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MetaFilter number all comments

On MetaFilter.com, adds a comment number like "comment 1 of 30" to each comment.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v17 2023-01-18
  • v16 2020-03-26 The script sometimes breaks if it runs right away, so give the page 100 ms to be ready.
  • v15 2020-03-15 Removing @locale because Greasemonkey's editor thinks it's erroneous.
  • v14 2020-03-15 Removing run-at to fix sudden breakage.
  • v13 2020-03-15 Changing @match rule to hopefully fix inexplicable sudden breakage.
  • v12 2019-12-31 Made all DOM manipulation (adding and removing) async to not block the event loop and prevent race conditions. Added MutationObserver back in.
  • v11 2019-12-31 Adding each count is now async to avoid blocking the event loop. Removed MutationObserver to re-run script as it caused a race condition on page load.
  • v10 2019-08-27 Adding a smarter, more performant MutationObserver to renumber comments only when a comment is added.
  • v9 2019-08-23 // Temporarily removing MutationObserver due to performance issues. Will reenable if I can find a performant way.
  • v8 2019-08-23 Adding // @run-at document-idle
  • v7 2019-08-21 Adding a MutationObserver to run the script when the comments content changes.
  • v6 2019-08-12
  • v5 2019-08-12
  • v4 2019-08-12
  • v3 2019-08-12
  • v2 2019-08-12
  • v1 2019-08-12