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SRC Community IL Time Total

Calculates the best current full game time that can be assembled with the best IL times. Quick fix for Boneworks ILs.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         SRC Community IL Time Total
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.1.1
// @description  Calculates the best current full game time that can be assembled with the best IL times. Quick fix for Boneworks ILs.
// @author       MisterMan
// @match        https://www.speedrun.com/boneworks/individual_levels
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var categoryTimes = [];
var categoryTotalsInMilliseconds = [];
var categoryTotalsFinal = [];
//Get DOM element containing table of times
var ILtable = document.getElementById('centerbar').children[0].children[0].children[0];
//Get category names from first row of table
var categoryNames = ILtable.rows[0].children;
for(var i = 1; i < categoryNames.length; i++) {
categoryTimes.push([]); //Add an empty array for each category to add up times
//Iterate through each row of the table
for(i = 1; i < ILtable.rows.length; i++) {
var row = ILtable.rows[i];
for(var j = 1; j < row.children.length; j++) { //Iterate through each cell of the current row
var time = row.children[j].children[0]; //Get the DOM element holding time information
try {
var minutes = Number(time.childNodes[0].data);
var seconds = Number(time.childNodes[2].data);
if (time.childNodes.length > 4) {
var milliseconds = Number(time.childNodes[4].data);
} else {
milliseconds = 0;
} catch(e) {
continue; //Skips any block that is empty
categoryTimes[j-1].push((((minutes*60)+seconds)*1000)+milliseconds); //Adds the total time in milliseconds for current level to the corresponding array in categoryTimes
//Calculate total times for each category
for(i = 0; i < categoryTimes.length; i++) {
var sum = 0;
/*if(categoryTimes[i].length < ILtable.rows.length-1) { //Handle any category that does not have a time in every level
} else {*/
for(j = 0; j < 12; j++) { //Add up all times
sum += categoryTimes[i][j];
//Convert total times back into minutes/seconds
for(i = 0; i < categoryTotalsInMilliseconds.length; i++) {
if(categoryTotalsInMilliseconds[i] == -1) {
categoryTotalsFinal.push("This category does not have an entry for every level!");
} else {
var totalMinutes = Math.floor(categoryTotalsInMilliseconds[i] / 60000);
var totalSeconds = Math.floor(Math.floor(categoryTotalsInMilliseconds[i] % 60000) / 1000);
var totalMilliseconds = categoryTotalsInMilliseconds[i] % 1000
categoryTotalsFinal.push(totalMinutes + "m " + totalSeconds + "s " + totalMilliseconds + "ms");
//Construct new row for table
var totalsRow = document.createElement("tr");
totalsRow.className = "border-top";
//Create leftmost cell in table row and append it to row
var totalsCellLabel = document.createElement("td");
totalsCellLabel.innerHTML = "Total";
totalsCellLabel.className = "linked center border-left"
//Create totals for each category and append them to row
for(i = 0; i < categoryTotalsFinal.length; i++) {
var totalsCell = document.createElement("td");
totalsCell.innerHTML = categoryTotalsFinal[i];
totalsCell.className = "linked center border-left"
//Append totals row to table