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Anime Website (Custom) Buttons Plus

A script that adds buttons on Anime Planet, MAL, Kitsu, Anilist and aniDB for searching various sites.

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// ==UserScript==
// @author      Deathwing
// @name        Anime Website (Custom) Buttons Plus
// @include     https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/*
// @include     http://myanimelist.net/anime/*
// @include     https://myanimelist.net/anime/*
// @include     http://myanimelist.net/manga/*
// @include     https://myanimelist.net/manga/*
// @include     https://anilist.co/*
// @include     https://kitsu.io/*
// @include     https://anidb.net/anime/*
// @exclude     https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/
// @exclude     https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/all?name=*
// @exclude     https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/recommendations/*
// @exclude     https://myanimelist.net/anime/producer*
// @description A script that adds buttons on Anime Planet, MAL, Kitsu, Anilist and aniDB for searching various sites.
// @version     2.820
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_listValues
// @grant       GM_deleteValue
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @grant       window.onurlchange
// @namespace   https://greasyfork.org/users/18375
// ==/UserScript==
var header;
var headerQueryString = '';
var outerButtonsDiv;
var host = document.location.host;
var malHost = 'myanimelist.net';
var apHost = 'www.anime-planet.com';
var alHost = 'anilist.co';
var kHost = 'kitsu.io';
var adHost = 'anidb.net';
var hideList = [];
var buttDivLeft = 0;
var autoHide = GM_getValue('setting:autoHide', false);
if (host === apHost) {
headerQueryString = '#siteContainer h1';
header = getElement(headerQueryString);
else if (host === malHost) {
if (location.pathname.includes('/anime/')) {
headerQueryString = 'h1.title-name strong';
else {
headerQueryString = '.h1-title span';
header = getElement(headerQueryString);
else if (host === alHost) {
headerQueryString = 'div.content h1';
else if (host === kHost) {
headerQueryString = '.media--title';
else if (host === adHost) {
headerQueryString = 'h1.anime';
header = getElement(headerQueryString);
function getSPAHeader(queryString) {
header = getElement(queryString);
if (header) {
else {
setTimeout(getSPAHeader, 300, queryString);
function getElement(atr) {
return document.querySelector(atr);
function addHeaderEventListeners() {
header.addEventListener('mouseover', showEditButton);
header.addEventListener('mouseout', hideEditButton);
function main() {
var animeName;
var reff;
if (host === malHost) {
if (location.pathname.includes('/anime/')) {
animeName = getAnimeName();
else {
animeName = getAnimeName(header.firstChild);
else if (host === apHost) {
animeName = getAnimeName();
else if (host === adHost) {
animeName = getAnimeName().replace('Anime: ', '');
else if (host === kHost) {
animeName = getAnimeName(header.firstElementChild);
reff = header.firstElementChild;
else if (host === alHost) {
animeName = getAnimeName(header.firstChild);
function extractNameOnChange() {
window.addEventListener('urlchange', (el) => {
var animeButtonsDiv = document.querySelector('.animeButtons');
if (el.url.includes('/anime/')) {
if (animeButtonsDiv == null) {
header = document.querySelector(headerQueryString);
else {
animeButtonsDiv.style.display = 'block';
if (host === kHost) {
reff = header.firstElementChild;
if (getAnimeName(reff) !== animeName) {
animeName = getAnimeName(reff);
var urlsObjs = setSearchURLs();
var animeButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.animeButton');
var customButtonsObjs = getAnimeButtonsFromStorage();
animeButtons.forEach(b => {
if (b.className.includes('stockButton')) {
