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CSSBuy Suite

Automatically upload QC images from CSSBuy to Imgur

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         CSSBuy Suite
// @namespace    https://www.reddit.com/user/DeliciousLysergic/
// @version      0.66
// @description  Automatically upload QC images from CSSBuy to Imgur
// @author       https://www.reddit.com/user/DeliciousLysergic/
// @match        https://www.cssbuy.com/?go=m&name=orderlist*
// @match        https://www.cssbuy.com/m.php?name=orderlist
// @connect      self
// @connect      imgur.com
// @connect      fashionreps.tools
// @require      https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/build/alertify.min.js
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/401399-gm-xhr/code/GM%20XHR.js
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/spark-md5/3.0.0/spark-md5.min.js
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==
'use strict';
/* globals $:false, SparkMD5:false, GM_XHR: false */
let CSSBuySuite = {}
// Stores each order's information
let orderInfo = {}
// Used to store each item's data
var items = {};
// Select random application ID for imgur
const clientIds = ["1ffdbfe5699ecec", "447a420679198a0", "956dd191d8320c9", "efb0b998924ef3c", "6f8eb75873d5f89", "9af4f2c84a12716"];
const clientId = clientIds[Math.floor(Math.random()*clientIds.length)]
// Time it takes for the image URLs to load in the iFrame in milliseconds
const imageLoadingTime = 5000;
// Stores the MD5 of the user's username (used for fashiontools)
let usernameMD5 = "";
Imgur uploads are all stored within localStorage, in the form:
cssbuy_suite_uploads: {
"version": 1,
"orders": {
"528320": {
"imageHashes": [],
"imageIds": [],
"albumHash": "",
"albumId": ""
If version is different from what is currently expected, the object should be updated to the new format
// Setup easy functions for writing/reading from local storage
Storage.prototype.setObject = function(key, value) {
this.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
Storage.prototype.getObject = function(key) {
var value = this.getItem(key);
return value && JSON.parse(value);
// Check whether local storage is currently initialised
if(localStorage.getObject("cssbuy_suite_uploads") == null)
localStorage.setObject("cssbuy_suite_uploads", {
"version": 1,
"orders": {}
const shipPromptHTML = `<div style="
z-index: 1000000;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 60%;
left: 20%;
right: 20%;
height: 45px;
background-color: white;
border: 2px solid #72c02c;
border-bottom: 0;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
font-size: 18px;
align-items: center;
visibility: hidden;
" id="ship-prompt"><div style="
">Items Selected: <span id="ship-prompt-items"></span></div><div>Weight: <span id="ship-prompt-weight"></span>g</div>
<div>Total Price: <span id="ship-prompt-price"></span>¥</div><div style="
background-color: #95a5a5;
color: white;
padding: 8px;
cursor: pointer;
" id="ship-prompt-cost-estimate">Cost Estimate</div><div style="
background-color: #72c02c;
color: white;
padding: 8px;
cursor: pointer;
" id="ship-prompt-submit-to-ship">Submit To Ship</div></div>`;
// Add the prompt to the body
const shipPrompt = $("#ship-prompt");
const shipPromptItems = $("#ship-prompt-items");
const shipPromptWeight = $("#ship-prompt-weight");
const shipPromptPrice = $("#ship-prompt-price");
const shipPromptCostEstimate = $("#ship-prompt-cost-estimate");
const shipPromptSubmit = $("#ship-prompt-submit-to-ship");
// Setup GM_XHR
$.ajaxSetup({ xhr: function() {return new GM_XHR; } });
// We only need to display the reddit review button on the confirmed page
const tabContainer = $("#submit_form").parent().parent();
// Create reddit review button
const redditReviewButton = $("<button>", {
id: "createRedditReview",
type: "button",
class: "btn-u btn-u-xs",
style: "background-color: red; margin-left: 4px;",
text: "Create Reddit Review"
// Now go through all the checkboxes and re-enable them
$("input.products").each(function() {
redditReviewButton.on("click", function() {
// Get all the ticked orders
let tickedOrderIDs = [];
$(".products:checked").each(function() {
// "value" contains the order ID
alertify.error("Please select some items!");
let redditReview = "";
tickedOrderIDs.forEach(orderId => {
redditReview += `
* ${orderInfo[orderId].price} Yuan - ${orderInfo[orderId].weight}g
* W2C: ${orderInfo[orderId].url}
* 10/10: Insert a comment about this item here!
