try to take over the world!
// ==UserScript== // @name Auto Work at night // @namespace // @version 0.2 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // ==/UserScript== var isEatingHungry = true; // true - eat as soon as possible; false - eat when buffer is full var remainingEnergyBeforeStartEat = 1020; // valid only when isEatingHungry = false var countCompaniesToWork = 20; // valid only when isEatingHungry = false var minEnergyToWork = 800; // valid only when isEatingHungry = true var timeBeforeRefreshMin = 1; var timeMaxTimeWithoutRefreshMin = 60; var alwaysAutoEat = true; var session_key_last_work_day = "last_work_day"; async function getSession(key){ return await GM.getValue(key); } async function setSession(key, value){ await GM.setValue(key, value); } /* (function() { $j(document).ready(function(){ debugger // () => async { // let x = await GM.getValue(session_key_last_work_day); // alert(x); // await setSession(session_key_last_work_day, "123"); // } setInterval(main, 1 * 60 * 1000); // 1 min //main(); }); })(); */ window.addEventListener("load", function(){ //alert(123); // make initial eat of food if possible var isHome = isHomePage(); if(alwaysAutoEat && isHome && canEatFood()){ eatFood(); } setInterval(main, 1 * 60 * 1000); logInfo("page loaded"); }); function canEatFood(){ var foodRemaining = parseInt($j("big.tooltip_health_limit")[0].innerText); logInfo("remaining food = " + foodRemaining); //alert(foodRemaining); var canEat = foodRemaining > 10 && erepublik.citizen.energyToRecover - >= 4; //alert(canEat); return canEat; } function eatFood(){ logInfo("eating food"); $j(".eat_food_wide").click(); } function getAvailableEnergy(){ var foodRemaining = parseInt($j("big.tooltip_health_limit")[0].innerText); return + foodRemaining; //erepublik.citizen.energyFromFoodRemaining; } function getCountCompaniesCanworkWithEnergy(){ var number = Math.floor (getAvailableEnergy() / 10 ); if(!isEatingHungry){ number = Math.min(number, countCompaniesToWork); } //alert("work in = "+number); return number; } function isTimeToWork() { var totalCapacity = erepublik.citizen.energyToRecover * 2; var foodRemaining = parseInt($j("big.tooltip_health_limit")[0].innerText); var currentEnergy = + foodRemaining; //erepublik.citizen.energyFromFoodRemaining; var hasReachedMaxLimit = (currentEnergy + remainingEnergyBeforeStartEat) >= totalCapacity; var hasReachedMinLimit = currentEnergy >= minEnergyToWork; var r###lt = (isEatingHungry && hasReachedMinLimit) || (!isEatingHungry && hasReachedMaxLimit); // alert("isTimeToWork = "+ r###lt); return r###lt; } function isHomePage() { var isHome = $j("#hpTopNews").length == 1; return isHome; } function gotoHomePage() { logInfo("going to home page"); location.href = ""; } function gotoCompanies() { logInfo("going to companies"); location.href = "" + "?mine=mine-script"; } var isActivatedTracking; var loadTime; function tryToRedirectHome() { if(!loadTime){ loadTime = new Date(); } var now = new Date(); var isTooMuch = now.getTime() - loadTime.getTime() > timeBeforeRefreshMin*60*1000; var needForceRefresh = now.getTime() - loadTime.getTime() > timeMaxTimeWithoutRefreshMin*60*1000; if(isTooMuch || == 0){ gotoHomePage(); } if(needForceRefresh){ window.location.reload(); } else{ if(!isActivatedTracking){ isActivatedTracking = true; setInterval(tryToRedirectHome, 10000); } } } function workNow() { logInfo("workNow() called"); var counter = 0; // remove all checkboxes $j("div.list_group .listing:not(div.disabled) a.owner_work").removeClass("active"); var countCompaniesCanworkWithEnergy = getCountCompaniesCanworkWithEnergy(); $j("div.list_group .listing:not(div.disabled) a.owner_work") .each(function(idx, item) { if(idx >= countCompaniesCanworkWithEnergy) return; //if(idx >= countCompaniesToWork) // return; //alert(counter); $j(item).click(); counter++; }); $j("#start_production").click(); } function main() { logInfo("enter main..."); var isTimeToWrk = isTimeToWork(); var isHome = isHomePage(); var isMyCompaniesScreen = window.location.href.includes(""); var isMineLink ="mine-script"); if(alwaysAutoEat && isHome && canEatFood()){ // eat only in home to avoid wrong values of food remaining eatFood(); } if(isHome){ if(isTimeToWrk){ gotoCompanies(); } } else { if(isMineLink) { if(isMyCompaniesScreen) { workNow(); } } // todo - try to redirect home tryToRedirectHome(); } logInfo("...exit main"); } function logInfo(info) { + " " + new Date()); }