Check the pin of a kahoot game.
// ==UserScript== // @name KPin Checker // @namespace // @homepage // @version 2.0.0 // @license MIT // @description Check the pin of a kahoot game. // @author theusaf // @match *://* // @exclude *://* // @copyright 2020-2023, Daniel Lau ( // @grant none // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== /** * PinCheckerMain - The main pin checking function */ function main() { function listenForTeamMode() { document .querySelector("[data-functional-selector=team-mode-card]") .addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("[PIN-CHECKER] - Entered team mode card."); setTimeout(() => { document .querySelector("[data-functional-selector=leave-game-mode-details]") .addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("[PIN-CHECKER] - Listening again"); setTimeout(() => listenForTeamMode(), 250); }); document .querySelector("[data-functional-selector=start-team-mode-button]") .addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("[PIN-CHECKER] - Using team mode."); window.localStorage.pinCheckerMode = "team"; }); }, 250); }); } const loader = setInterval(() => { if (!document.querySelector("[data-functional-selector=team-mode-card]")) { return; } console.log("[PIN-CHECKER] - Ready!"); clearInterval(loader); listenForTeamMode(); if (window.localStorage.pinCheckerAutoRelogin === "true") { const waiter = setInterval(() => { let button = document.querySelector( "[data-functional-selector=classic-mode-card]" ); if (window.localStorage.pinCheckerMode === "team") { button = document.querySelector( "[data-functional-selector=team-mode-card]" ); } if (button && !button.disabled) { const guestButton = document.querySelector( "[data-functional-selector=play-as-guest-button]" ); if (guestButton) {; }; if (window.localStorage.pinCheckerMode === "team") { setTimeout(() => { document .querySelector( "[data-functional-selector=start-team-mode-button]" ) .click(); }, 250); } window.localStorage.pinCheckerAutoRelogin = false; if ( +window.localStorage.pinCheckerLastQuizIndex <= .length ) { = +window.localStorage.pinCheckerLastQuizIndex ?? 0; } clearInterval(waiter); delete window.localStorage.pinCheckerMode; delete window.localStorage.pinCheckerLastQuizIndex; // check for start button } }, 500); } else { delete window.localStorage.pinCheckerMode; } }, 500); let loadChecks = 0; const themeLoadChecker = setInterval(() => { const errorButton = document.querySelector( '[data-functional-selector="dialog-actions"]' ); if (errorButton) { clearInterval(themeLoadChecker); errorButton.querySelector("button").click(); } else if (++loadChecks > 10) { clearInterval(themeLoadChecker); } }, 500); window.pinCheckerNameList = []; window.pinCheckerPin = null; window.pinCheckerSendIds = {}; window.specialData = window.specialData || {}; window.pinCheckerFalsePositive = false; window.pinCheckerFalsePositiveTimeout = null; /** * ResetGame - Reloads the page */ function resetGame(message) { if (window.pinCheckerFalsePositive) { return console.log( "[PIN-CHECKER] - Detected false-positive broken pin. Not restarting." ); } console.error(message || "[PIN-CHECKER] - Pin Broken. Attempting restart."); window.localStorage.pinCheckerAutoRelogin = true; window.localStorage.pinCheckerLastQuizIndex =; window.document.write( "<scr" + "ipt>" + `window.location = "${}";` + "</scr" + "ipt>" ); } /** * concatTokens - From Combines the tokens. * * @param {String} headerToken decoded token * @param {String} challengeToken decoded token 2 * @returns {String} The final token */ function concatTokens(headerToken, challengeToken) { // Combine the session token and the challenge token together to get the string needed to connect to the websocket endpoint let token = ""; for (let i = 0; i < headerToken.length; i++) { const char = headerToken.charCodeAt(i), mod = challengeToken.charCodeAt(i % challengeToken.length), decodedChar = char ^ mod; token += String.fromCharCode(decodedChar); } return token; } /** * CreateClient - Creates a Kahoot! client to join a game * This really only works because kahoot treats,, etc as the same thing. * * @param {Number} pin The gameid */ function createClient(pin) { console.log("[PIN-CHECKER] - Creating client"); pin += ""; const sessionRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "/reserve/session/" + pin); sessionRequest.send(); sessionRequest.onload = function () { let sessionData; try { sessionData = JSON.parse(sessionRequest.responseText); } catch (e) { // probably not found return resetGame(); } const headerToken = atob( sessionRequest.getResponseHeader("x-kahoot-session-token") ); let { challenge } = sessionData; challenge = challenge.replace(/(\u0009|\u2003)/gm, ""); challenge = challenge.replace(/this /gm, "this"); challenge = challenge.replace(/ *\. */gm, "."); challenge = challenge.replace(/ *\( */gm, "("); challenge = challenge.replace(/ *\) */gm, ")"); challenge = challenge.replace("console.", ""); challenge = challenge.replace("this.angular.isObject(offset)", "true"); challenge = challenge.replace("this.angular.isString(offset)", "true"); challenge = challenge.replace("this.angular.isDate(offset)", "true"); challenge = challenge.replace("this.angular.isArray(offset)", "true"); const merger = "var _ = {" + " replace: function() {" + " var args = arguments;" + " var str = arguments[0];" + " return str.replace(args[1], args[2]);" + " }" + "}; " + "var log = function(){};" + "return ", solver = Function(merger + challenge), headerChallenge = solver(), finalToken = concatTokens(headerToken, headerChallenge), connection = new WebSocket( `wss://${pin}/${finalToken}` ), timesync = {}; let shoken = false, clientId = "", messageId = 2, closed = false, name = ""; connection.addEventListener("error", () => { console.error( "[PIN-CHECKER] - Socket connection failed. Assuming network connection is lost and realoading page." ); resetGame(); }); connection.addEventListener("open", () => { connection.send( JSON.stringify([ { advice: { interval: 0, timeout: 60000 }, minimumVersion: "1.0", version: "1.0", supportedConnectionTypes: ["websocket", "long-polling"], channel: "/meta/handshake", ext: { ack: true, timesync: { l: 0, o: 0, tc: } }, id: 1 } ]) ); }); connection.addEventListener("message", (m) => { const { data } = m, [message] = JSON.parse(data); if ( === "/meta/handshake" && !shoken) { if (message.ext && message.ext.timesync) { shoken = true; clientId = message.clientId; const { tc, ts, p } = message.ext.timesync, l = Math.round(( - tc - p) / 2), o = ts - tc - l; Object.assign(timesync, { l, o, get tc() { return; } }); connection.send( JSON.stringify([ { advice: { timeout: 0 }, channel: "/meta/connect", id: 2, ext: { ack: 0, timesync }, clientId } ]) ); // start joining setTimeout(() => { name = "KCP_" + ( + "").substr(2); connection.send( JSON.stringify([ { clientId, channel: "/service/controller", id: ++messageId, ext: {}, data: { gameid: pin, host: "", content: JSON.stringify({ device: { userAgent: window.navigator.userAgent, screen: { width: window.screen.width, height: window.screen.height } } }), name, type: "login" } } ]) ); }, 1000); } } else if ( === "/meta/connect" && shoken && !closed) { connection.send( JSON.stringify([ { channel: "/meta/connect", id: ++messageId, ext: { ack: message.ext.ack, timesync }, clientId } ]) ); } else if ( === "/service/controller") { if ( && === "loginResponse") { if ( === "NONEXISTING_SESSION") { // session doesn't exist connection.send( JSON.stringify([ { channel: "/meta/disconnect", clientId, id: ++messageId, ext: { timesync } } ]) ); connection.close(); resetGame(); } else { // Check if the client is in the game after 10 seconds setTimeout(() => { if (!window.pinCheckerNameList.includes(name)) { // Uh oh! the client didn't join! resetGame(); } }, 10e3); console.log( "[PIN-CHECKER] - Client joined game. Connection is good." ); // good. leave the game. connection.send( JSON.stringify([ { channel: "/meta/disconnect", clientId, id: ++messageId, ext: { timesync } } ]) ); closed = true; setTimeout(() => { connection.close(); }, 500); } } } else if ( === "/service/status") { if ( === "LOCKED") { // locked, cannot test console.log("[PIN-CHECKER] - Game is locked. Unable to test."); closed = true; connection.send( JSON.stringify([ { channel: "/meta/disconnect", clientId, id: ++messageId, ext: { timesync } } ]) ); setTimeout(() => { connection.close(); }, 500); } } }); }; } window.pinCheckerInterval = setInterval(() => { if (window.pinCheckerPin) { createClient(window.pinCheckerPin); } }, 60 * 1000); /** * pinCheckerSendInjector * - Checks the sent messages to ensure events are occuring * - This is a small fix for a bug in Kahoot. * * @param {String} data The sent message. */ window.pinCheckerSendInjector = function pinCheckerSendInjector(data) { data = JSON.parse(data)[0]; const now =; let content = {}; try { content = JSON.parse(; } catch (e) { /* likely no content */ } if ( && typeof !