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MetaFilter highlight selected comment

On MetaFilter.com, adds a border to the selected comment to make it stand out visually, and adds "selected comment" to the small text to make it easy to search if you lose your place.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name        MetaFilter highlight selected comment
// @version     14
// @grant       none
// @match       *://*.metafilter.com/*
// @description On MetaFilter.com, adds a border to the selected comment to make it stand out visually, and adds "selected comment" to the small text to make it easy to search if you lose your place.
// @namespace   https://greasyfork.org/users/324881
// ==/UserScript==
// on load, run highlight and attach event listeners
if (window.location.hash.substring(1) != "") highlightSelectedComment(window.location.hash.substring(1)); // Highlight selected comment on first load. No need to remove highlight on first load as it won't exist.
window.addEventListener('hashchange', handleHashChangeEvent); // Run every time the hash changes.
function handleHashChangeEvent(event) {
if (event.oldURL.split('#')[1] != null) removeSelectedCommentHighlight(event.oldURL.split('#')[1]);
if (event.newURL.split('#')[1] != null) highlightSelectedComment(event.newURL.split('#')[1]);
function highlightSelectedComment(newHash) {
let divToHighlight = getTargetDiv(newHash);
divToHighlight.style.outline = '.2em solid #9cc754';
divToHighlight.style.outlineOffset = '.2em';
//divToHighlight.lastChild.innerHTML += '<span class=\'tehhundUserScriptSelectedComment\'>Selected comment. </span>';
divToHighlight.querySelector('.smallcopy').innerHTML += '<span class=\'tehhundUserScriptSelectedComment\'>Selected comment. </span>';
function removeSelectedCommentHighlight(oldHash) {
let commentDiv = getTargetDiv(oldHash);
// Remove styles
commentDiv.style.outline = '';
commentDiv.style.outlineOffset = '';
// Remove 'Selected comment' text
let allSelectedCommentsSpans = commentDiv.getElementsByClassName('tehhundUserScriptSelectedComment');
for (selectedCommentSpan of allSelectedCommentsSpans) {
function getTargetDiv(hash) {
let anchor = document.getElementsByName(hash)[0];
let targetDiv = anchor.nextSibling;
return targetDiv;