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Extends the GM_setValue and GM_getValue functions for any javascript variable type. basis on https://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/source/107941.user.js

This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/389206/727035/SuperGM.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name            SuperGM
// @version      0.0.1
// @description     Extends the GM_setValue and GM_getValue functions for any javascript variable type. basis on https://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/source/107941.user.js
// @namespace       userscripts.org/users/158640
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
String.prototype.startsWith = function (str) {
return this.slice(0, str.length) == str;
String.prototype.endsWith = function (str) {
return this.slice(-str.length) == str;
String.prototype.contains = function (str) {
return this.indexOf(str) > -1;
var SuperGM = function (version, _expiredMilliseconds) {
var versionkeybasic = 'tsharp.org:key:v:';
var expiredkeybasic = 'tsharp.org:key:e:';
var JSON_MarkerStr = 'json_val: ';
var FunctionMarker = 'function_code: ';
var expiredMilliseconds = -1;
if (typeof version != 'undefine') { version = -1; }
if (typeof _expiredMilliseconds != 'undefine') {
expiredMilliseconds = -1;
else {
expiredMilliseconds = _expiredMilliseconds;
function ReportError(msg) {
if (console && console.error) {
else {
throw new Error(msg);
//--- Check that the environment is proper.
if (typeof GM_setValue != "function") {
ReportError('This library requires Greasemonkey! GM_setValue is missing.');
if (typeof GM_getValue != "function") {
ReportError('This library requires Greasemonkey! GM_getValue is missing.');
if (typeof version != 'integer') {
ReportError('Arg version should be a integer type if you wana set it.');
if (typeof expiredMilliseconds != 'integer') {
ReportError('Arg expiredMilliseconds should be a integer type if you wana set it.');
this.set = function (varName, varValue) {
if (!varName) {
ReportError('Illegal varName sent to GM_SuperValue.set().');
if (/[^\w _-]/.test(varName)) {
ReportError('Suspect, probably illegal, varName sent to GM_SuperValue.set().');
var versionKey = versionkeybasic + varName;
GM_setValue(versionKey, version);
var expiredkey = expiredkeybasic + varName;
GM_setValue(expiredkey, new Date().getTime());
if (typeof varValue == 'function') {
varValue = varValue();
switch (typeof varValue) {
case 'undefined':
ReportError('Illegal varValue sent to GM_SuperValue.set().');
case 'boolean':
case 'string':
//--- These 2 types are safe to store, as is.
GM_setValue(varName, varValue);
case 'number':
/*--- Numbers are ONLY safe if they are integers.
Note that hex numbers, EG 0xA9, get converted
and stored as decimals, EG 169, automatically.
That's a feature of JavaScript.
Also, only a 32-bit, signed integer is allowed.
So we only process +/-2147483647 here.
if (varValue === parseInt(varValue) && Math.abs(varValue) < 2147483647) {
GM_setValue(varName, varValue);
case 'object':
/*--- For all other cases (but functions), and for
unsafe numbers, store the value as a JSON string.
var safeStr = JSON_MarkerStr + JSON.stringify(varValue);
GM_setValue(varName, safeStr);
case 'function':
/*--- Functions need special handling.
var safeStr = FunctionMarker + varValue.toString();
GM_setValue(varName, safeStr);
ReportError('Unknown type in GM_SuperValue.set()!');
};//-- End of set()
this.getOrAdd = function (varName, defaultValue) {
if (!varName) {
ReportError('Illegal varName sent to GM_SuperValue.get().');
if (/[^\w _-]/.test(varName)) {
ReportError('Suspect, probably illegal, varName sent to GM_SuperValue.get().');
var versionKey = versionkeybasic + varName;
var savedversion = GM_getValue(versionKey);
if (version != savedversion) {  //需判断设置默认-1时
if (typeof GM_deleteValue != "function") {
if (typeof defaultValue == 'function') {
var varvalue = defaultValue();
set(varName, varvalue);
return varvalue;
else {
set(varName, varvalue);
return defaultValue;
var expiredkey = expiredkeybasic + varName;
var expire = GM_getValue(expiredkey);
if (new Date().getTime() - expire > expiredMilliseconds) {
if (typeof GM_deleteValue != "function") {
//--- Attempt to get the value from storage.
var varValue = GM_getValue(varName);
if (!varValue)
return defaultValue;
//--- We got a value from storage. Now unencode it, if necessary.
if (typeof varValue == "string") {
//--- Is it a JSON value?
var regxp = new RegExp('^' + JSON_MarkerStr + '(.+)$');
var m = varValue.match(regxp);
if (m && m.length > 1) {
varValue = JSON.parse(m[1]);
return varValue;
//--- Is it a function?
var regxp = new RegExp('^' + FunctionMarker + '((?:.|\n|\r)+)$');
var m = varValue.match(regxp);
if (m && m.length > 1) {
varValue = eval('(' + m[1] + ')');
return varValue;
return varValue;
};//-- End of get()
this.del = function (varname) {
if (typeof GM_deleteValue != "function")
ReportError('Using del function requires Greasemonkey and grant rights for it! GM_deleteValue is missing.');
this.delStartsWith = function (varname) {
if (typeof GM_deleteValue != "function")
ReportError('Using delStartsWith function requires Greasemonkey and grant rights for it! GM_deleteValue is missing.');
if (typeof GM_listValues != "function")
ReportError('Using delStartsWith function requires Greasemonkey and grant rights for it! GM_listValues is missing.');
for (var item in GM_listValues()) {
if (item.startsWith(varname)) {