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StackEdit PicToUrl

Convert pic to url when you paste a pic in clipboard to editor by Ctrl+V or drag some pics into editor

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         StackEdit PicToUrl
// @namespace    http://www.a23187.cn/
// @version      1.0.1
// @description  Convert pic to url when you paste a pic in clipboard to editor by Ctrl+V or drag some pics into editor
// @author       A23187
// @match        https://stackedit.io
// @match        https://stackedit.io/app
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
const notifier = {
__notify: (type, msg) => {
const d = [
/* err  */ 'M 13 14 L 11 14 L 11 9.99998 L 13 9.99998 M 13 18 L 11 18 L 11 16 L 13 16 M 1 21 L 23 21 L 12 1.99998 L 1 21 Z',
/* info */ 'M 12.9994 8.99805 L 10.9994 8.99805 L 10.9994 6.99805 L 12.9994 6.99805 M 12.9994 16.998 L 10.9994 16.998 L 10.9994 10.998 L 12.9994 10.998 M 11.9994 1.99805 C 6.47642 1.99805 1.99943 6.47504 1.99943 11.998 C 1.99943 17.5211 6.47642 21.998 11.9994 21.998 C 17.5224 21.998 21.9994 17.5211 21.9994 11.998 C 21.9994 6.47504 17.5224 1.99805 11.9994 1.99805 Z',
/* ok   */ 'M 12,2C 17.5228,2 22,6.47716 22,12C 22,17.5228 17.5228,22 12,22C 6.47715,22 2,17.5228 2,12C 2,6.47716 6.47715,2 12,2 Z M 10.9999,16.5019L 17.9999,9.50193L 16.5859,8.08794L 10.9999,13.6739L 7.91391,10.5879L 6.49991,12.0019L 10.9999,16.5019 Z'
var parent = document.getElementsByClassName('notification')[0];
var element = document.createElement('div');
const id = Date.now();
element.outerHTML = `
<div id="${id}" class="notification__item flex flex--row flex--align-center">
<div class="notification__icon flex flex--column flex--center">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="${d[type]}" /></svg>
<div class="notification__content">${msg}</div>
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
err: msg => notifier.__notify(0, msg),
info: msg => notifier.__notify(1, msg),
ok: msg => notifier.__notify(2, msg)
async function uploadPic(pic) {
notifier.info('Upload Pic ...');
var body = new FormData();
body.append('smfile', pic); // only support sm.ms api currently TODO
const {code, msg, data} = await fetch('https://sm.ms/api/upload', {
method: 'POST',
body: body
}).then(response => {
return response.json();
if(code === 'success') {
return data.url;
} else {
notifier.err('Fail to upload picture.');
function insertUrlToEditor(url) {
if(!url) return;
var text = `![image](${url})`;
const selection = window.getSelection();
if(!selection.rangeCount) return;
// delete the original text chosen, if has.
// create text node and insert it into current cursor position
const node = document.createTextNode(text);
// select the sub text 'image', which will be modified
const range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(node, 2); // 2 - length of '!['
range.setEnd(node, 7); // 7 - length of '![image'
function isPic(info) {
return info.type && info.type.match(/^image\/.+$/i);
function onPaste(event) {
const items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items;
for(let i in items) {
var item = items[i];
if(isPic(item)) {
uploadPic(item.getAsFile()).then(url => insertUrlToEditor(url));
function onDrop() {
// prevent the browser's default behavior and stop the propagation of all events
['dragenter', 'dragover', 'dragleave', 'drop'].forEach(name => {
window.addEventListener(name, event => {
return event => {
var files = event.dataTransfer.files;
([...files]).forEach(file => {
if(isPic(file)) {
uploadPic(file).then(url => insertUrlToEditor(url));
} else { // TODO if the file is a md or other plain text, to import it into editor
notifier.err('Only pictures are allowed.');
(function() {
'use strict';
if(document.location.pathname == '/') {
document.location = document.location.origin + '/app';
window.addEventListener('paste', onPaste);
window.addEventListener('drop', onDrop());