Re-enable YouTube Miniplayer on COPPA-flagged (supposedly kids) videos.
// ==UserScript== // @name Bypass COPPA Miniplayer // @namespace // @version 1.2.6 // @description Re-enable YouTube Miniplayer on COPPA-flagged (supposedly kids) videos. // @author jaytohe // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var miniplayer_height = null; var prevent_running =false; //variable used to ensure that checkminivideo interval function is run only once. function stop(myvar) { clearInterval(myvar); } function allowcontrols() { //re-enables miniplayer controls on kids videos. var controls = document.getElementById("blocking-container"); if (!controls.hasAttribute("hidden")) { controls.setAttribute("hidden", ""); } } function getminiheight (vid) { return vid.clientHeight; } function setglobalminiheight(val) { miniplayer_height = val; } function checkminivideo(old_url, play_btn, vid) { setInterval(function() { //check if another video loads up on the miniplayer. if (old_url !== vid.src && vid.src !== "" && miniplayer_height === getminiheight(vid)) { //if true //console.log(vid.src); DEBUG OUTPUT console.log("Video change detected. Re-injecting..."); vid.onpause = function u() {;}; //prevent yt from pausing "kid" video. var t = setInterval(function(){ if (vid.paused === true) { console.log("Clicking video to unpause...");; //hacky solution in case onpause doesn't prevent yt from pausing kid video.; } else {clearInterval(t);} }, 800); allowcontrols(); setTimeout(function() { vid.onpause=null;}, 1500); //re-allow pausing of video after 1.5 seconds old_url = vid.src; } },500); } function inject() { var waitforvid = setInterval(function() { //continually check if user has loaded up a video. var vid = document.getElementsByClassName("html5-main-video")[0]; //find video element in page. //console.log("Type is : "); DEBUG //console.log(typeof vid); DEBUG if (typeof vid !== "undefined") { //console.log("Video Found!"); var minibtn = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-miniplayer-button")[0]; //find miniplayer button. if (typeof minibtn === "undefined") { stop(waitforvid); return; } else { /* START OF UNBLOCK FUNCTION */ var unblock = function () { vid.onpause = function u() {;}; //ignore any pause video requests. Just continue playing the damn video. var oldHeight = getminiheight(vid); //get height of current video element. var wmini = window.setInterval(function() { //continuously check if height has changed i.e. miniplayer bottom right window has appeared? if (oldHeight !== getminiheight(vid)) { allowcontrols(); clearInterval(wmini); vid.onpause = null; //re-allow pausing of video on miniplayer. if (prevent_running === false) { var old_url = vid.src; var play_btn = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-play-button")[0]; checkminivideo(old_url, play_btn, vid); } setglobalminiheight(getminiheight(vid)); prevent_running=true; } }, 1000); }; /* END OF UNBLOCK FUNCTION */ minibtn.addEventListener("click", unblock, false); //hijack miniplayer button. addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { if (event.keyCode === 73) {; } }, false); stop(waitforvid); //cease checking if any video has loaded up. } } }, 1000); //check if a video has loaded up every second. }; inject(); }) ();