try to take over the world!
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name limitedPagesForHostLoc
- // @namespace
- // @version 0.2
- // @description try to take over the world!
- // @author You
- // @match *://*
- // @grant none
- // @require
- // ==/UserScript==
- $(document).ready(function(){
- //to set the less comment number checking whether to read the article
- var COMMENTLINE = 20;
- //to set the max page number you want to visit
- var MAXPAGES = "3";
- //get all comments of articles
- var comments = $("tbody tr td.num a.xi2");
- // console.log(comments);
- //this function has disabled
- //
- //check whether the comments is larger than COMMENTLINE
- for(var i=0; i < comments.length;i++){
- //console.log(comments[i].getAttribute("href"));
- if(comments[i].innerText > COMMENTLINE){
-"" + comments[i].getAttribute("href"));
- };
- };
- //click to next page
- var nextPageArray = $(".nxt");
- var nextHref = nextPageArray[1].getAttribute("href");
- //to get the next page's number
- var hrefArray = nextHref.split("-");
- console.log(hrefArray);
- var nextPageNumber = hrefArray[2].split(".");
- console.log( nextPageNumber[0]);
- console.log( MAXPAGES);
- console.log( nextPageNumber[0].localeCompare(MAXPAGES,undefined, {numeric: true}) );
- if( nextPageNumber[0].localeCompare(MAXPAGES ,undefined, {numeric: true}) != 1 ){
- console.log("go to next page");
-"" + nextHref);
- // console.log(nextHref);
- }else {
- console.log("reach the end");
- }
- });