Add international links to Amazon product pages
// ==UserScript== // @name Amazon International Links // @description Add international links to Amazon product pages // @author chocolateboy // @copyright chocolateboy // @version 3.7.0 // @namespace // @license GPL // @include* // @include* // @include* // @require // @require // @require // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // ==/UserScript== // XXX GM_getValue and GM_setValue are used by GM_config /* * * further reading: * * */ /*********************** Constants ********************************/ /* * a map from the Amazon TLD to the corresponding two-letter country code * * XXX technically, UK should be GB: */ const SITES = { '': 'AU', // Australia '': 'BE', // Belgium '': 'BR', // Brazil 'ca': 'CA', // Canada 'cn': 'CN', // ##### 'fr': 'FR', // France 'de': 'DE', // Germany 'in': 'IN', // India 'it': 'IT', // Italy '': 'JP', // Japan '': 'MX', // Mexico 'nl': 'NL', // Netherlands 'es': 'ES', // Spain 'se': 'SE', // Sweden '': 'TR', // Turkey 'ae': 'AE', // UAE '': 'UK', // UK 'com': 'US', // US } /* * Amazon TLDs which support the "" subdomain */ const SMILE = new Set(['com', '', 'de']) /* * a tiny DOM builder to avoid cluttering the code with HTML templates * */ const el = hijinks /*********************** Functions and Classes ********************************/ /* * A class which encapsulates the logic for creating and updating cross-site links */ class Linker { /* * get the unique identifier (ASIN - Amazon Standard Identification Number) * for this product, or return a falsey value if it's not found */ static getASIN () { let asin, $asin = $('input#ASIN, input[name="ASIN"], input[name="ASIN.0"]') if ($asin.length) { asin = $asin.val() } else { // if there's a canonical link, try to retrieve the ASIN from its URI // <link rel="canonical" href="" /> let match, canonical = $('link[rel="canonical"][href]').attr('href') if (canonical && (match = canonical.match('/dp/(\\w+)$'))) { asin = match[1] } } return asin } constructor (asin) { // the unique Amazon identifier for this product this.asin = asin // the navbar to add the cross-site links to this.crossSiteLinks = $('#nav-xshop') // an array of our added elements - jQuery objects representing // <a>...</a> links // // we keep a reference to these elements so we can easily remove them // from the DOM (and replace them with new elements) whenever the // country selection changes this.links = [] // extract and store 1) the subdomain (e.g. "") and 2) the TLD // (e.g. "") of the current site const parts = location.hostname.split('.') // 1) the subdomain (part before the TLD) of the current site e.g. // "" or "" this.subdomain = parts.slice(0, 2).join('.') // 2) the TLD of the current site e.g. "" or "com" this.tld = parts.slice(2).join('.') } /* * add a link element to the internal `links` array */ addLink (tld, country) { const attrs = { class: 'nav-a', style: 'display: inline-block', title: `amazon.${tld}` } // XXX we can't always preserve the "" subdomain as it's not // available for most Amazon TLDs const subdomain = SMILE.has(tld) ? this.subdomain : '' let tag if (tld === this.tld) { tag = 'strong' } else { tag = 'a' attrs.href = `//${subdomain}.${tld}/dp/${this.asin}` } const link = el(tag, attrs, country) this.links.push($(link)) } /* * populate the array of links and display them by prepending them to the * body of the cross-site navigation bar */ addLinks () { // create the subset of the TLD -> country-code map (SITES) // corresponding to the enabled sites const sites = Object.entries(SITES) .filter(([tld]) => GM_config.get(tld)) .reduce((obj, [key, val]) => { return obj[key] = val, obj }, {}) if (!$.isEmptyObject(sites)) { // sort the sites by the country code (e.g. AU) rather than the TLD // (e.g. // const tlds = sortBy(Object.keys(sites), tld => sites[tld]) const tlds = Object.keys(sites).sort((a, b) => sites[a].localeCompare(sites[b])) // populate the `links` array with jQuery wrappers for link elements // (i.e. <a>...</a>) for (const tld of tlds) { this.addLink(tld, sites[tld]) } // prepend the cross-site links to the body of the crossSiteLinks // container this.crossSiteLinks.prepend.apply(this.crossSiteLinks, this.links) } } /* * build the underlying data model used by the GM_config utility */ initializeConfig () { const checkboxes = {} // sort by country code for (const tld of Object.keys(SITES).sort((a, b) => SITES[a].localeCompare(SITES[b]))) { const country = SITES[tld] checkboxes[tld] = { type: 'checkbox', label: country, title: `amazon.${tld}`, default: (country === 'UK' || country === 'US') } } // re-render the links when the settings are updated const save = () => { this.removeLinks() this.addLinks() GM_config.close() } const callbacks = { save } GM_config.init('Amazon International Links Settings', checkboxes, callbacks) } /* * remove all added links from the DOM and clear the array referencing them */ removeLinks () { const { links } = this for (const $link of links) { $link.remove() // remove from the DOM... } links.length = 0 // ...and empty the array } } /*********************** Main ********************************/ const run = () => { const asin = Linker.getASIN() if (asin) { const showConfig = () => // display the settings manager const linker = new Linker(asin) linker.initializeConfig() linker.addLinks() GM_registerMenuCommand('Configure Amazon International Links', showConfig) } } run()