${orderInfo[orderId].albumId == "" ? "" : "* QC: https://imgur.com/a/" + orderInfo[orderId].albumId}
redditReview += "\n\nReview format made by CSSBuySuite - read more here: " + redditLink;
// Copy to clipboard
alertify.success("Copied the review to your clipboard!");
// Setup combining multiple albums
const multipleOrderUploadHTML = `
<div class="overflow-h" style="padding: 5px 0 5px 8px;">
<button id="multipleOrderUpload" class="btn-u btn-u-default btn-u-xs" style="background-color: #1bb76e;" type="button">Combine Imgur Albums</button>
<span style="margin-left: 4px;" id="multipleOrderUploadLabel">Select multiple items to combine their QC pictures into one album.</span>
<a style="padding: 3px; font-size: 1em; cursor: pointer; display: none;" id="multipleOrderUploadCopy">Copy to Clipboard</a>
$("#submit_form > div").after(multipleOrderUploadHTML);
const multipleOrderUpload = $("#multipleOrderUpload");
const multipleOrderUploadLabel = $("#multipleOrderUploadLabel");
const multipleOrderUploadCopy = $("#multipleOrderUploadCopy");
let multipleOrderUploading = false;
multipleOrderUploadCopy.on("click", () => {
alertify.success("Copied the album to your clipboard!")
// Configure alertify
alertify.set('notifier', 'position', 'bottom-left');
// Add styling for alertify
<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/build/css/alertify.min.css"/>
<!-- Bootstrap theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/build/css/themes/bootstrap.min.css"/>
const redditLink = "https://www.reddit.com/r/FashionReps/comments/gx5xdg/";
// Used for setting buttons as disabled
CSSBuySuite.setDisabledButton = function(button, disabled) {
if (disabled)
button.attr("disabled", "disabled");
button.attr("disabled", null);
// Ugly fix
if(button == multipleOrderUpload)
button.text("Combine Imgur Albums");
button.text("Upload to Imgur");
CSSBuySuite.createAlbumForOrder = function(orderId)
let albumHash = "";
let albumId = "";
orderInfo[orderId].infoLabel.text("Creating Imgur album...");
url: "https://api.imgur.com/3/album",
method: "POST",
headers: {"Authorization": "Client-ID " + clientId},
data: {
description: "Auto uploaded using CSSBuySuite. More info here: " + redditLink,
privacy: "hidden"
success: function(response) {
// Retrieve the delete hash and the ID of the album from the response
albumHash = response.data.deletehash;
albumId = response.data.id;
orderInfo[orderId].albumHash = albumHash;
orderInfo[orderId].albumId = albumId;
// An album has been created for this, now we can upload the images
console.log("Album has been created for " + orderId + ". Now uploading images...");
error: function(response) {
r###lt = $.parseJSON(r###lt.responseText)
// Update text
orderInfo[orderId].infoLabel.text("Failed to create album! Imgur Error: " + r###lt.data.error.message);
orderInfo[orderId].uploading = false;
// Display alert
alertify.error("Failed to create an album for order " + orderId + ". Error: " + r###lt.data.error.message);
// Re-enable the upload button
setDisabled(orderInfo[orderId].uploadButton, false)
console.log("Failed to create album:");
CSSBuySuite.uploadMultipleOrders = function()
let orderIds = [];
let invalidIds = [];
// Check whether they've selected multiple orders
$(".products:checked").each(function() {
let orderId = $(this).attr("value");
if(orderId in orderInfo)
if(orderInfo[orderId]["albumId"] == "")
// Check they have no invalid orders
if(invalidIds.length != 0)
alertify.error("Please upload orders " + invalidIds.join(", ") + " before trying to combine them.");
// Check they've selected some valid orders
if(orderIds.length == 0 || orderIds.length == 1)
alertify.error("Please select at least 2 orders to combine into one album!");
// Create album
CSSBuySuite.createMultipleOrderAlbum = function(orderIds)
multipleOrderUploadLabel.text("Creating Imgur album...");
multipleOrderUploading = true;
// Get all the image IDs
let imageIds = [];
orderIds.forEach(orderId => {
imageIds = imageIds.concat(orderInfo[orderId].imageIds);
url: "https://api.imgur.com/3/album",
method: "POST",
headers: {"Authorization": "Client-ID " + clientId},
data: {
description: "Auto uploaded using CSSBuySuite. More info here: " + redditLink,
privacy: "hidden",
// We can submit IDs with the album creation, making this easy!
