Shield information you don't want to see.
// ==UserScript== // @name 真·知乎屏蔽 Truly Zhihu Shield // @namespace // @version 0.4.0 // @description Shield information you don't want to see. // @author Ciyang // @license GPL-3.0 // @match* // @match* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; (() => { let getContentElement = () => { return document.getElementById('root'); }; let isCard = (className) => { return'NestComment') !== -1 ||'Card') !== -1 ||'List-item') !== -1 ||'openComment') !== -1; }; let mRequest = (method, href, fn) => { let xmlHttp = new window.XMLHttpRequest();, href, true); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = () => { if (xmlHttp.readyState === 4 && xmlHttp.status === 200) { fn(xmlHttp.responseText); } }; xmlHttp.send(); }; let userShieldMap = new Map(); let excludeEditor = () => { return"") !== -1 ||"") !== -1; }; let getUserShielded = (username, href, fn) => { if (!userShieldMap.has(username)) { mRequest('get', href, (resText) => { let res = ('已屏蔽') !== -1); userShieldMap.set(username, res); fn(res); }); 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= '1px'; addButton.onclick = async () => { let res = window.prompt('输入想添加的屏蔽关键词,添加单个不需要输入引号。如果想添加多个请用\"[]\"包括并使用\",\"分割。可输入一个外链直接导入词库。', '[\"XXX\",\"YYY\"]'); if (res === null || res === '') { return; } let cnt = 0; try { let url = new window.URL(res); res = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", headers: { "Accept": "application/json" }, url: url.href, onload: (response) => { resolve(response.responseText); } }); }); } catch (err) { } try { res = window.JSON.parse(res); for (const str of res) { if (shieldKeywords.indexOf(str) === -1) { shieldKeywords.push(str); ++cnt; } } } catch (err) { if (shieldKeywords.indexOf(res) === -1) { shieldKeywords.push(res); ++cnt; } } if (cnt) { window.localStorage.setItem('TrulyShield', window.JSON.stringify(shieldKeywords)); } window.alert(['成功添加', cnt, "个屏蔽关键字"].join('')); }; let removeButton = document.createElement('button'); removeButton.innerHTML = '<svg t="1573478908483" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 #### ####" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="1066" width="32" height="32"><path d="M874.0352 149.956267C777.335467 53.256533 648.7552 0 512 0 375.236267 0 246.664533 53.248 149.956267 149.956267 53.256533 246.664533 0 375.236267 0 512s53.248 265.335467 149.956267 362.043733C246.664533 970.743467 375.236267 #### 512 ####s265.335467-53.248 362.043733-149.956267C970.743467 777.335467 #### 648.763733 #### 512s-53.256533-265.335467-149.9648-362.043733z m-60.330667 663.739733C733.1072 894.293333 625.962667 938.666667 512 938.666667c-113.962667 0-221.115733-44.381867-301.696-124.970667C129.706667 733.1072 85.333333 625.962667 85.333333 512c0-113.962667 44.381867-221.115733 124.970667-301.696C290.8928 129.706667 398.037333 85.333333 512 85.333333c113.962667 0 221.115733 44.381867 301.696 124.970667C894.293333 290.884267 938.666667 398.037333 938.666667 512c0 113.9712-44.381867 221.115733-124.970667 301.696zM273.066667 512c0-23.560533 19.029333-42.666667 42.615466-42.666667h392.635734A42.666667 42.666667 0 0 1 750.933333 512c0 23.560533-19.029333 42.666667-42.615466 42.666667H315.682133A42.666667 42.666667 0 0 1 273.066667 512z" fill="#707070" p-id="1067"></path></svg>' = '1px'; 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