Adds a chat link to the left hand nav of the home page of all Stack sites followed by a lightly filtered list of recently active chat rooms
// ==UserScript== // @name StackExchange chat links // @namespace // @version 1.00 // @description Adds a chat link to the left hand nav of the home page of all Stack sites followed by a lightly filtered list of recently active chat rooms // @include /https?\:\/\/([a-z\.]*\.)?(stackexchange|askubuntu|superuser|serverfault|stackoverflow|answers\.onstartups)\.com\/$/ // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://chat.** // @exclude *://api.** // @exclude *://* // @connect // @connect // @connect // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var base='' var nav = $('.left-sidebar .nav-links .nav-links') var chatlink=$('<li>').html('<a class="pl8 js-gps-track nav-links--link" href="'+base+'?tab=site&sort=active&host='+location.hostname+'">Chat</a>') nav.append(chatlink) var chatlinks=$('<ol class="nav-links">') chatlink.append(chatlinks) GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: base+'?tab=site&sort=active&host='+location.hostname, responseType: 'html', onload:function (resp) { $(resp.responseText).find('.roomcard').each(function(){ var name=$(this).find('.room-name').html().replace('"/', '"'+base) if (!name.match(/((discussion between)|(room for).* and )|(discussion on answer|question)/i)){ var act=$(this).find('.last-activity').html().replace('"/', '"'+base) var daysago = act.match(/([0-9])+d ago/) if (!daysago || parseInt(daysago) <= 7) chatlinks.append($('<li>').html(name + " " + act)) } }); } }); })();