ids: imageIds
success: function(response) {
// Retrieve the delete hash and the ID of the album from the response
let albumLink = "https://imgur.com/a/" + response.data.id;
// An album has been created for this, now we can upload the images
console.log("Album has been created for multi-order.");
multipleOrderUploadLabel.html(`<strong>Uploaded to</strong> <a href="${albumLink}" target="_blank">${albumLink}</a>`);
// Show Copy to clipboard
multipleOrderUploadCopy.attr("data-album-link", albumLink);
multipleOrderUploadCopy.css("display", "unset");
error: function(response) {
r###lt = $.parseJSON(r###lt.responseText)
// Update text
multipleOrderUploadLabel.text("Failed to create album! Imgur Error: " + r###lt.data.error.message);
multipleOrderUploading = false;
// Display alert
alertify.error("Failed to create an album. Error: " + r###lt.data.error.message);
// Re-enable the upload button
setDisabled(multipleOrderUpload, false)
console.log("Failed to create album:");
CSSBuySuite.uploadImagesToAlbum = function(orderId)
// Stores how many images have been uploaded
let imageCount = 0;
// Stores total amount of images we have to upload
let totalImages = orderInfo[orderId].qcImages.length;
// Update label
orderInfo[orderId].infoLabel.text("Uploading images to Imgur... (0/" + totalImages + ")");
// Create the description for the item (inserted into each image)
let description = "";
description = description + (orderInfo[orderId].itemUrl != "" ? "W2C: " + orderInfo[orderId].url + "\n": "");
description = description + (orderInfo[orderId].weight != "" ? "Weight: " + orderInfo[orderId].weight + " grams\n": "");
description = description + (orderInfo[orderId].price != "" ? "Price: ¥" + toFixed(orderInfo[orderId].price, 2) + "\n": "");
description = description + (orderInfo[orderId].sizing != "" ? "Item Info: " + orderInfo[orderId].sizing + "\n": "");
// Form data for the uploading of each image
let imageFormData = {
album: orderInfo[orderId].albumHash,
description: description
// For each image ID
orderInfo[orderId].qcImages.forEach(function(image) {
// Update the form data with this image's URL
// While we can't access another user's CSSBuy QC page, the images themselves have no access control
// That's why we can use the image URLs
imageFormData.image = image;
// Now we can upload the image
url: "https://api.imgur.com/3/image",
method: "POST",
headers: {"Authorization": "Client-ID " + clientId},
data: imageFormData,
success: function(r###lt) {
// Add the image's delete hash to imageHashes
imageCount += 1;
// Update the label
orderInfo[orderId].infoLabel.text("Uploading images to Imgur... (" + imageCount + "/" + totalImages + ")");
// Now check whether we've uploaded everything
if(imageCount == totalImages)
// We have, so call uploadFinished
error: function(r###lt) {
r###lt = $.parseJSON(r###lt.responseText)
// Update text
orderInfo[orderId].infoLabel.text("Failed to create album! Imgur Error: " + r###lt.data.error.message);
orderInfo[orderId].uploading = false;
// Display alert
alertify.error("Failed to create an album for order " + orderId + ". Error: " + r###lt.data.error.message);
// Re-enable the upload button
CSSBuySuite.setDisabledButton(orderInfo[orderId].uploadButton, false);
CSSBuySuite.uploadFinished = function(orderId)
const albumUrl = "https://imgur.com/a/" + orderInfo[orderId].albumId;
console.log("All images uploaded for " + orderId + ": " + albumUrl);
// Save the URL
window.localStorage.setItem("orderalbum_" + orderId, orderInfo[orderId].albumId);
console.log("Failed to save order album into local storage.");
orderInfo[orderId].uploading = false;
CSSBuySuite.setDisabledButton(orderInfo[orderId].uploadButton, false);
// Update local storage
let uploadObject = localStorage.getObject("cssbuy_suite_uploads");
uploadObject["orders"][orderId] = {
"imageHashes": orderInfo[orderId].imageHashes,
"imageIds": orderInfo[orderId].imageIds,
"albumId": orderInfo[orderId].albumId,
"albumHash": orderInfo[orderId].albumHash
localStorage.setObject("cssbuy_suite_uploads", uploadObject)
// Show the new album ID
// Now attempt to upload to Fashiontools
// This updates a order with the new link for their album
CSSBuySuite.updateOrderAlbumDisplay = function(orderId)
const albumUrl = "https://imgur.com/a/" + orderInfo[orderId].albumId;
orderInfo[orderId].infoLabel.text("Uploaded to ");
orderInfo[orderId].infoLink.attr("href", albumUrl);
// orderInfo[orderId].copyButton.attr("onclick", "copyToClipboard('" + albumUrl + "')");
CSSBuySuite.clearLink = function(orderId)
// This checks whether the URL + sizing is valid and that we have a username to upload with
CSSBuySuite.checkForFashiontoolsUpload = function(orderId)
// Firstly check whether we have a sizing parameter for this order
if(orderInfo[orderId].sizing == "")
// Check whether our url is from taobao
if(orderInfo[orderId].url.indexOf('item.taobao.com') == -1)
// Check whether we have a username stored, if not, retrieve it then upload
if(usernameMD5 == "")
// Go to the cssbuy homepage and get the username
usernameiFrame = $("<iframe>", {
style: "display: none;",
src: "https://www.cssbuy.com/?go=m&"
usernameiFrame.on("load", () => CSSBuySuite.collectUsername());
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3500);
// We already have a username, let's upload!
