block the deadline alert from ucas website to avoid session expire
// ==UserScript== // @name UCAS-SessionTimeoutHelper // @namespace // @version 0.40 // @description block the deadline alert from ucas website to avoid session expire // @author y4ung // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; //alert("Run script BlockAlertHelper. By y4ung"); window.setInterval(function(){ checkSessionTimeoout(); }, 60000); })(); function checkSessionTimeoout(){//检查会话是否快要过期 var timeout_alert_body = document.getElementById("timeout_alert_body"); if (null !== (timeout_alert_body)){//timeout_alert_body不为空,即已经出现会话过期的提示窗口 console.log("[INFO] 检测到会话过期提示框: %s", new Date().toLocaleString()); clickBtn(timeout_alert_body.children[1]); } } function clickBtn(btn) { // 模拟浏览器的鼠标点击事件 const event = new MouseEvent('click', { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); btn.dispatchEvent(event); }