b.href = urlsObjs.find(o => o.name === b.title).url;
else {
b.href = customButtonsObjs.find(o => o.title === b.title).url
.replace('ANIMENAME', animeName);
else {
if (animeButtonsDiv != null) {
animeButtonsDiv.style.display = 'none';
function getAnimeName(ref = header) {
return ref.textContent.replace('(TV)', '').trim();
function creteButton(icon, searchUrl, title, isStock) {
var buttImg = createHTMLElement("img", null, null,
[{ n: 'style', v: 'width:16px;height:16px;margin-right:2px;' }]);
if (icon) {
buttImg.src = icon;
else {
buttImg.src = getIconUrl(searchUrl);
var button = createHTMLElement("a", null, 'animeButton', [{ n: 'id', v: `animeButton${makeButtonId(title)}` },
{ n: 'href', v: searchUrl }, { n: 'target', v: "_blank" }, { n: 'title', v: title }]);
if (isStock) {
button.className += ' stockButton';
return button;
//Set buttons with information
var malSearchUrl;
var alSearchUrl;
var apSearchUrl;
var kSearchUrl;
var adSearchUrl;
var ytSearchUrl;
var gSearchUrl;
var nySearchUrl;
var ampSearchUrl;
function setSearchURLs() {
malSearchUrl = `http://myanimelist.net/anime.php?q=${animeName}`;
alSearchUrl = `https://anilist.co/search/anime?search=${animeName}&sort=SEARCH_MATCH`;
apSearchUrl = `https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/all?name=${animeName}`;
kSearchUrl = `https://kitsu.io/anime?text=${animeName}`;
adSearchUrl = `https://anidb.net/anime/?adb.search=${animeName}&do.search=1`;
ytSearchUrl = `https://www.youtube.com/r###lts?search_query=${animeName} trailer`;
gSearchUrl = `https://google.com/search?tbm=isch&biw=&bih=&gbv=2&q=${animeName}`;
nySearchUrl = `https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=1_2&q=${animeName}`;
if (host === malHost && location.pathname.includes('/anime/')) {
ampSearchUrl = `https://animixplay.to${location.pathname}`;
else {
ampSearchUrl = `https://animixplay.to/?q=${animeName}&sengine=mal`;
return [
{ name: malTitle, url: malSearchUrl },
{ name: alTitle, url: alSearchUrl },
{ name: apTitle, url: apSearchUrl },
{ name: kTitle, url: kSearchUrl },
{ name: adTitle, url: adSearchUrl },
{ name: ytTitle, url: ytSearchUrl },
{ name: gTitle, url: gSearchUrl },
{ name: nyTitle, url: nySearchUrl },
{ name: ampTitle, url: ampSearchUrl }
//MAL Button
var icon = null;
var malTitle = "Search MyAnimeList";
var malButton = creteButton(icon, malSearchUrl, malTitle, true);
//Anilist Button
var alTitle = "Search Anilist";
var alButton = creteButton(icon, alSearchUrl, alTitle, true);
//Anime-Planet Button
var apTitle = "Search Anime-Planet";
var apButton = creteButton(icon, apSearchUrl, apTitle, true);
//Kitsu Button
var kTitle = "Search Kitsu";
var kButton = creteButton(icon, kSearchUrl, kTitle, true);
//aniDB Button
var adTitle = "Search aniDB";
var adButton = creteButton(icon, adSearchUrl, adTitle, true);
//YouTube Button
var ytTitle = 'YouTube Trailer';
var ytButton = creteButton(icon, ytSearchUrl, ytTitle, true);
//Google Images button
var gTitle = "Search with Google Images";
var giButton = creteButton(icon, gSearchUrl, gTitle, true);
//Nyaa button
var nyTitle = "Search Nyaa";
var nyButton = creteButton(icon, nySearchUrl, nyTitle, true);
//AniMixPlay button
var ampTitle;
if (host === malHost && location.pathname.includes('/anime/')) {
ampTitle = "Go to AniMixPlay";
else {
ampTitle = "Search AniMixPlay";
var ampButton = creteButton(icon, ampSearchUrl, ampTitle, true);
//Edit button
var ebTitle = "Edit Custom Buttons";
var arrowButtonIcon = createHTMLElement('i', null, 'arrowButton fa fa-angle-right',
[{ n: 'title', v: ebTitle },
{ n: 'style', v: 'font-size:16px;vertical-align: text-top;transition: all 0.3s linear 0s;left:-18px;position: relative;' }]);
var editButtonIcon = createHTMLElement('i', null, 'editButton fa fa-edit',
[{ n: 'title', v: ebTitle },
{ n: 'style', v: 'font-size:16px;vertical-align: text-top;transition: all 0.3s linear 0s;opacity:0;' }]);
