// ==UserScript== // @name [归档] 上海市大学生安全教育在线 - 自动答题(在线题库版) // @description 可处理正式考试,顺便去除各种限制。 // @version 1 // @namespace UnKnown // @author UnKnown // @match http://www.halnedu.com/pcexam/test/start* // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/383541.js // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== /* TODO: 模糊匹配 匹配时去除题目名称或答案内容中的中英文括号等符号 选择题按答案内容而非 ABCD 匹配 对于自动答题失败的题目: 输出可供直接搜索的、去除中英文括号与空格的文本 搞个搜索答案按钮?点击后跳转到搜索引擎 分类统计自动答题失败的题目数量 无失败题目时,输出表示成功的日志 */ // 解除各种限制 (function () { document.oncontextmenu = null; document.onselectstart = null; document.onkeydown = null; document.oncopy = null; })(); // 准备待答题目 // 序号: ( 一 OR 二位十进制数字 ) + ( 中文逗号 OR ( 英文句点 + 空格 ) ) const getQuestionName = aQuestionNodeList => Array.from(aQuestionNodeList).map( aQuestionDiv => aQuestionDiv.querySelector('h1').textContent .replace(/^\d{1,2}(,|\. |\.)/, "") // 去除题目序号 .replace(/\s/g, "") // 去除空白字符 ); var questionAll = document.querySelectorAll('.question'); var questionNameAll = getQuestionName(questionAll); /* 1. True or False 2. Single Choice Question 3. Multiple Choice Question */ // Questions' Elements const [ToF, SCQ, MCQ] = ["q1", "q2", "q3"].map( qn => document.getElementById(qn) ); // Questions' NodeLists var [ToFQuestionAll, SCQQuestionAll, MCQQuestionAll] = [ToF, SCQ, MCQ].map( questionDiv => questionDiv.querySelectorAll('.question') ); // Question names' Arrays var ToFQuestionNameAll = getQuestionName(ToFQuestionAll); var SCQQuestionNameAll = getQuestionName(SCQQuestionAll); var MCQQuestionNameAll = getQuestionName(MCQQuestionAll); // Uncheck all checked checkbox under a div function unselect(aDiv) { aDiv.querySelectorAll('.active').forEach(aSelected => { aSelected.classList.remove("active"); aSelected.querySelector('input').checked = false; }); } // Uncheck all checked checkbox in Multiple Choice Question first // in case of duplicated click if (MCQ.querySelector('.active') !== null) unselect(MCQ); // ! function below will only run after the file loaded // AL === AnswerLib function ToFQuestionFiller(theALMap) { ToFQuestionNameAll.forEach((ToFQuestionName, index) => { var answer = theALMap.get(ToFQuestionName); var questionDiv = ToFQuestionAll[index]; try { if (answer === undefined) { throw "未找到第" + (index + 1) + "道判断题的答案,题目开头为:" + ToFQuestionName.slice(0, 50); } else if ((answer === "正确")) { questionDiv.querySelector('input[value="1"]').click(); } else if ((answer === "错误")) { questionDiv.querySelector('input[value="0"]').click(); } else { throw "第" + (index + 1) + "道判断题的答案数据有误,题目开头为:" + ToFQuestionName.slice(0, 50); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); } // Answer String > Verify > Answer Element > click function SCQQuestionFiller(theALMap) { SCQQuestionNameAll.forEach((SCQQuestionName, index) => { var answer = theALMap.get(SCQQuestionName); var questionDiv = SCQQuestionAll[index]; try { if (answer === undefined) { throw "未找到第" + (index + 1) + "道单选题的答案,题目开头为:" + SCQQuestionName.slice(0, 50); } else { var answerKey = answer.charAt(0); // 目前仅取答案首个字符(ABCD),不判断答案内容 if (["A", "B", "C", "D"].includes(answerKey)) { questionDiv.querySelector('input[value="' + answerKey + '"]').click(); } else { throw "第" + (index + 1) + "道单选题的答案数据有误,题目开头为:" + SCQQuestionName.slice(0, 50); } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); } // Answer String > Answer Array > Verify > Answer Element Array > click function MCQQuestionFiller(theALMap) { MCQQuestionNameAll.forEach((MCQQuestionName, index) => { var answer = theALMap.get(MCQQuestionName); var questionDiv = MCQQuestionAll[index]; // Unselect when selected by previous answebLib if ( questionDiv.querySelector('.active') !== null ) { unselect(questionDiv); } try { if ( answer === undefined ) { throw "未找到第" + (index + 1) + "道多选题的答案,题目开头为:" + MCQQuestionName.slice(0, 50); } else if ( !Array.isArray(answer) ) { throw "第" + (index + 1) + "道多选题的答案数据有误(应为数组),题目开头为:" + MCQQuestionName.slice(0, 50); } else { // 目前仅取答案首个字符(ABCD),不判断答案内容 var answerKeyAll = answer.map( answer => answer.charAt(0) ); if ( answerKeyAll.every( answerKey => ["A", "B", "C", "D"].includes(answerKey) ) ) { answerKeyAll.forEach( answerKey => questionDiv.querySelector('input[value="' + answerKey + '"]').click() ); } else { throw "第" + (index + 1) + "道多选题的答案数据有误,题目开头为:" + MCQQuestionName.slice(0, 50); } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); } function questionFiller(theALMap) { var aLine = "-".repeat(22); console.log(aLine + "判断题" + aLine); ToFQuestionFiller(theALMap); console.log(aLine + "单选题" + aLine); SCQQuestionFiller(theALMap); console.log(aLine + "多选题" + aLine); MCQQuestionFiller(theALMap); } function Array2Filter2Map(theArray, theSeparator) { let theMap = new Map(); theArray.forEach(item => { var splited = item.split(theSeparator); splited.shift(); // Remove ID var type = splited.shift(); var question = splited.shift(); var answer = splited.filter( x => (x !== "") ); if (answer.length === 1) { answer = answer[0]; } // 仅提取页面上的题目 if (questionNameAll.includes(question)) { theMap.set(question, answer); } }); return theMap; } function init() { var AnswerLibText = AnswerLib; var AnswerLibArray = AnswerLibText.trim().split("\n"); var AnswerLibSeparator = AnswerLibArray.shift().charAt(0); var AnswerLibMap = Array2Filter2Map(AnswerLibArray, AnswerLibSeparator); console.log(AnswerLibMap); questionFiller(AnswerLibMap); } init();