Raid._lastCmd, cmd); if (!valid) { Raid._delayExecuteCmd(); return; } cmd = valid; } if (Raid._enemyCounter > 0) { Raid._killEnemy(); Raid._delayExecuteCmd(); return; } Raid._lastCmd = cmd; // @开头,虚命令,不真正执行 if (cmd.indexOf("@") == -1) { console.log("执行命令:" + cmd); WG.Send(cmd); } Raid._cmdIndex += 1; Raid._delayExecuteCmd(); if (Raid.didExecuteCmd) { Raid.didExecuteCmd(cmd); } }, _delayExecuteCmd: function () { window.setTimeout(Raid._executeCmd, 2000); }, _killEnemy: function () { if (Raid._enemyIds == undefined) { return } for (var i = 0; i < Raid._enemyIds.length; i++) { let enemyId = Raid._enemyIds[i]; WG.Send("kill " + enemyId); } }, _monitorEnemy: function () { let index = WG.add_hook("items", function (data) { if (data.items == undefined) return; var enemyIds = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) { let item = data.items[i]; if (item.id == undefined || item.name == undefined) continue; if (Raid.enemyNames.indexOf(item.name) >= 0) { enemyIds.push(item.id); } } Raid._enemyIds = enemyIds; Raid._enemyCounter = enemyIds.length; }); return index; }, _monitorEnemyDie: function () { let index = WG.add_hook("sc", function (data) { if (data.id == undefined || !Raid._enemyIds) return; if (WG.inArray(data.id, Raid._enemyIds) && data.hp == 0) { Raid._enemyCounter -= 1; } }); return index; }, }; var ToRaid = { yihua: function (hard) { if (hard) { Raid.name = "困难移花宫"; Raid.cmds = ["jh fb 22 start2;cr huashan/yihua/shandao 1 0"]; } else { Raid.name = "普通移花宫"; Raid.cmds = ["jh fb 22 start1;cr huashan/yihua/shandao"]; } Raid.cmds.push( "go south;go south;go south;go south;go south;go south;go south;go south;go south;go south;go south;go south;go south;go south", "go south;go south", "go south", "go southeast", "go northwest;go southwest", "look hua", "go southeast", "look bed", "go down", "fire;go west", "look xia;open xia" ); Raid.enemyNames = [ "花月奴", "移花宫女弟子", "移花宫二宫主 涟星", "移花宫大宫主 邀月", "移花宫少宫主 花无缺" ]; Raid.willStartOnceRun = function (number) { ToRaid.leftPush = 0; ToRaid.didFindSecretPath = false; }; Raid.willStartRun = function () { let index1 = WG.add_hook("item", function (data) { if (data.desc == undefined) return; let patt = new RegExp("(?<=你数了下大概有)\\d"); let count = patt.exec(data.desc); if (count) { ToRaid.leftPush = count; } }); let index2 = WG.add_hook("exits", function (data) { if (data.items == undefined || data.items.down == undefined) return; if (data.items.down == "密道") { ToRaid.didFindSecretPath = true; } }); ToRaid.indexes = [index1, index2]; }; Raid.didEndRun = function () { for (var i = ToRaid.indexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let index = ToRaid.indexes[i]; WG.remove_hook(index); } }; Raid.willExecuteCmd = function (lastCmd, cmd) { if (lastCmd == "look hua" && (ToRaid.leftPush == undefined || ToRaid.leftPush == 0)) { return null } if (lastCmd == "look bed" && !ToRaid.didFindSecretPath) { WG.Send("pushstart bed"); for (var i = ToRaid.leftPush - 1; i >= 0; i--) { WG.Send("pushleft bed"); } for (var j = 7; j >= 0; j--) { WG.Send("pushright bed"); } return null } return cmd }; Raid.repeatRun(); }, hardTaohua: function () { Raid.name = "桃花岛-困难"; Raid.cmds = [ "jh fb 18 start2;cr taohua/haitan 1 0", "go south", "@look 1", "@look 5", "go south;go south", "go east;go east", "go east;go north", "@wait" ]; Raid.enemyNames = [ "桃花岛四弟子 陆乘风", "桃花岛大弟子 曲灵风", "<hiy>东邪</hiy> 黄药师" ]; Raid.willStartOnceRun = function (number) { ToRaid.mazeCoords = [ [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [0, 0], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2] ]; ToRaid.foundFirst = false; ToRaid.goCenterCmd = undefined; ToRaid.paths = undefined; }; Raid.willStartRun = function () { let index1 = WG.add_hook(["room", "exits"], function (data) { if (ToRaid.foundFirst) return; if (data.type == "room") { if (data.desc == undefined) return; let patt = new RegExp("四周栽了大概有一棵桃树"); let r###lt = patt.exec(data.desc); if (r###lt) ToRaid.atFirst = true; } else if (data.type == "exits") { if (data.items == undefined) return; if (ToRaid.atFirst) { if (data.items.north && data.items.south) { if (data.items.west) { ToRaid.mazeCoords[1] = [1, 0]; ToRaid.goCenterCmd = "go west" } else { ToRaid.mazeCoords[1] = [-1, 0]; ToRaid.goCenterCmd = "go east" } ToRaid.foundFirst = true; } else if (data.items.west && data.items.east) { if (data.items.north) { ToRaid.mazeCoords[1] = [0, -1]; ToRaid.goCenterCmd = "go north" } else { ToRaid.mazeCoords[1] = [0, 1]; ToRaid.goCenterCmd = "go south" } ToRaid.foundFirst = true; } } } }); let index2 = WG.add_hook("room", function (data) { if (ToRaid.paths) return; if (data.desc == undefined) return; let patt = new RegExp("(?<=能看到东南方向大概有).(?=棵桃树)"); let count = patt.exec(data.desc); if (!count) return; switch (count.toString()) { case "二": ToRaid.mazeCoords[2] = [1, -1]; break; case "四": ToRaid.mazeCoords[4] = [1, -1]; break; case "六": ToRaid.mazeCoords[6] = [1, -1]; break; case "八": ToRaid.mazeCoords[8] = [1, -1]; break; } ToRaid.mazeCoords[9] = [-ToRaid.mazeCoords[1][0], -ToRaid.mazeCoords[1][1]]; while (true) { if (ToRaid.mazeCoords[2][0] != 2) { ToRaid.mazeCoords[8] = [-ToRaid.mazeCoords[2][0], -ToRaid.mazeCoords[2][1]]; } if (ToRaid.mazeCoords[8][0] != 2) { if (ToRaid.mazeCoords[8][0] == ToRaid.mazeCoords[1][0]) { ToRaid.mazeCoords[6] = [ToRaid.mazeCoords[8][0], -ToRaid.mazeCoords[8][1]]; } else { ToRaid.mazeCoords[6] = [-ToRaid.mazeCoords[8][0], ToRaid.mazeCoords[8][1]]; } } if (ToRaid.mazeCoords[6][0] != 2) { ToRaid.mazeCoords[4] = [-ToRaid.mazeCoords[6][0], -ToRaid.mazeCoords[6][1]]; } if (ToRaid.mazeCoords[4][0] != 2) { if (ToRaid.mazeCoords[4][0] == ToRaid.mazeCoords[9][0]) { ToRaid.mazeCoords[2] = [ToRaid.mazeCoords[4][0], -ToRaid.mazeCoords[4][1]]; } else { ToRaid.mazeCoords[2] = [-ToRaid.mazeCoords[4][0], ToRaid.mazeCoords[4][1]]; } } if (ToRaid.mazeCoords[2][0] != 2 && ToRaid.mazeCoords[4][0] != 2 && ToRaid.mazeCoords[6][0] != 2 && ToRaid.mazeCoords[8][0] != 2) { break; } } if (ToRaid.mazeCoords[8][0] == ToRaid.mazeCoords[4][0]) { ToRaid.mazeCoords[3] = [ToRaid.mazeCoords[8][0], 0]; } else { ToRaid.mazeCoords[3] = [0, ToRaid.mazeCoords[8][1]]; } ToRaid.mazeCoords[7] = [-ToRaid.mazeCoords[3][0], -ToRaid.mazeCoords[3][1]]; let pathMap = [ ["go southwest", "go west", "go northwest"], ["go south", "", "go north"], ["go southeast", "go east", "go northeast"] ]; let backMap = { "": "", "go southwest": "go northeast", "go west": "go east", "go northwest": "go southeast", "go south": "go north", "go north": "go south", "go southeast": "go northwest", "go east": "go west", "go northeast": "go southwest" }; var paths = ""; for (var i = 2; i <= 9; i++) { let j = ToRaid.mazeCoords[i][0] + 1; let k = ToRaid.mazeCoords[i][1] + 1; let path = pathMap[j][k]; if (i == 9) { paths += path + ";" + path; } else { paths += path + ";" + backMap[path] + ";"; } } ToRaid.paths = paths; }); ToRaid.indexes = [index1, index2]; }; Raid.didEndRun = function () { for (var i = ToRaid.indexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let index = ToRaid.indexes[i]; WG.remove_hook(index); } }; Raid.willExecuteCmd = function (lastCmd, cmd) { if (cmd == "@look 1") { if (ToRaid.foundFirst) { return ToRaid.goCenterCmd; } else { return null; } } if (cmd == "@look 5") { if (ToRaid.paths) { return ToRaid.paths; } else { return null; } } return cmd; }; Raid.repeatRun(); }, baituo: function () { Raid.name = "组队白驼山"; Raid.cmds = [ "jh fb 19 start3;cr baituo/damen 2 0", "go north;go north;go north", "go north", "go south;go south;go south;go west;go west;go west", "go north", "go north;go north", "@wait", ]; Raid.enemyNames = [ "白驼山少庄主 欧阳克", "白衣少女", "<hiy>西毒</hiy> 欧阳锋", "毒蛇", "蟒蛇" ]; Raid.repeatRun(); } }; //全局变量 var G = { id: undefined, state: undefined, room_name: undefined, family: undefined, items: new Map(), stat_boss_success: 0, stat_boss_find: 0, stat_xiyan_success: 0, stat_xiyan_find: 0, cds: new Map(), in_fight: false, auto_preform: false, can_auto: false, level: undefined, autoDevMed: false, }; $(document).ready(function () { $('head').append('<link href="https://s1.pstatp.com/cdn/expire-1-y/jquery-contextmenu/2.6.3/jquery.contextMenu.min.css" rel="stylesheet">'); KEY.init(); WG.init(); //加载副本脚本 Role.init(); WG.add_hook("items", function (data) { Helper.saveRoomstate(data); }); WG.add_hook(["login", "room", "items", "itemadd", "itemremove", "sc", "text", "state", "msg", "perform", "dispfm", "combat"], function (data) { if (data.type == "login") { G.id = data.id; } else if (data.type == "room") { let tmp = data.path.split("/"); G.map = tmp[0]; G.room = tmp[1]; if (G.map == 'home' || G.room == 'kuang') G.can_auto = true; else G.can_auto = false; G.room_name = data.name; } else if (data.type == "items") { G.items = new Map(); for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) { let item = data.items[i]; if (item.id) { let n = $.trim($('<body>' + item.name + '</body>').text()); let i = n.lastIndexOf(' '); let j = n.lastIndexOf('<'); let t = ""; let s = ""; if (j >= 0) { s = n.substr(j + 1, 2); } if (i >= 0) { t = n.substr(0, i); n = n.substr(i + 1).replace(/<.*>/g, ''); } G.items.set(item.id, { name: n, title: t, state: s, max_hp: item.max_hp, max_mp: item.max_mp, hp: item.hp, mp: item.mp, p: item.p, damage: 0 }); } } } else if (data.type == "itemadd") { if (data.id) { let n = $.trim($('<body>' + data.name + '</body>').text()); let i = n.lastIndexOf(' '); let j = n.lastIndexOf('<'); let t = ""; let s = ""; if (i >= 0) { t = n.substr(0, i); if (j >= 0) { s = n.substr(j + 1, 2); } n = n.substr(i + 1).replace(/<.*>/g, ''); } G.items.set(data.id, { name: n, title: t, state: s, max_hp: data.max_hp, max_mp: data.max_mp, hp: data.hp, mp: data.mp, p: data.p, damage: 0 }); } } else if (data.type == "itemremove") { G.items.delete(data.id); } else if (data.type == "sc") { let item = G.items.get(data.id); if (data.hp !== undefined) { item.hp = data.hp; if (data.id != G.id) { G.scid = data.id; //伤害统计需要 } // Helper.showallhp(); } if (data.mp !== undefined) { item.mp = data.mp; } } else if (data.type == "perform") { G.skills = data.skills; } else if (data.type == 'dispfm') { if (data.id) { if (data.distime) { } G.cds.set(data.id, true); var _id = data.id; setTimeout(function () { G.cds.set(_id, false); }, data.distime); } if (data.rtime) { G.### = true; setTimeout(function () { G.### = false; }, data.rtime); } else { G.