var editButton = createHTMLElement('div', null, null,
[{ n: 'style', v: 'width:16px;height:16px;margin-right:2px;display:inline;' }]);
if (!autoHide) {
editButtonIcon.style.opacity = '1';
arrowButtonIcon.style.opacity = '0';
editButton.append(editButtonIcon, arrowButtonIcon);
editButton.addEventListener('click', () => { togglePopup(true); });
var customButtons = [];
var customButtonsObj = [];
if (!(GM_listValues()).includes('setting:buttonsNames')) {
var values = GM_listValues();
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (!values[i].includes('setting:')) {
customButtonsObj.push(JSON.parse(GM_getValue(values[i], '{}')));
else {
customButtonsObj = getAnimeButtonsFromStorage();
customButtonsObj.forEach((b) => {
customButtons.push(creteButton(b.icon, b.url.replace('ANIMENAME', animeName), b.title));
//Add Website Buttons
if (host === apHost) {
appendButtons([malButton, alButton, kButton, adButton]);
outerButtonsDiv.style.top = '6px';
arrowButtonIcon.style.verticalAlign = '';
editButtonIcon.style.verticalAlign = '';
else if (host === alHost) {
appendButtons([malButton, apButton, kButton, adButton]);
outerButtonsDiv.style.top = '8px';
else if (host === malHost) {
appendButtons([apButton, alButton, kButton, adButton]);
outerButtonsDiv.style.top = '2px';
else if (host === kHost) {
appendButtons([malButton, apButton, alButton, adButton]);
outerButtonsDiv.style.top = '2px';
arrowButtonIcon.style.verticalAlign = '';
editButtonIcon.style.verticalAlign = '';
else if (host === adHost) {
appendButtons([malButton, apButton, alButton, kButton]);
outerButtonsDiv.style.top = '9px';
function appendButtons(mainButtonsArray) {
header.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
var allButtonsArray = mainButtonsArray.concat([ytButton, giButton, nyButton, ampButton], customButtons, editButton);
var buttonsDiv = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'animeButtons',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'position:relative;transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.79, 0.88, 0.16, 0.98) 0s;' }]);
outerButtonsDiv = createHTMLElement('div', null, null,
[{ n: 'style', v: 'display:inline-block;position:relative;overflow:hidden;' }]);
// buttonsDiv.appendChild(allButtonsArray);
allButtonsArray.forEach((b) => {
if (b.id !== '') {
bId: b.id,
h: 'show'
var fontAwesome = '@import url("https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.15.2/css/all.css");';
function getHideList() {
var hideListNew;
if ((GM_listValues()).includes('hideList')) {
hideListNew = GM_getValue('hideList', '[]');
else {
hideListNew = GM_getValue('setting:hideList', '[]');
if (!hideListNew || hideListNew === undefined || hideListNew === 'undefined') {
hideListNew = '[]';
function concatHideList(v) {
v.forEach(b => {
var item = hideList.find(n => n.bId === b.bId);
if (item) {
return Object.assign(item, b);
function hideButtons() {
buttDivLeft = 0;
hideList.forEach((o) => {
var button = getElement(`#${o.bId}`);
if (button) {
if (o.h === 'show') {
button.style.display = '';
else if (o.h === 'hide') {
button.style.display = 'none';
function makeButtonId(buttonName) {
var r###lt = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < buttonName.length; i++) {
r###lt += buttonName.charCodeAt(i);
return r###lt * buttonName.charCodeAt(buttonName.length - 1);
function getPopup() {
return getElement('.buttonPopup');
function showEditButton() {
var editButton = getElement('.editButton');
if (autoHide) {
var arrowButton = getElement('.arrowButton');
var buttonsDiv = getElement('.animeButtons');
buttonsDiv.style.left = '0%';
arrowButton.style.opacity = '0';
editButton.style.opacity = '1';
function hideEditButton() {
var editButton = getElement('.editButton');
if (autoHide) {
var buttonsDiv = getElement('.animeButtons');
var arrowButton = getElement('.arrowButton');
