// ==UserScript== // @name #神传说之自动续药 // @namespace suqing.fun // @version 0.0.4 // @author sq // @match http://*.wsmud.com/* // @homepage https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/381751 // @description 这只是一个自动续药的脚本,所以第一颗药还是得自己吃! // @run-at document-start // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setClipboard // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; let funny = { sendmessage: function(message) { if ($("#sendmessage").attr("cmd")) { $("#sendmessage").attr("cmd", message); } else { $(".container").append($(`<span id="sendmessage" cmd="${message}"><span>`)); } $("#sendmessage").click(); }, onmessage: function(message) { funny.onmessage_fn.apply(this, arguments); let data = message.data || "error"; if ((data.includes("{") && data.includes("}")) || (data.includes("[") && data.includes("]"))) { data = new Function("return " + data + ";")(); } if (typeof data === "string") { if (data.includes("重新连线") || data.includes("#神传说")) { $(".content-message pre").append(`\n<hig>自动续药</hig>已加载!\n`); $("[command=pack]").click(); $(".dialog-close").click(); } // else if (data.includes("你获得了")) { // // $(".content-message pre").append(`检测到<wht>${funny.statu}</wht>状态!\n`); // // if (funny.statu === "蕴象丸") { // // $(".content-message pre").append(`将会执行 => <wht>${funny.auto_use_yxw}</wht>\n`); // // funny.sendmessage(funny.auto_use_yxw); // // } else if (funny.statu === "冰心丹") { // // $(".content-message pre").append(`将会执行 => <wht>${funny.auto_use_bxd}</wht>\n`); // // funny.sendmessage(funny.auto_use_bxd); // // } // } } else { if (data.type === "login") { funny.id = data.id; } else if (data.type === "dialog" && data.dialog === "pack") { if (data.items) { $(".content-message pre").append(`正在检测...\n`); for (const item of data.items) { if (item.name.includes("蕴象丸")) { funny.auto_use_yxw = `use ${item.id}`; $(".content-message pre").append(`检测到<wht>${item.count}</wht>颗${item.name}!\n`); $(".content-message pre").append(`蕴象丸状态消失会自动执行 => <wht>${funny.auto_use_yxw}</wht>\n`); } else if (item.name.includes("冰心丹")) { funny.auto_use_bxd = `use ${item.id}`; $(".content-message pre").append(`检测到<wht>${item.count}</wht>颗${item.name}!\n`); $(".content-message pre").append(`冰心丹状态消失会自动执行 => <wht>${funny.auto_use_bxd}</wht>\n`); } } $(".content-message pre").append(`检测完毕!\n`); $(".content-message pre").append(`如果显示多种颜色丹药,只会执行最后检测到的!\n`); $(".content-message pre").append(`如果未显示检测到丹药,请事先将丹药放入背包!\n\n`); } } else if (data.type === "status" && data.action === "add" && data.id === funny.id && data.sid === "food") { funny.statu = data.name; $(".content-message pre").append(`检测到<hig>${funny.statu}</hig>状态!\n`); funny.sendmessage("dazuo"); } else if (data.type === "status" && data.action === "remove" && data.id === funny.id && data.sid === "food") { $(".content-message pre").append(`检测到状态消失!\n`); funny.sendmessage("stopstate"); if (funny.statu === "蕴象丸") { funny.sendmessage(funny.auto_use_yxw); } else if (funny.statu === "冰心丹") { funny.sendmessage(funny.auto_use_bxd); } } else if (data.type === "items") { for (const item of data.items) { if (item.id === funny.id) { for (const statu of item.status) { if (statu.name === "蕴象丸" || statu.name === "冰心丹") { funny.statu = statu.name; $(".content-message pre").append(`检测到<wht>${funny.statu}</wht>状态!\n`); } } } } } } if (funny.id === "j9h729c52bc") console.log(data); }, }; if (WebSocket) { unsafeWindow.WebSocket = function(url) { funny.webSocket = new WebSocket(url); }; unsafeWindow.WebSocket.prototype = { get url() { return funny.webSocket.url; }, get protocol() { return funny.webSocket.protocol; }, get readyState() { return funny.webSocket.readyState; }, get bufferedAmount() { return funny.webSocket.bufferedAmount; }, get extensions() { return funny.webSocket.extensions; }, get binaryType() { return funny.webSocket.binaryType; }, set binaryType(type) { funny.webSocket.binaryType = type; }, get onerror() { return funny.webSocket.onerror; }, set onerror(fn) { funny.webSocket.onerror = fn; }, get onopen() { return funny.webSocket.onopen; }, set onopen(fn) { funny.webSocket.onopen = fn; }, get onclose() { return funny.webSocket.onclose; }, set onclose(fn) { funny.webSocket.onclose = fn; }, close: function () { funny.webSocket.close(); }, get onmessage() { return funny.webSocket.onmessage; }, set onmessage(fn) { funny.onmessage_fn = fn; funny.webSocket.onmessage = funny.onmessage; }, send: function (message) { funny.webSocket.send(message); }, }; } })();