Nintendo SwitchのJoy-Conを動画プレイヤーのリモコンにする.
// ==UserScript== // @name JoyRemocon // @namespace // @description Nintendo SwitchのJoy-Conを動画プレイヤーのリモコンにする. // @include *://** // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @version 1.6.0 // @author segabito macmoto // @license public domain // @grant none // @noframes // ==/UserScript== (() => { const monkey = () => { if (!window.navigator.getGamepads) { window.console.log('%cGamepad APIがサポートされていません', 'background: red; color: yellow;'); return; } const PRODUCT = 'JoyRemocon'; let isPauseButtonDown = false; let isRate1ButtonDown = false; let isMetaButtonDown = false; const getVideo = () => { switch ( { case '': return document.querySelector('.MainVideoPlayer video'); case '': return document.querySelector('video[width="100%"]'); default: return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('video')).find(v => { return !!v.src; }); } }; const video = { get currentTime() { try { return window.__videoPlayer ? __videoplayer.currentTime() : getVideo().currentTime; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); return 0; } }, set currentTime(v) { try { if (v <= video.currentTime && === '') { return seekNico(v); } else if ( === '') { return seekPrimeVideo(v); } getVideo().currentTime = v; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } }, get muted() { try { return getVideo().muted; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); return false; } }, set muted(v) { try { getVideo().muted = v; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } }, get playbackRate() { try { return window.__videoPlayer ? __videoplayer.playbackRate() : getVideo().playbackRate; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); return 1; } }, set playbackRate(v) { try { if (window.__videoPlayer) { window.__videoPlayer.playbackRate(v); return; } getVideo().playbackRate = Math.max(0.01, v); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } }, get volume() { try { if ( === '') { return getVolumeNico(); } return getVideo().volume; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); return 1; } }, set volume(v) { try { v = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, v)); if ( === '') { return setVolumeNico(v); } getVideo().volume = v; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } }, get duration() { try { return getVideo().duration; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); return 1; } }, play() { try { return getVideo().play(); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); return Promise.reject(); } }, pause() { try { return getVideo().pause(); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); return Promise.reject(); } }, get paused() { try { return getVideo().paused; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); return true; } }, }; const seekNico = time => { const xs = document.querySelector('.SeekBar .XSlider'); let [min, sec] = document.querySelector`.PlayerPlayTime-duration`.textContent.split(':'); let duration = min * 60 + sec * 1; let left = xs.getBoundingClientRect().left; let offsetWidth = xs.offsetWidth; let per = time / duration * 100; let clientX = offsetWidth * per / 100 + left; xs.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown', {clientX})); document.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup', {clientX})); }; const setVolumeNico = vol => { const xs = document.querySelector('.VolumeBar .XSlider'); let left = xs.getBoundingClientRect().left; let offsetWidth = xs.offsetWidth; let per = vol * 100; let clientX = offsetWidth * per / 100 + left; xs.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown', {clientX})); document.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup', {clientX})); }; const seekPrimeVideo = time => { const xs = document.querySelector('.seekBar .progressBarContainer'); xs.closest('.bottomPanelItem').style.display = ''; let left = xs.getBoundingClientRect().left; let offsetWidth = xs.offsetWidth; let per = (time - 10) / video.duration * 100; // 何故か10秒分ズレてる? let clientX = offsetWidth * per / 100 + left; // console.log('seek', video.currentTime, time, left, offsetWidth, per, clientX); xs.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent('pointerdown', {clientX})); xs.