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Get Discord Token

Allows you to retrieve your user token for reference.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Get Discord Token
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      2.0
// @description  Allows you to retrieve your user token for reference.
// @author       iHavoc101#6156
// @match        https://discordapp.com/activ*
// @match        https://discordapp.com/channel*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==
// Cuz some ppl dont understand, tokens are for bots to remote login. Dumbheads\\
// Please no feedback on how does it work, if you don't know what it does, don't install\\
(function () {
'use strict';
// impliment localstorage behavior using cookie
if(!window.localStorage) {
Object.defineProperty(window, "localStorage", new(function () {
var aKeys = [],
oStorage = {};
Object.defineProperty(oStorage, "getItem", {
value: function (sKey) {
return this[sKey] ? this[sKey] : null;
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(oStorage, "key", {
value: function (nKeyId) {
return aKeys[nKeyId];
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(oStorage, "setItem", {
value: function (sKey, sValue) {
if(!sKey) {
document.cookie = escape(sKey) + "=" + escape(sValue) + "; expires=Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT; path=/";
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(oStorage, "length", {
get: function () {
return aKeys.length;
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(oStorage, "removeItem", {
value: function (sKey) {
if(!sKey) {
document.cookie = escape(sKey) + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/";
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(oStorage, "clear", {
value: function () {
if(!aKeys.length) {
for(var sKey in aKeys) {
document.cookie = escape(sKey) + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/";
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
this.get = function () {
var iThisIndx;
for(var sKey in oStorage) {
iThisIndx = aKeys.indexOf(sKey);
if(iThisIndx === -1) {
oStorage.setItem(sKey, oStorage[sKey]);
} else {
aKeys.splice(iThisIndx, 1);
delete oStorage[sKey];
for(aKeys; aKeys.length > 0; aKeys.splice(0, 1)) {
for(var aCouple, iKey, nIdx = 0, aCouples = document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/); nIdx < aCouples.length; nIdx++) {
aCouple = aCouples[nIdx].split(/\s*=\s*/);
if(aCouple.length > 1) {
oStorage[iKey = unescape(aCouple[0])] = unescape(aCouple[1]);
return oStorage;
this.configurable = false;
this.enumerable = true;
var userToken = localStorage.getItem('token');
var warn = "Giving people tokens is a good idea! :3"
// show warning, if accepted show token
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', event => {
if(event.target.readyState === "interactive") {} else if(event.target.readyState === "complete") {
setTimeout(function () {
if(confirm(warn)) {
prompt("Your token:", userToken)
}, 3000);