== "undefined") { for (const i in window.pinCheckerSendIds) { window.pinCheckerSendIds[i].add(; } // content slides act differently, ignore them if (content.gameBlockType === "content") return; /** * Checks for events and attempts to make sure that it succeeds (doesn't crash) * - deprecated, kept in just in case for the moment * * @param {Number} The id of the action */ switch ( { case 9: { window.pinCheckerSendIds[now] = new Set(); setTimeout(() => { if (!window.pinCheckerSendIds[now].has(1)) { // Restart, likely stuck resetGame( "[PIN-CHECKER] - Detected stuck on loading screen. Reloading the page." ); } else { delete window.pinCheckerSendIds[now]; } }, 60e3); break; } case 1: { window.pinCheckerSendIds[now] = new Set(); setTimeout(() => { if (!window.pinCheckerSendIds[now].has(2)) { // Restart, likely stuck resetGame( "[PIN-CHECKER] - Detected stuck on get ready screen. Reloading the page." ); } else { delete window.pinCheckerSendIds[now]; } }, 60e3); break; } case 2: { window.pinCheckerSendIds[now] = new Set(); // wait up to 5 minutes, assume something wrong setTimeout(() => { if ( !window.pinCheckerSendIds[now].has(4) && !window.pinCheckerSendIds[now].has(8) ) { // Restart, likely stuck resetGame( "[PIN-CHECKER] - Detected stuck on question answer. Reloading the page." ); } else { delete window.pinCheckerSendIds[now]; } }, 300e3); break; } } } }; /** * closeError * - Used when the game is closed and fails to reconnect properly */ window.closeError = function () { resetGame("[PIN-CHECKER] - Detected broken disconnected game, reloading!"); }; } /** * PinCheckerInjector - Checks messages and stores the names of players who joined within the last few seconds * * @param {String} message The websocket message */ function messageInjector(socket, message) { function pinCheckerFalsePositiveReset() { window.pinCheckerFalsePositive = true; clearTimeout(window.pinCheckerFalsePositiveTimeout); window.pinCheckerFalsePositiveTimeout = setTimeout(function () { window.pinCheckerFalsePositive = false; }, 15e3); } const data = JSON.parse([0]; if (!socket.webSocket.pinCheckClose) { socket.webSocket.pinCheckClose = socket.webSocket.onclose; socket.webSocket.onclose = function () { socket.webSocket.pinCheckClose(); setTimeout(() => { const stillNotConnected = document.querySelector( '[data-functional-selector="disconnected-page"]' ); if (stillNotConnected) { window.closeError(); } }, 30e3); }; } if (!socket.webSocket.pinCheckSend) { socket.webSocket.pinCheckSend = socket.webSocket.send; socket.webSocket.send = function (data) { window.pinCheckerSendInjector(data); socket.webSocket.pinCheckSend(data); }; } try { const part = document.querySelector('[data-functional-selector="game-pin"]') || document.querySelector( '[data-functional-selector="bottom-bar-game-pin"]' ); if ( Number(part.innerText) != window.pinCheckerPin && Number(part.innerText) != 0 && !isNaN(Number(part.innerText)) ) { window.pinCheckerPin = Number(part.innerText); console.log( "[PIN-CHECKER] - Discovered new PIN: " + window.pinCheckerPin ); } else if (Number(part.innerText) == 0 || isNaN(Number(part.innerText))) { window.pinCheckerPin = null; console.log( "[PIN-CHECKER] - PIN is hidden or game is locked. Unable to test." ); } } catch (err) { /* Unable to get pin, hidden */ } if ( && === "joined") { pinCheckerFalsePositiveReset(); window.pinCheckerNameList.push(; setTimeout(() => { // remove after 20 seconds (for performance) window.pinCheckerNameList.splice(0, 1); }, 20e3); } else if ( && === 45) { pinCheckerFalsePositiveReset(); } } window.kantibotAddHook({ prop: "onMessage", condition: (target, value) => typeof value === "function" && typeof target.reset === "function" && typeof target.onOpen === "function", callback: (target, value) => { console.log(target, value); target.onMessage = new Proxy(target.onMessage, { apply: function (target, thisArg, argumentsList) { messageInjector(argumentsList[0], argumentsList[1]); return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList); } }); return true; } }); main();