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent('pointerup', {clientX})); }; const getVolumeNico = () => { try { const xp = document.querySelector('.VolumeBar .XSlider .ProgressBar-inner'); return ( || '1').replace(/scaleX\(([0-9\.]+)\)/, '$1') * 1; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); return 1; } }; const execCommand = (command, param) => { switch (command) { case 'playbackRate': video.playbackRate = param; break; case 'toggle-play': { const btn = document.querySelector( '.ytp-ad-skip-button, .PlayerPlayButton, .PlayerPauseButton, .html5-main-videom, .bilibili-player-video-btn-start, .pausedOverlay'); if (btn) { if ( === '') { btn.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('pointerup')); } else {; } } else if (video.paused) {; } else { video.pause(); } break; } case 'toggle-mute': { const btn = document.querySelector( '.MuteVideoButton, .UnMuteVideoButton, .ytp-mute-button, .bilibili-player-iconfont-volume-max'); if (btn) {; } else { video.muted = !video.muted; } break; } case 'seek': video.currentTime = param * 1; break; case 'seekBy': video.currentTime += param * 1; break; case 'seekNextFrame': video.currentTime += 1 / 60; break; case 'seekPrevFrame': video.currentTime -= 1 / 60; break; case 'volumeUp': { let v = video.volume; let r = v < 0.05 ? 1.3 : 1.1; video.volume = Math.max(0.05, v * r + 0.01); break; } case 'volumeDown': { let v = video.volume; let r = 1 / 1.2; video.volume = Math.max(0.01, v * r); break; } case 'toggle-showComment': { const btn = document.querySelector('.CommentOnOffButton, .bilibili-player-video-danmaku-switch input'); if (btn) {; } break; } case 'toggle-fullscreen': { const btn = document.querySelector( '.EnableFullScreenButton, .DisableFullScreenButton, .ytp-fullscreen-button, .bilibili-player-video-btn-fullscreen, .imageButton.fullscreenButton'); if (btn) {; } break; } case 'playNextVideo': { const btn = document.querySelector( '.PlayerSkipNextButton, .ytp-next-button, .nextTitleButton, .skipAdButton'); if (btn) {; } break; } case 'playPreviousVideo': { const btn = document.querySelector( '.PlayerSeekBackwardButton'); if (btn) {; } if ([''].includes( { history.back(); } break; } case 'screenShot': { screenShot(); break; } case 'deflistAdd': { const btn = document.querySelector( '.InstantMylistButton'); if (btn) {; } break; } case 'notify': notify(param); break; case 'unlink': if (document.hasFocus()) { JoyRemocon.unlink(); } break; default: console.warn('unknown command "%s" "%o"', command, param); break; } }; const notify = message => { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.textContent = message; Object.assign(, { position: 'fixed', display: 'inline-block', zIndex: 1000000, left: 0, bottom: 0, transition: 'opacity 0.4s linear, transform 0.5s ease', padding: '8px 16px', background: '#00c', color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)', fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: 'bolder', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', textAlign: 'center', boxShadow: '2px 2px 0 #ccc', userSelect: 'none', pointerEvents: 'none', willChange: 'transform', opacity: 0, transform: 'translate(0, +100%) translate(48px, +48px) ', }); const parent = document.querySelector('.MainContainer') || document.body; parent.append(div); setTimeout(() => { Object.assign(, { opacity: 1, transform: 'translate(48px, -48px)' }); }, 100); setTimeout(() => { Object.assign(, { opacity: 0, transform: 'translate(48px, -48px) scaleY(0)' }); }, 2000); setTimeout(() => { div.remove(); }, 3000); }; const getVideoTitle = () => { switch ( { case '': return document.title; case '': return document.title; default: return document.title; } }; const toSafeName = function(text) { text = text.trim() .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/\?/g, '?') .replace(/:/g, ':') .replace(/\|/g, '|') .replace(/\//g, '/') .replace(/\\/g, '¥') .replace(/"/g, '”') .replace(/\./g, '.') ; return text; }; const speedUp = () => { let current = video.playbackRate; execCommand('playbackRate', Math.floor(Math.min(current + 0.1, 3) * 10) / 10); }; const speedDown = () => { let current = video.playbackRate; execCommand('playbackRate', Math.floor(Math.max(current - 0.1, 0.1) * 10) / 10); }; const scrollUp = () => { document.documentElement.scrollTop = Math.max(0, document.documentElement.scrollTop - window.innerHeight / 5); }; const scrollDown = () => { document.documentElement.