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Amazon - Highlight resellers

See instantly if the product really comes from Amazon or from a reseller

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Amazon - Highlight resellers
// @namespace    graphen
// @version      1.8.0
// @description  See instantly if the product really comes from Amazon or from a reseller
// @license      MIT
// @author       Graphen
// @include      /^https?:\/\/www\.amazon\.(cn|in|sg|se|ae|fr|de|pl|it|nl|es|ca|com(\.(mx|au|br|tr|be))?|co\.(uk|jp))\/.*(dp|gp\/(product|video)|exec\/obidos\/ASIN|o\/ASIN|product-reviews)\/.*$/
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @noframes
// @icon         https://www.amazon.com/favicon.ico
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion: 6 */
(function (doc) {
'use strict';
/***** User preferences start *****/
/* Uncomment the lines you need (remove "//") and refresh
the target website to reload the script */
/* Set and save color preference: */
//GM_setValue("pureAmazonColor", "#RRGGBB");
//GM_setValue("resellerColor", "#RRGGBB");
/* Reset colors to default: */
/***** User preferences end *****/
const amazonIsSellerByBuyBox = [
//American English
"Ships from Amazon US Sold by Amazon US",
//British English .co.uk
"Dispatches from Amazon Sold by Amazon",
//Belgian - English .com.be
"Dispatches from Amazon.com.be Sold by Amazon.com.be",
//Belgian - Netherlands .com.be
"Verzonden vanuit Amazon.com.be Verkocht door Amazon.com.be",
//Belgian - French .com.be
"Expédié par Amazon.com.be Vendu par Amazon.com.be",
//Brazilian / Portuguese
"Enviado por Amazon.com.br Vendido por Amazon.com.br",
"Ships from Amazon.ca Sold by Amazon.ca",
"Odesílatel Amazon Prodejce Amazon",
"Verzonden vanuit Amazon Verkocht door Amazon",
"Expédié par Amazon Vendu par Amazon",
"Versand Amazon Verkäufer Amazon",
"Spedizione Amazon Venditore Amazon",
"Ships from Amazon.co.jp Sold by Amazon.co.jp",
"出荷元 Amazon.co.jp 販売元 Amazon.co.jp",
"配送方 Amazon.co.jp 卖家 Amazon.co.jp",
//Mexican / Spanish
"Envío desde Amazon Estados Unidos Vendido por Amazon Estados Unidos",
"Wysyłka z Amazon Sprzedane przez Amazon",
"Enviado de Amazon Vendido por Amazon",
"Envío desde Amazon Vendido por Amazon",
"Skickas från Amazon Säljs av Amazon",
"Gönderici Amazon Satıcı Amazon",
"Ships from Amazon.ae Sold by Amazon.ae"
const amazonIsSellerByMerchInfo = [
//British English
"Dispatched from and sold by Amazon.",
"Dispatched from and sold by Amazon EU Sarl.",
//Canadian English
"Ships from and sold by Amazon.ca.",
//American English
"Ships from and sold by Amazon.com Services LLC.",
//Australian English
"Ships from and sold by Amazon US.",
//United Arab Emirates English
"Ships from and sold by Amazon.ae.",
"Verkauf und Versand durch Amazon.",
"Verkauf und Versand durch Amazon EU Sarl.",
"Verkauf und Versand durch amazon.de.",
"Vendido y enviado por Amazon.",
"Vendido y enviado por Amazon EU Sarl.",
"Expédié et vendu par Amazon.",
"Expédié et vendu par Amazon EU Sarl.",
"Venduto e spedito da Amazon.",
"Venduto e spedito da Amazon EU Sarl.",
"Verzonden en verkocht door Amazon.",
"Verzonden en verkocht door Amazon EU Sarl.",
//Mexican / Spanish
"Vendido y enviado por Amazon México.",
//Brazilian / Portuguese
"Enviado e vendido por Amazon.com.br.",
"この商品は、Amazon.co.jp が販売、発送します。",
"Wysyłka i sprzedaż przez Amazon."
const pureAmazonColor = GM_getValue("pureAmazonColor", "limegreen");
const resellerColor = GM_getValue("resellerColor", "fuchsia");
function keywordsInText(keywords, text) {
for (const words of keywords) {
if (text.includes(words)) {
return true;
return false;
function highlight() {
// Two different box designs possible: tabularBuybox and mechInfo
var merchInfo = doc.getElementById("merchant-info");
var tabularBuybox = doc.getElementById("tabular-buybox");
if (tabularBuybox) {
let shippingText = tabularBuybox.innerText.trim();
// console.log("#AZHR Tabular Buybox shippingText raw:\n" + shippingText);
// Remove blank lines
shippingText = shippingText.replace(/^\s*\n/gm, "");
// Remove details after seller / shipping info
shippingText = shippingText.split("\n", 6);
// Remove whitespace
shippingText.forEach((line, index) => { shippingText[index] = line.trim(); });
shippingText = shippingText.join(" ");
// console.log("#AZHR Tabular Buybox shippingText:\n" + shippingText);
if (keywordsInText(amazonIsSellerByBuyBox, shippingText)) {
GM_addStyle(`#tabular_feature_div > #tabular-buybox > .tabular-buybox-container *,
#shipsFromSoldByMessage_feature_div *
{ color: ${pureAmazonColor} !important;
font-weight: bold !important; }`);
else {
GM_addStyle(`#tabular_feature_div > #tabular-buybox > .tabular-buybox-container *,
#shipsFromSoldByMessage_feature_div *
{ color: ${resellerColor} !important;
font-weight: bold !important; }`);
else if (merchInfo) {
let shippingText = merchInfo.innerText.trim();
//console.log("#AZHR Merchant Info: " + shippingText);
if (amazonIsSellerByMerchInfo.includes(shippingText)) {
merchInfo.style.color = pureAmazonColor;
else {
merchInfo.style.color = resellerColor;
// Execute again when item variation is selected
var buyboxParent = doc.getElementById('desktop_buybox');
if (buyboxParent) {
var MO = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(nodeElement) {
if (nodeElement.id === "buybox") {
MO.observe(buyboxParent, { childList: true, subtree: true });