like user feed, auto likeer, best ever!
// ==UserScript== // @name Instagram Feed Auto Like // @description like user feed, auto likeer, best ever! // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match https://** //*/* //*/*/* //*/*/*/* // @grant none // @version 0.1.0 // ==/UserScript== var likes = 0; // initial likes set to 0, r###lt will be visible in console log (ctrl+shift+i, click console) var scrooltobottom = 200; //we will scrool bottom 200px // Just checking if page loaded an // Find this face it where program jump to start <(O.O)> window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { console.log('window - DOMContentLoaded - bubble'); // 3rd function simulateCliks(el, evntType){ if (el.fireEvent) { el.fireEvent('on' + evntType); } else { var evObj = document.createEvent('Events'); evObj.initEvent(evntType, true, false); el.dispatchEvent(evObj); } likes++; } // <span class="glyphsSpriteHeart__filled__24__red_5 Szr5J">Unlike</span> // <span class="glyphsSpriteHeart__outline__24__grey_9 Szr5J">Like</span> var greyHearts = []; // Array of unliked things var likeButton = []; // Array of buttons var scrooltobottom =0; var fixedScrool = 1600; // scrool for 600 px var timerInt = 7000; // 7 sec // <(O.O)> starting here with timer setInterval(function(){ // Selecting all not "Liked Hearts" // So we will click "Like" and "Next" // Each time then pass simulateCliks function //greyHearts = document.getElementsByClassName("glyphsSpriteHeart__outline__24__grey_9"); greyHearts = document.getElementsByClassName("fr66n"); console.log(greyHearts); var childrenSpanIsHeart = greyHearts[likes].firstChild.firstChild; simulateCliks(childrenSpanIsHeart, 'click', likes); // Finding right buttons window.scrollTo(0,scrooltobottom); scrooltobottom=scrooltobottom+fixedScrool; console.log(likes+"-- likes for this session"); // Ctrl+Shift+I // Find Console and see stats // Thats all folks }, timerInt); });