### = false; } } else if (data.type == "combat") { if (data.start) { G.in_fight = true; WG.auto_preform(); } if (data.end) { G.in_fight = false; WG.auto_preform("stop"); } } }); WG.add_hook("state", function (data) { console.dir(data); }); WG.add_hook("dialog", function (data) { //console.dir(data); if (data.dialog == "pack" && data.items != undefined && data.items.length >= 0) { //equip = for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) { if (data.items[i].name.indexOf("铁镐") >= 0) { equip["铁镐"] = data.items[i].id; //messageAppend("铁镐ID:" + data.items[i].id); } } for (var j = 0; j < data.eqs.length; j++) { if (data.eqs[j] != null && data.eqs[j].name.indexOf("铁镐") >= 0) { equip["铁镐"] = data.eqs[j].id; //messageAppend("铁镐ID:" + data.eqs[j].id); } } } else if (data.dialog == 'pack' && data.desc != undefined) { messageClear(); var itemname = data.desc.split("\n")[0]; var htmla = `<div class="item-commands "> <span class = "copyid" data-clipboard-target = ".target1" > ` + itemname + ":" + data.id + `复制到剪贴板 </span></div> `; messageAppend(htmla); $(".copyid").on('click', () => { var copydata = data.id; GM_setClipboard(copydata); messageAppend("复制成功"); }); } if (data.dialog == 'score') { if (!G.level) { G.level = data.level; console.log("欢迎" + G.level); } } }); WG.add_hook("msg", function (data) { if (data.ch == "sys") { var automarry = GM_getValue(role + "_automarry", automarry); if (data.content.indexOf(",婚礼将在一分钟后开始。") >= 0) { console.dir(data); if (automarry == "已开启") { console.log("xiyan"); messageAppend("自动前往婚宴地点"); Helper.xiyan(); } else if (automarry == "已停止") { var b = "<div class=\"item-commands\"><span id = 'onekeyjh'>参加喜宴</span></div>" messageClear(); messageAppend("<hiy>点击参加喜宴</hiy>"); messageAppend(b); $('#onekeyjh').on('click', function () { Helper.xiyan(); }); } } } if (data.ch == "rumor") { if (data.content.indexOf("听说") >= 0 && data.content.indexOf("出现在") >= 0 && data.content.indexOf("一带。") >= 0) { console.dir(data); if (autoKsBoss == "已开启") { Helper.kksBoss(data); } else if (autoKsBoss == "已停止") { var c = "<div class=\"item-commands\"><span id = 'onekeyKsboss'>传送到boss</span></div>"; messageClear(); messageAppend("boss已出现"); messageAppend(c); $('#onekeyKsboss').on('click', function () { Helper.kksBoss(data); }); } } } }); $.contextMenu({ selector: '.container', items: { "关闭自动": { name: "关闭自动", visible: function (key, opt) { return timer != 0; }, callback: function (key, opt) { WG.timer_close(); }, }, "自动": { name: "自动", visible: function (key, opt) { return timer == 0; }, "items": { "自动#道": { name: "自动#道", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.wudao_auto(); }, }, "自动小树林": { name: "自动小树林", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.grove_auto(); } }, "自动财主家": { name: "自动财主家", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.rich_house_auto(); } }, "自动温府": { name: "自动温府", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.wenfu_infinite(); } }, "自动整理并清包": { name: "自动整理并清包", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.sell_all(); } }, "自动比试": { name: "自动比试", visible: function (key, opt) { return Helper.fight_listener == undefined; }, callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.auto_fight(); }, }, "关闭比试": { name: "关闭比试", visible: function (key, opt) { return Helper.fight_listener != undefined; }, callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.auto_fight(); }, }, "自动使用道具": { name: "自动使用道具", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.auto_useitem(); }, }, "自动研药": { name: "自动研药", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.auto_Development_medicine(); }, }, "一键日常": { name: "一键日常", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.oneKeyDaily(); }, }, "一键扫荡": { name: "一键扫荡", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.oneKeySD(); }, }, "自动副本菜单": { name: "自动副本菜单", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.oneKeyRaid(); }, }, }, }, "换装设置": { name: "换装设置", "items": { "xx0": { name: "套装1设定或装备", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.eqhelper(1); }, }, "xx1": { name: "清除套装1设置", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.eqhelperdel(1); }, }, "yy0": { name: "套装2设定或装备", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.eqhelper(2); }, }, "yy1": { name: "清除套装2设置", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.eqhelperdel(2); }, }, "zz0": { name: "套装3设定或装备", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.eqhelper(3); }, }, "zz1": { name: "清除套装3设置", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.eqhelperdel(3); }, }, "uneq": { name: "取消所有装备", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.uneqall(); }, }, } }, "自命令": { name: "自命令", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.zml(); }, }, "手动喜宴": { name: "手动喜宴", callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.xiyan(); }, }, "快捷传送": { name: "常用地点", "items": { "mp0": { name: "豪宅", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.go("住房"); }, }, "mp11": { name: "衙门", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.go("扬州城-衙门正厅"); }, }, "mp1": { name: "当铺", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.go("扬州城-当铺"); }, }, "mp2": { name: "擂台", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.go("扬州城-擂台"); }, }, "mp3": { name: "帮派", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.go("扬州城-帮派"); }, }, "mp4": { name: "#道", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.go("#道塔"); }, }, "mp5": { name: "矿山", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.go("扬州城-矿山"); }, }, "mp6": { name: "药铺", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.go("扬州城-药铺"); }, }, "mp7": { name: "#庙疗伤", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.go("扬州城-#庙"); WG.Send("liaoshang"); }, } }, }, "门派传送": { name: "门派传送", "items": { "mp0": { name: "#当", callback: function (key, opt) { let myDate = new Date(); if (myDate.getHours() >= 17) { WG.go("#当派-后山小院"); } else { WG.go("#当派-广场"); } }, }, "mp1": { name: "少林", callback: function (key, opt) { let myDate = new Date(); if (myDate.getHours() >= 17) { WG.go("少林派-方丈楼"); } else { WG.go("少林派-广场"); } }, }, "mp2": { name: "华山", callback: function (key, opt) { let myDate = new Date(); if (myDate.getHours() >= 17) { WG.go("华山派-客厅"); } else { WG.go("华山派-镇岳宫"); } }, }, "mp3": { name: "峨眉", callback: function (key, opt) { let myDate = new Date(); if (myDate.getHours() >= 17) { WG.go("峨眉派-清修洞"); } else { WG.go("峨眉派-金顶") } }, }, "mp4": { name: "逍遥", callback: function (key, opt) { let myDate = new Date(); if (myDate.getHours() >= 17) { WG.go("逍遥派-地下石室"); } else { WG.go("逍遥派-青草坪"); } }, }, "mp5": { name: "丐帮", callback: function (key, opt) { let myDate = new Date(); if (myDate.getHours() >= 17) { WG.go("丐帮-林间小屋"); } else { WG.go("丐帮-树洞内部"); } }, }, "mp6": { name: "#馆", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.go("扬州城-扬州#馆"); }, } }, }, "打开仓库": { name: "打开仓库", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.go("仓库"); }, }, "更新ID": { name: "更新ID", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.updete_goods_id(); WG.updete_npc_id(); }, }, "调试BOSS": { name: "调试BOSS", visible: false, callback: function (key, opt) { Helper.kksBoss({ "content": "听说南陇侯出现在逍遥派-林间小道一带。" }); }, }, "设置": { name: "设置", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.setting(); }, }, "计算器": { name: "计算器", callback: function (key, opt) { WG.calc(); }, }, "打开面板": { name: "打开面板", visible: function (key, opt) { return $('.WG_log').css('display') == 'none'; }, callback: function (key, opt) { WG.showhideborad(); }, }, "关闭面板": { name: "关闭面板", visible: function (key, opt) { return $('.WG_log').css('display') != 'none'; }, callback: function (key, opt) { WG.showhideborad(); }, } } }); }); })();