buttonsDiv.style.left = `-${buttDivLeft * 18}px`;
arrowButton.style.opacity = '1';
editButton.style.opacity = '0';
function addAndCancelButtonsHandler(e) {
var targetEl = e.target;
if (targetEl.className === 'addButton') {
else if (targetEl.className === 'cancelButton') {
function addAndEditTabButtonsHandler(e) {
var target = e.target;
if (target.className.includes('Text')) {
target = e.target.parentElement;
if (target.className === 'addTab' && target.style.color === 'white') {
var editTab = target.parentElement.children[1];
hideTabSection(editTab, target);
else if (target.className === 'editTab' && target.style.color === 'white') {
var addTab = target.parentElement.firstElementChild;
hideTabSection(addTab, target);
function hideTabSection(toHide, toShow) {
toHide.style.color = 'white';
toHide.style.backgroundColor = '#d8d8d8';
toShow.style.color = 'black';
toShow.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
var sectionToHide;
var sectionToShow;
if (toHide.className === 'addTab') {
sectionToHide = getElement('.addSection');
sectionToShow = getElement('.editSection');
else {
sectionToHide = getElement('.editSection');
sectionToShow = getElement('.addSection');
sectionToHide.style.opacity = '0';
setTimeout(() => {
sectionToHide.style.display = 'none';
sectionToShow.style.display = 'flex';
setTimeout(() => sectionToShow.style.opacity = '1', 50);
}, 200);
function togglePopup(show) {
var popUp = getPopup();
if (show) {
header.removeEventListener('mouseout', hideEditButton);
popUp.style.opacity = '1';
popUp.style.top = '50%';
else {
header.addEventListener('mouseout', hideEditButton);
popUp.style.opacity = '0';
popUp.style.top = '-100%';
function getAnimeButtonsFromStorage() {
return JSON.parse(GM_getValue('setting:buttonsNames', '[]'));
function setAnimeButtonsToStorage(buttonsNames) {
GM_setValue('setting:buttonsNames', JSON.stringify(buttonsNames));
function addButtonLogic() {
var titleField = getElement('.titleInput');
var searchField = getElement('.URLInput');
var iconField = getElement('.iconInput');
var buttons = getAnimeButtonsFromStorage();
if (titleField.value === '') {
toggleMsgBox(true, 'Title cannot be empty!');
else if (searchField.value === '') {
toggleMsgBox(true, 'Search URL cannot be empty!');
else if (!searchField.value.includes('ANIMENAME')) {
toggleMsgBox(true, 'Search URL must contain ANIMENAME!');
else if (buttons.find((o) => o.title === titleField.value)) {
toggleMsgBox(true, 'Button with the same name already exists!');
else {
if (iconField.value === '') {
iconField.value = getIconUrl(searchField.value);
var newButton = {
title: titleField.value,
url: searchField.value,
icon: iconField.value
hideList.push({ bId: `animeButton${makeButtonId(titleField.value)}`, h: 'show' });
GM_setValue('setting:hideList', JSON.stringify(hideList));
toggleMsgBox(true, `Button ${titleField.value} added succsessfully! Reload to see it!`, true);
titleField.value = '';
searchField.value = '';
iconField.value = '';
function getIconUrl(fromUrl) {
var regex = /(?:https?:\/\/)(w{0,3}\.?[\s\S]+?\.\w+)\//;
var r###lt = '';
if (regex.test(fromUrl)) {
r###lt = `https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=${fromUrl.match(regex)[1]}`;
return r###lt;
function toggleMsgBox(toggle, msg, showReload) {
var msgBox = getElement('.addMsgBox');
if (msg) {
msgBox.firstElementChild.textContent = msg;
if (showReload) {
msgBox.children[1].style.display = 'inline';
else {
msgBox.children[1].style.display = 'none';
if (toggle) {
msgBox.style.opacity = '1';
msgBox.style.bottom = '15%';
else {
msgBox.style.opacity = '0';
setTimeout(() => { msgBox.style.bottom = '150%'; }, 250);
function hideAndDeleteHandler(e) {
var target = e.target;
var buttParent = target.parentElement;
var button = getElement(`#${buttParent.className}`);
if (target.classList.contains('removeButton') && !target.classList.contains('disabled')) {
