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Discord Toggle Channels List

Adds show/hide channels sidebar button to Discord Web App

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Discord Toggle Channels List
// @namespace    https://discordapp.com
// @version      1.12.1
// @description  Adds show/hide channels sidebar button to Discord Web App
// @author       Github mindovermiles262
// @match        https://discord.com/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Classes of DIVs you want to be able to toggle sidebar
const toggleButtons = [
const columnToHide = "sidebar-1tnWFu"                       // Sidebar column that will be hidden
const showHideSidebarButtonParentClass = "scroller-3X7KbA"; // Small sidebar with all your Discords
const roomDivClass = "channelName-3KPsGw";                  // The class of the room names, used to autohide sidebar
const unreadClass = "unread-36eUEm";                        // Unread messages are assigned a class, used in chevron colorization
const channelsWidth = "240px";
function sleep(ms) {
// Sets timeout for inital page elements to load
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function pageload() {
// Wait 5 seconds for page to load
await sleep(5000);
const toggleVisibility = function() {
// Changes the width of the rooms sidebar
let sidebar = document.getElementsByClassName(columnToHide)[0];
if (sidebar.style.width == "1px") {
sidebar.style.width = channelsWidth;
} else {
sidebar.style.width = "1px";
let cheveronDirection = function() {
const sidebar = document.getElementsByClassName(columnToHide)[0]
const btn = document.getElementById("dtcb-cheverons")
if (sidebar.style.width == "1px") {
btn.innerText = ">>";
} else {
btn.innerText = "<<";
const createSidebarButton = function() {
let btnDiv = document.createElement("div")
btnDiv.setAttribute("class", "toggleChannelsBtn")
btnDiv.setAttribute("id", "toggleChannelsBtn")
btnDiv.style.width = "70px"
btnDiv.style.textAlign = "center"
btnDiv.style.color = "#43b581" // Discord Green
btnDiv.style.position = "absolute"
btnDiv.style.bottom = "25px"
let btn = document.createElement("p")
btn.setAttribute("id", "dtcb-cheverons")
btn.innerText = "<<"
btn.style.margin = "0"
btn.style.fontWeight = "bold"
btn.style.fontSize = "200%"
return btnDiv
const addListenersToToggleButtons = function() {
toggleButtons.forEach(function(elem) {
document.getElementsByClassName(elem)[0].addEventListener('click', function() {
const autohideSidebar = function() {
// Auto-colapses sidebar when you click on a room
const roomDivs = document.getElementsByClassName(roomDivClass)
Array.from(roomDivs).forEach(function(room) {
room.addEventListener('click', function() {
const colorizeButtonIfUnread = function() {
const btn = document.getElementById("toggleChannelsBtn");
const interval = setInterval(function() {
const unreads = document.getElementsByClassName(unreadClass).length
if (unreads > 0) {
btn.style.color = "#f04747"; // Discord Red
} else {
btn.style.color = "#43b581"; // Discord Green
}, 1000)
const main = function() {
console.log("[*] Loading Discord Toggle Channenels Bar Userscript");
const newBtn = createSidebarButton()