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YouTube Uploads Sorter Button

Adds a button to a YouTube channel's videos page which sorts recent uploads by views

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         YouTube Uploads Sorter Button
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.16.0
// @description  Adds a button to a YouTube channel's videos page which sorts recent uploads by views
// @author       Lex
// @match        *://*.youtube.com/@*
// @match        *://*.youtube.com/*/featured
// @match        *://*.youtube.com/*/videos
// @exclude-match *://*.youtube.com/watch
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
(function($) {
'use strict';
function addButton() {
if (!document.getElementById("sortViewButton")) {
const chip = document.createElement("button")
chip.id = "sortViewButton"
chip.addEventListener("click", sortByViews)
Object.assign(chip.style, {border: "none", borderRadius: "8px", padding: "8px 15px", marginLeft: "1em", cursor: "pointer"})
const container = document.querySelector("#chips-wrapper iron-selector")
chip.textContent = "Sort by Views"
function parseViewNumber(str) {
/* Parses 405K, 1.5M etc */
let multiplier = 1;
if (str.endsWith("K")) {
multiplier = 1000;
} else if (str.endsWith("M")) {
multiplier = 1000000;
return parseFloat(str) * multiplier;
function getViewsShort(e) {
// viewsText = "405K views"
const viewsText = e.querySelector(".inline-metadata-item").textContent;
const viewsStr = viewsText.split(" ")[0];
return parseViewNumber(viewsStr);
function getViewsVideo(e) {
const viewsTitle = e.querySelector('a#video-title-link').getAttribute("aria-label");
//console.log(`Found title: ${viewsTitle}`);
if (viewsTitle.search(/No views$/) > -1) // video has no views yet
return 0;
else {
const views = parseInt(/([\d,]+) views( - play Short)?$/.exec(viewsTitle)[1].replace(/,/g, ""));
return views;
function getViews(e) {
// Try to get the views of a regular video, and if that fails try to get views as a Short
try {
return getViewsVideo(e);
} catch(err) {
try {
return getViewsShort(e);
} catch(err) {
return 0;
function sortByViews() {
const items = document.querySelectorAll("ytd-rich-item-renderer");
console.log(`Found ${items.length} videos on the page.`);
// Array of each parent for a given index.
// e.g. if there are 4 videos in the first row container, the first 4 indexes are that first row
const parents = [...items].map(e => e.parentNode);
const sorted = [...items].sort(function(a, b) {
return getViews(b) - getViews(a);
const infiniteScrollItem = document.getElementsByTagName("ytd-continuation-item-renderer")[0]
if (infiniteScrollItem)
for (let item of sorted) {
// Remove item from its parent and append it to the ordered parent
const parent = parents.shift();
//console.log("Parent: ", parent);
//console.log("Removing", item, "from its parent");
if (infiniteScrollItem)
sorted[sorted.length - 1].parentNode.append(infiniteScrollItem)
function waitForLoad(query, callback) {
if (document.querySelector(query)) {
} else {
setTimeout(waitForLoad.bind(null, query, callback), 100);
waitForLoad("#chips-wrapper", addButton);