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop + window.innerHeight / 5; }; const scrollToVideo = () => { getVideo().scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center'}); }; const screenShot = video => { video = video || getVideo(); if (!video) { return; } // draw canvas const width = video.videoWidth; const height = video.videoHeight; const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.drawImage(video, 0, 0); document.body.append(canvas); // fileName const videoTitle = getVideoTitle(); const currentTime = video.currentTime; const min = Math.floor(currentTime / 60); const sec = (currentTime % 60 + 100).toString().substr(1, 6); const time = `${min}_${sec}`; const fileName = `${toSafeName(videoTitle)}@${time}.png`; // to objectURL console.time('canvas to DataURL'); const dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); console.timeEnd('canvas to DataURL'); console.time('dataURL to objectURL'); const bin = atob(dataURL.split(',')[1]); const buf = new Uint8Array(bin.length); for (let i = 0, len = buf.length; i < len; i++) { buf[i] = bin.charCodeAt(i); } const blob = new Blob([buf.buffer], {type: 'image/png'}); const objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob); console.timeEnd('dataURL to objectURL'); // save const link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('download', fileName); link.setAttribute('href', objectURL); document.body.append(link);; setTimeout(() => { link.remove(); URL.revokeObjectURL(objectURL); }, 1000); }; const ButtonMapJoyConL = { Y: 0, B: 1, X: 2, A: 3, SUP: 4, SDN: 5, SEL: 8, CAP: 13, LR: 14, META: 15, PUSH: 10 }; const ButtonMapJoyConR = { Y: 3, B: 2, X: 1, A: 0, SUP: 5, SDN: 4, SEL: 9, CAP: 12, LR: 14, META: 15, PUSH: 11 }; const JoyConAxisCenter = +1.28571; const AxisMapJoyConL = { CENTER: JoyConAxisCenter, UP: +0.71429, U_R: +1.00000, RIGHT: -1.00000, D_R: -0.71429, DOWN: -0.42857, D_L: -0.14286, LEFT: +0.14286, U_L: +0.42857, }; const AxisMapJoyConR = { CENTER: JoyConAxisCenter, UP: -0.42857, U_R: -0.14286, RIGHT: +0.14286, D_R: +0.42857, DOWN: +0.71429, D_L: +1.00000, LEFT: -1.00000, U_L: -0.71429, }; const onButtonDown = (button, deviceId) => { const ButtonMap = deviceId.match(/Vendor: 057e Product: 2006/i) ? ButtonMapJoyConL : ButtonMapJoyConR; switch (button) { case ButtonMap.Y: if (isPauseButtonDown) { execCommand('seekPrevFrame'); } else { execCommand('toggle-showComment'); } break; case ButtonMap.B: isPauseButtonDown = true; execCommand('toggle-play'); break; case ButtonMap.X: if (isMetaButtonDown) { execCommand('playbackRate', 2); } else { isRate1ButtonDown = true; execCommand('playbackRate', 0.1); } break; case ButtonMap.A: if (isPauseButtonDown) { execCommand('seekNextFrame'); } else { execCommand('toggle-mute'); } break; case ButtonMap.SUP: if (isMetaButtonDown) { scrollUp(); } else { execCommand('playPreviousVideo'); } break; case ButtonMap.SDN: if (isMetaButtonDown) { scrollDown(); } else { execCommand('playNextVideo'); } break; case ButtonMap.SEL: if (isMetaButtonDown) { execCommand('unlink'); } else { execCommand('deflistAdd'); } break; case ButtonMap.CAP: if ( === '') { return; } execCommand('screenShot'); break; case ButtonMap.PUSH: if (isMetaButtonDown) { scrollToVideo(); } else { execCommand('seek', 0); } break; case ButtonMap.LR: execCommand('toggle-fullscreen'); break; case ButtonMap.META: isMetaButtonDown = true; break; } }; const onButtonUp = (button, deviceId) => { const ButtonMap = deviceId.match(/Vendor: 057e Product: 2006/i) ? ButtonMapJoyConL : ButtonMapJoyConR; switch (button) { case ButtonMap.Y: break; case ButtonMap.B: isPauseButtonDown = false; break; case ButtonMap.X: isRate1ButtonDown = false; execCommand('playbackRate', 1); break; case ButtonMap.META: isMetaButtonDown = false; break; } }; const onButtonRepeat = (button, deviceId) => { const ButtonMap = deviceId.match(/Vendor: 057e Product: 