CSSBuySuite.uploadToFashiontools = function(orderId)
console.log("Attemping to upload to fashiontools.");
// Get the search query parameters
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(orderInfo[orderId].url.split("?").pop());
const itemID = urlParams.get('id');
$.post('https://fashionreps.tools/qcdb/qcdb.php', {
'userhash': usernameMD5,
'imgur': orderInfo[orderId].albumId,
'w2c': 'https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=' + itemID,
'sizing': orderInfo[orderId].sizing,
'source': "cssbuyUploader"
// iFrame helpers
CSSBuySuite.collectUsername = function()
// Get the username from the homepage
const username = $("a[href='https://www.cssbuy.com/?go=m&name=edituserinfo']", usernameiFrame.contents()).parent().find("span").text()
console.log("Found username: " + username);
usernameMD5 = SparkMD5.hash(username);
console.log("Username MD5: " + usernameMD5);
CSSBuySuite.collectPictures = function(orderId) {
// Check that we are uploading this order atm
// onload is called when iFrame is initialised
if(!(orderId in orderInfo) || !orderInfo[orderId].uploading)
// Wait a few seconds to ensure all the images have loaded...
setTimeout(function() {
// Check iFrame for all images
// Add images to a list in form [url, base64]
let urls = [];
// Retrieve all the images
orderInfo[orderId].iFrame.contents().find("#photolist").find("img").each(function() {
let url = $(this).attr("src");
// Remove the resizing  url parameter
url = url.replace("/resize,w_1000", "");
orderInfo[orderId].qcImages = urls
orderInfo[orderId].infoLabel.text("Found no QC images!")
orderInfo[orderId].infoLabel.text("Found " + urls.length + " QC pictures...")
}, imageLoadingTime);
CSSBuySuite.uploadOrder = function(orderId) {
// If we are already uploading this order, return
// Update label
orderInfo[orderId].infoLabel.text("Getting QC pictures...");
orderInfo[orderId].uploading = true;
// Disable button
orderInfo[orderId].uploading = true;
CSSBuySuite.setDisabledButton(orderInfo[orderId].uploadButton, true)
// Update iFrame to get pictures
orderInfo[orderId].iFrame.attr("src", orderInfo[orderId].qcUrl);
// URL = https://item.taobao.com...
// orderContainer =  container to add View other QC button to
CSSBuySuite.checkQCExists = function(itemID, orderContainer)
// Thank you to FR:ES (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/387421-fr-es-basetao-extension/code)
url: "https://fashionreps.tools/qcdb/qcExists.php",
data: {
"w2c": 'https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=' + itemID,
method: "GET",
success: function(data) {
if(data.exists == "1")
const compareQC = $("<a>", {
class: "btn btn-sm btn-default margin-bottom-5",
text: "View Other QC",
style: "background: #1b8bb7; border: 1px solid #1b8bb7; color: white;",
href: "https://fashionreps.tools/qcdb/qcview.php?id=" + itemID,
target: "_blank"
// Add buttons for each of the orders
var buttonSelector = ".oss-photo-view-button > a:contains('QC PIC')";
$(buttonSelector).each(function() {
const orderId = $(this).parent().attr("data-id");
// Create the "Upload to Imgur" button
const qcUrl = $(this).attr("href");
const uploadButton = $("<a>", {
class: "btn btn-sm btn-default margin-bottom-5",
text: "Upload to Imgur",
orderId: orderId,
style: "background: #1bb76e; border: 1px solid #1bb76e; color: white;"
// Add click handler
uploadButton.on("click", () => CSSBuySuite.uploadOrder(orderId));
// Get parent TR element to retrieve item name & URL & create progress label
const parentTableEntry = $(this).parentsUntil("tbody");
const header = $("td div div:nth-child(2)", parentTableEntry.prev())
// Create progress label
const label = $("<span>", {
text: "",
style: "font-weight: bold; margin-left: 40px;"
// Create album link
const link = $("<a>", {style:"margin-right: 10px;", target: "_blank"});
// Create copy butotn
const copyButton = $("<a>", {
text: "Copy to Clipboard",
style: "padding: 3px; font-size: 1em; cursor: pointer;",
copyButton.on("click", () => {
// Generate the imgur link and copy to clipboard
copyToClipboard("https://imgur.com/a/" + orderInfo[orderId].albumId);
alertify.success("Copied the album to your clipboard!")
