
Login reminder popup remover (developement ceased - not up to date)

Removes the nagging login popups and banners from mobile and desktop versions of Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Quora, VK, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitch and from the mobile versions of Youtube and TikTok.

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v1.6.12021-01-03
  • v1.6.12021-01-03
  • v1.6.12021-01-03
  • v1.6.12021-01-02Updated Quora patch to remove the new sign-in wall introduced today in the mobile version. I've also added a search bar at the top of the page, like in desktop version.
  • v1.6.12021-01-02Updated Quora patch to remove the new sign-in wall introduced today in the mobile version. I've also added a search bar at the top of the page, like in desktop version.
  • v1.6.02021-01-01
  • v1.6.02021-01-01
  • v1.6.02021-01-01
  • v1.6.02021-01-01
  • v1.6.02021-01-01
  • v1.6.02021-01-01
  • v1.6.02021-01-01Added support for Quora, both desktop and mobile. Tested on Firefox in desktop and mobile mode.
  • v1.5.42020-12-30Fix for Reddit NSFW patch (in progress)
  • v1.5.42020-12-30Fix for Reddit NSFW patch (in progress)
  • v1.5.42020-12-30Fix for Reddit NSFW patch (in progress)
  • v1.5.42020-12-30Fix for Reddit NSFW patch (in progress)
  • v1.5.42020-12-30Fix for Reddit NSFW patch: now the script correctly loads pictures in comments. // Another fix to enable scrolling in Reddit mobile
  • v1.5.32020-12-28Removed blocking wall for NSFW posts on reddit mobile. While on pc reddit asks if you want to see the post, in reddit mobile there was no way to see the post, unless you downloaded reddit app, for "privacy" reasons (it's just a marketing strategy for having the users download the app). This new update allows you to see the post directly in the phone's browser.
  • v1.5.22020-11-18Fixed Reddit support for mobile interface, now it scrolls correctly.
  • v1.5.12020-10-25
  • v1.5.12020-10-24Removed youtube support, as https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/412178-youtube-dismiss-sign-in is a better script for handles Youtube popups.
  • v1.5.12020-10-24Removed youtube support, as https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/412178-youtube-dismiss-sign-in is a better script for handles Youtube popups.
  • v1.5.12020-10-24Removed youtube support, as https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/412178-youtube-dismiss-sign-in is a better script for handles Youtube popups.
  • v1.5.02020-10-17Added Twitter support: phone, tablet and desktop
  • v1.4.02020-10-16
  • v1.4.02020-10-16Added support for reddit
  • v1.3.62020-10-15Now most of the code for Instagram and Youtube works with CSS styling: instead of a constant attempt to remove the elements, now the popups are hidden from the page structure. While this is barely noticeable for the users, yet better as you won't see any popup blinking before disappearing, this reduces the burden on the CPU, as there's no need to keep checking for popups.
  • v1.3.52020-10-05Small fix for YouTube Mobile and Instagram popups blinking when scrolling.
  • v1.3.42020-10-05Small fix for youtube mobile popup blinking when scrolling
  • v1.3.32020-10-04Small fix for youtube mobile not being able to scroll after removing popup.
  • v1.3.22020-10-02Small fix for navigation in instagram desktop mode.
  • v1.3.12020-10-02Added support for new annoying YouTube login popup advice, both for mobile and desktop.
  • v1.3.02020-09-28
  • v1.3.02020-09-28Large update that takes down all the walls introduced in Instagram's interface for non logged users. Working on desktop and mobile (not on Firefox Mobile since the last cursed update; waiting for Mozilla to fix extension support). Added an icon for the script.
  • v1.3.02020-09-28
  • v1.3.02020-09-28Large update that takes down all the walls introduced in Instagram's interface for non logged users. Working on desktop and mobile (not on Firefox Mobile since the last cursed update; waiting for Mozilla to fix extension support).
  • v1.2.72020-08-27Further fix for white page after popup was gone on mobile interface
  • v1.2.62020-08-27Updated script to work with the constantly changing popups on mobile interface
  • v1.2.52020-07-22Small bugs fixed
  • v1.2.32020-06-08Instagram posts now open in a new tab when clicked, to avoid reloading the home page every time you go back.
  • v1.2.22020-06-07Fixed error that caused Instagram images not to be shown in the wall, especially if the page was loaded in background.
  • v1.2.12020-06-07Fixed a case when popup was still showing in mobile view.
  • v1.2.02020-04-24Added an aggressive method for restoring photos funcionality, as now Instagram tries to block non-logged users even from viewing photos.
  • v1.1.52020-02-04Updated instagram login banner remover
  • v1.1.42020-02-04Updated instagram login banner remover
  • v1.1.32020-02-04Added support for facebook local subdomains (thanks to Jaroslav Škarvada for reporting the bug).
  • v1.1.22020-01-24Improved behaviour when browsing across different Instagram profiles. Fixed scrolling not always being re-enabled on Instagram.
  • v1.1.12020-01-23Fix to remove banner also in desktop version of Instagram.
  • v1.12020-01-23Added support for Instagram
  • v1.02020-01-21

Show all script versions