2006/i) ? ButtonMapJoyConL : ButtonMapJoyConR; switch (button) { case ButtonMap.Y: if (isMetaButtonDown) { execCommand('seekBy', -15); } else if (isPauseButtonDown) { execCommand('seekPrevFrame'); } break; case ButtonMap.A: if (isMetaButtonDown) { execCommand('seekBy', 15); } else if (isPauseButtonDown) { execCommand('seekNextFrame'); } break; case ButtonMap.SUP: if (isMetaButtonDown) { scrollUp(); } else { execCommand('playPreviousVideo'); } break; case ButtonMap.SDN: if (isMetaButtonDown) { scrollDown(); } else { execCommand('playNextVideo'); } break; } }; const onAxisChange = (axis, value, deviceId) => {}; const onAxisRepeat = (axis, value, deviceId) => {}; const onPovChange = (pov, deviceId) => { switch(pov) { case 'UP': if (isMetaButtonDown) { speedUp(); } else { execCommand('volumeUp'); } break; case 'DOWN': if (isMetaButtonDown) { speedDown(); } else { execCommand('volumeDown'); } break; case 'LEFT': execCommand('seekBy', isRate1ButtonDown || isMetaButtonDown ? -1 : -5); break; case 'RIGHT': execCommand('seekBy', isRate1ButtonDown || isMetaButtonDown ? +1 : +5); break; } }; const onPovRepeat = onPovChange; class Handler { constructor(...args) { this._list = new Array(...args); } get length() { return this._list.length; } exec(...args) { if (!this._list.length) { return; } else if (this._list.length === 1) { this._list[0](...args); return; } for (let i = this._list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this._list[i](...args); } } execMethod(name, ...args) { if (!this._list.length) { return; } else if (this._list.length === 1) { this._list[0][name](...args); return; } for (let i = this._list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this._list[i][name](...args); } } add(member) { if (this._list.includes(member)) { return this; } this._list.unshift(member); return this; } remove(member) { _.pull(this._list, member); return this; } clear() { this._list.length = 0; return this; } get isEmpty() { return this._list.length < 1; } } const {Emitter} = (() => { class Emitter { on(name, callback) { if (!this._events) { Emitter.totalCount++; this._events = {}; } name = name.toLowerCase(); let e = this._events[name]; if (!e) { e = this._events[name] = new Handler(callback); } else { e.add(callback); } if (e.length > 10) { Emitter.warnings.push(this); } return this; } off(name, callback) { if (!this._events) { return; } name = name.toLowerCase(); const e = this._events[name]; if (!this._events[name]) { return; } else if (!callback) { delete this._events[name]; } else { e.remove(callback); if (e.isEmpty) { delete this._events[name]; } } if (Object.keys(this._events).length < 1) { delete this._events; } return this; } once(name, func) { const wrapper = (...args) => { func(...args);, wrapper); wrapper._original = null; }; wrapper._original = func; return this.on(name, wrapper); } clear(name) { if (!this._events) { return; } if (name) { delete this._events[name]; } else { delete this._events; Emitter.totalCount--; } return this; } emit(name, ...args) { if (!this._events) { return; } name = name.toLowerCase(); const e = this._events[name]; if (!e) { return; } e.exec(...args); return this; } emitAsync(...args) { if (!this._events) { return; } setTimeout(() => { this.emit(...args); }, 0); return this; } } Emitter.totalCount = 0; Emitter.warnings = []; return { Emitter }; })(); class PollingTimer { constructor(callback, interval) { this._timer = null; this._callback = callback; if (typeof interval === 'number') { this.changeInterval(interval); } } changeInterval(interval) { if (this._timer) { if (this._currentInterval === interval) { return; } window.clearInterval(this._timer); } console.log('%cupdate Interval:%s', 'background: lightblue;', interval); this._currentInterval = interval; this._timer = window.setInterval(this._callback, interval); } pause() { window.clearInterval(this._timer); this._timer = null; } start() { if (typeof this._currentInterval !