// Get item name/URL
const itemLink = parentTableEntry.find("td:nth-child(2) a");
const itemURL = itemLink.attr("href");
const price = parentTableEntry.find("td:nth-child(3) span");
const weight = parentTableEntry.find("td:nth-child(6) span");
let sizing = "";
const innerText = parentTableEntry.find("td:nth-child(2)").find("span:eq(1)").html();
const splitText = innerText.toString().split("<br>");
if (splitText.length == 1)
const colour = splitText[0].split(" : ")[1];
sizing = "Color Classification:"+colour;
else if(splitText.length == 2)
const size = splitText[0].split(" : ")[1];
const colour = splitText[1].split(" : ")[1];
sizing = "size:" + size + " Colour:"+colour;
sizing = "";
// Create iframe
const iFrame = $("<iframe>", {
style: "display: none;"
// Add onload listener
iFrame.on("load", () => CSSBuySuite.collectPictures(orderId));
// Create new item entry
orderInfo[orderId] = {
orderId: orderId,
name: itemLink.text(),
url: itemURL,
price: toFixed(price.text(), 2),
weight: weight.text(),
sizing: sizing,
qcUrl: qcUrl,
qcImages: [],
copyButton: copyButton,
infoLink: link,
infoLabel: label,
iFrame: iFrame,
uploading: false,
uploadButton: uploadButton,
albumHash: "",
albumId: "",
imageHashes: [],
imageIds: []
// Check whether they already have a album saved for this id
let storage = localStorage.getObject("cssbuy_suite_uploads");
if(storage !== null)
if(orderId in storage.orders)
orderInfo[orderId] = Object.assign(orderInfo[orderId], storage.orders[orderId]);
// Create Compare QC button
// URL is in form: https://fashionreps.tools/qcdb/qcview.php?id=616820737680
if(itemURL.indexOf('item.taobao.com') !== -1)
// Get the search query parameters
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(itemURL.split("?").pop());
const itemID = urlParams.get('id');
if(itemID !== null)
CSSBuySuite.checkQCExists(itemID, $(this).parent());
// Add combine order button handler
multipleOrderUpload.on("click", CSSBuySuite.uploadMultipleOrders);
function handleCheckboxInputOnArriveTab()
// Count all selected products
let selectedInputs = $("input.products:checked");
// Check if we need to hide the prompt
shipPrompt.css("visibility", "hidden");
// Update labels
let price = 0;
let weight = 0;
selectedInputs.each(function() {
price += parseInt($(this).attr("data-total-price"));
weight += parseInt($(this).attr("data-weight"));
shipPromptCostEstimate.attr("data-weight", weight);
shipPromptCostEstimate.attr("data-total-price", price);
// Show prompt
shipPrompt.css("visibility", "unset");
if(window.location.href.includes("orderlist") && (!window.location.href.includes("type") || window.location.href.includes("arrived")))
$("input.products").on("input", handleCheckboxInputOnArriveTab);
$(".selectall").on("input", handleCheckboxInputOnArriveTab);
shipPromptSubmit.on("click", () => $("#submitToShip").click());
shipPromptCostEstimate.on("click", () => {
// If you submit to ship then go back on browser tab, the prompt doesn't display
// Wait until it's loaded, then check if some are already pressed
setTimeout(handleCheckboxInputOnArriveTab, 1500);
// Helper functions
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/11818658
function toFixed(num, fixed) {
var re = new RegExp('^-?\\d+(?:\.\\d{0,' + (fixed || -1) + '})?');
return num.toString().match(re)[0];
window.copyToClipboard = function(text) {
var $temp = $("<textarea>");