== 'number') { return; } this.changeInterval(this._currentInterval); } } class GamePad extends Emitter { constructor(gamepadStatus) { super(); this._gamepadStatus = gamepadStatus; this._buttons = []; this._axes = []; this._pov = ''; this._lastTimestamp = 0; this._povRepeat = 0; this.initialize(gamepadStatus); } initialize(gamepadStatus) { this._buttons.length = gamepadStatus.buttons.length; this._axes.length = gamepadStatus.axes.length; this._id =; this._index = gamepadStatus.index; this._isRepeating = false; this.reset(); } reset() { let i, len; this._pov = ''; this._povRepeat = 0; for (i = 0, len = this._gamepadStatus.buttons.length + 16; i < len; i++) { this._buttons[i] = {pressed: false, repeat: 0}; } for (i = 0, len = this._gamepadStatus.axes.length; i < len; i++) { this._axes[i] = {value: null, repeat: 0}; } } update() { let gamepadStatus = (navigator.getGamepads())[this._index]; if (!gamepadStatus || !gamepadStatus.connected) { console.log('no status'); return; } if (!this._isRepeating && this._lastTimestamp === gamepadStatus.timestamp) { return; } this._gamepadStatus = gamepadStatus; this._lastTimestamp = gamepadStatus.timestamp; let buttons = gamepadStatus.buttons, axes = gamepadStatus.axes; let i, len, axis, isRepeating = false; for (i = 0, len = Math.min(this._buttons.length, buttons.length); i < len; i++) { let buttonStatus = buttons[i].pressed ? 1 : 0; if (this._buttons[i].pressed !== buttonStatus) { let eventName = (buttonStatus === 1) ? 'onButtonDown' : 'onButtonUp'; this.emit(eventName, i, 0); this.emit('onButtonStatusChange', i, buttonStatus); } this._buttons[i].pressed = buttonStatus; if (buttonStatus) { this._buttons[i].repeat++; isRepeating = true; if (this._buttons[i].repeat % 5 === 0) { //console.log('%cbuttonRepeat%s', 'background: lightblue;', i); this.emit('onButtonRepeat', i); } } else { this._buttons[i].repeat = 0; } } for (i = 0, len = Math.min(8, this._axes.length); i < len; i++) { axis = Math.round(axes[i] * 1000) / 1000; if (this._axes[i].value === null) { this._axes[i].value = axis; continue; } let diff = Math.round(Math.abs(axis - this._axes[i].value)); if (diff >= 1) { this.emit('onAxisChange', i, axis); } if (Math.abs(axis) <= 0.1 && this._axes[i].repeat > 0) { this._axes[i].repeat = 0; } else if (Math.abs(axis) > 0.1) { this._axes[i].repeat++; isRepeating = true; } else { this._axes[i].repeat = 0; } this._axes[i].value = axis; } if (typeof axes[9] !== 'number') { this._isRepeating = isRepeating; return; } { const b = 100000; const axis = Math.trunc(axes[9] * b); const margin = b / 10; let pov = ''; const AxisMap = this._id.match(/Vendor: 057e Product: 2006/i) ? AxisMapJoyConL : AxisMapJoyConR; if (Math.abs(JoyConAxisCenter * b - axis) <= margin) { pov = ''; } else { Object.keys(AxisMap).forEach(key => { if (Math.abs(AxisMap[key] * b - axis) <= margin) { pov = key; } }); } if (this._pov !== pov) { this._pov = pov; this._povRepeat = 0; isRepeating = pov !== ''; this.emit('onPovChange', this._pov); } else if (pov !== '') { this._povRepeat++; isRepeating = true; if (this._povRepeat % 5 === 0) { this.emit('onPovRepeat', this._pov); } } } this._isRepeating = isRepeating; } dump() { let gamepadStatus = this._gamepadStatus, buttons = gamepadStatus.buttons, axes = gamepadStatus.axes; let i, len, btmp = [], atmp = []; for (i = 0, len = axes.length; i < len; i++) { atmp.push('ax' + i + ': ' + axes[i]); } for (i = 0, len = buttons.length; i < len; i++) { btmp.push('bt' + i + ': ' + (buttons[i].pressed ? 1 : 0)); } return atmp.join('\n') + '\n' + btmp.join(', '); } getButtonStatus(index) { return this._buttons[index] || 0; } getAxisValue(index) { return this._axes[index] || 0; } release() { this.clear(); } get isConnected() { return this._gamepadStatus.connected ? true : false; } get deviceId() { return this._id; } get deviceIndex() { return this._index; } get buttonCount() { return this._buttons ? this._buttons.length : 0; } get axisCount() { return this._axes ? this._axes.length : 0; } get pov() { return this._pov; } get x() { return this._axes.length > 0 ? this._axes[0] : 0; } get y() { return this._axes.length > 1 ? this._axes[1] : 0; } get z() { return this._axes.length > 2 ? this._axes[2] : 0; } } const noop = () => {}; const JoyRemocon = (() => { let activeGamepad = null; let pollingTimer = null; let emitter = new Emitter(); let unlinked = false; const detectGamepad = () => { if (activeGamepad) { return; } const gamepads = navigator.getGamepads(); if (gamepads.length < 1) { return; } const pad = Array.from(gamepads).reverse().find(pad => { return pad && pad.connected &&^Joy-Con/i); }); if (!pad) { return; } window.console.log( '%cdetect gamepad index: %s, id: "%s", buttons: %s, axes: %s', 'background: lightgreen; font-weight: bolder;', pad.index,, pad.buttons.length, pad.axes.length ); const gamepad = new GamePad(pad); activeGamepad = gamepad; gamepad.on('onButtonDown', number => emitter.emit('onButtonDown', number, gamepad.deviceIndex)); gamepad.on('onButtonRepeat', number => emitter.emit('onButtonRepeat', number, gamepad.deviceIndex)); gamepad.on('onButtonUp', number => emitter.emit('onButtonUp', number, gamepad.deviceIndex)); gamepad.on('onPovChange', pov => emitter.emit('onPovChange', pov, gamepad.deviceIndex)); gamepad.on('onPovRepeat', pov => emitter.emit('onPovRepeat', pov, gamepad.deviceIndex)); emitter.emit('onDeviceConnect', gamepad.deviceIndex, gamepad.deviceId); pollingTimer.changeInterval(30); }; const onGamepadConnectStatusChange = (e, isConnected) => { console.log('onGamepadConnetcStatusChange', e, e.gamepad.index, isConnected); if (isConnected) { console.log('%cgamepad connected id:"%s"', 'background: lightblue;',; detectGamepad(); } else { emitter.emit('onDeviceDisconnect', activegamepad.deviceIndex); // if (activeGamepad) { // activeGamepad.release(); // } // activeGamepad = null; console.log('%cgamepad disconneced id:"%s"', 'background: lightblue;',; } }; const initializeTimer = () => { console.log('%cinitializeGamepadTimer', 'background: lightgreen;'); const onTimerInterval = () => { if (unlinked) { return; } if (!activeGamepad) { return detectGamepad(); } if (!activeGamepad.isConnected) { return; } activeGamepad.update(); }; pollingTimer = new PollingTimer(onTimerInterval, 1000); }; const initializeGamepadConnectEvent = () => { console.log('%cinitializeGamepadConnectEvent', 'background: lightgreen;'); window.addEventListener('gamepadconnected', function(e) { onGamepadConnectStatusChange(e, true); }); window.addEventListener('gamepaddisconnected', function(e) { onGamepadConnectStatusChange(e, false); }); if (activeGamepad) { return; } window.setTimeout(detectGamepad, 1000); }; let hasStartDetect = false; return { on: (...args) => { emitter.on(...args); }, startDetect: () => { if (hasStartDetect) { return; } hasStartDetect = true; initializeTimer(); initializeGamepadConnectEvent(); }, startPolling: () => { if (pollingTimer) { pollingTimer.start(); } }, stopPolling: () => { if (pollingTimer) { pollingTimer.pause(); } }, unlink: () => { if (!activeGamepad) { return; } unlinked = true; activeGamepad.release(); activeGamepad = null; pollingTimer.changeInterval(1000); execCommand( 'notify', 'JoyRemocon と切断しました' ); } }; })(); const initGamepad = () => { let isActivated = false; let deviceId, deviceIndex; let notifyDetect = () => { if (!document.hasFocus()) { return; } isActivated = true; notifyDetect = noop; // 初めてボタンかキーが押されたタイミングで通知する execCommand( 'notify', 'ゲームパッド "' + deviceId + '" とリンクしました' ); }; let bindEvents = () => { bindEvents = noop; JoyRemocon.on('onButtonDown', number => { notifyDetect(); if (!isActivated) { return; } onButtonDown(number, deviceId); }); JoyRemocon.on('onButtonRepeat', number => { if (!isActivated) { return; } onButtonRepeat(number, deviceId); }); JoyRemocon.on('onButtonUp', number => { if (!isActivated) { return; } onButtonUp(number, deviceId); }); JoyRemocon.on('onPovChange', pov => { if (!isActivated) { return; } onPovChange(pov, deviceId); }); JoyRemocon.on('onPovRepeat', pov => { if (!isActivated) { return; } onPovRepeat(pov, deviceId); }); }; let onDeviceConnect = function(index, id) { deviceIndex = index; deviceId = id; bindEvents(); }; JoyRemocon.on('onDeviceConnect', onDeviceConnect); JoyRemocon.startDetect(); }; const initialize = () => { initGamepad(); }; initialize(); }; const script = document.createElement('script'); = 'JoyRemoconLoader'; script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); script.setAttribute('charset', 'UTF-8'); script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`(${monkey})();`)); document.documentElement.append(script); })();