var buttonsObjs = getAnimeButtonsFromStorage();
buttonsObjs = buttonsObjs.filter((o) => buttParent.textContent !== o.title);
hideList = hideList.filter(obj => obj.bId !== button.id);
GM_setValue('setting:hideList', JSON.stringify(hideList));
else if (target.classList.contains('hideButton')) {
if (button.style.display === 'none') {
button.style.display = '';
concatHideList([{ bId: button.id, h: 'show' }]);
target.classList.replace('fa-eye-slash', 'fa-eye');
// target.setAttribute('src', iconVisible);
else {
button.style.display = 'none';
concatHideList([{ bId: button.id, h: 'hide' }]);
target.classList.replace('fa-eye', 'fa-eye-slash');
// target.setAttribute('src', iconInvisible);
GM_setValue('setting:hideList', JSON.stringify(hideList));
function msgButtonsHandler(e) {
var target = e.target;
if (target.className === 'reloadButton') {
else if (target.className === 'closeButton') {
function settingsHandler(e) {
var target = e.target;
if (target.className === 'editCheckbox') {
autoHide = target.checked;
GM_setValue('setting:autoHide', autoHide);
function popupClickHandler(e) {
if (!e.target.className.includes('infoBox')) {
var infoBoxes = document.querySelectorAll('.infoBox');
infoBoxes.forEach(b => {
if (b.style.opacity === '1') {
function URLQuestionmarkHandler(e) {
var iconInfoBox = getElement('.iconInfoBox');
function iconQuestionmarkHandler(e) {
var URLInfoBox = getElement('.URLInfoBox');
function hideInfoBox(infoBox) {
infoBox.style.opacity = '0';
setTimeout(() => infoBox.style.display = 'none', 300);
function showInfoBox(infoBox) {
infoBox.style.display = 'inline-block';
setTimeout(() => infoBox.style.opacity = '1', 10);
function addButtonPopup() {
var style = 'margin:auto;text-align: center;display:block;margin-bottom: 5px;';
var popUp = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'buttonPopup',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'position:fixed;top:-100%;left:50%;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);background-color:white;width:400px;height:560px;box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);border-radius: 8px;font-size:medium;z-index:9999;opacity:0;transition: all 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.45, -0.24, 0.43, 1.14) 0s;' }]);
var tabs = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'popupTabs',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'width: 100%;height: 40px;cursor: default;' }]);
var addTab = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'addTab',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'height: 100%;width: 50%;background-color: white;left: 50%;border-top-left-radius: 8px;text-align: center;transition: all 0.2s linear 0s;' }]);
var textTabsStyle = 'position: relative;top: 11px;font-weight: bold;';
var addTabText = createHTMLElement('div', 'ADD', 'addTabText',
[{ n: 'style', v: textTabsStyle }]);
var editTab = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'editTab',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'top: -40px;height: 100%;width: 50%;background-color: #d8d8d8;left: 50%;position: relative;border-top-right-radius: 8px;text-align: center;color: white;transition: all 0.2s linear 0s;' }]);
var editTabText = createHTMLElement('div', 'EDIT', 'editTabText',
[{ n: 'style', v: textTabsStyle }]);
tabs.append(addTab, editTab);
var addSection = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'addSection',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'height: calc(100% - 40px);width:100%;transition: all 0.2s linear 0s;display:flex; flex-direction: column;' }]);
var addSectionContents = createHTMLElement('div');
var addSectionTitle = createHTMLElement('h2', 'ADD CUSTOM BUTTON', null,
[{ n: 'style', v: style + 'margin-top: 25px' }]);
var title = createHTMLElement('h3', 'Title', null,
[{ n: 'style', v: style + 'margin-top: 20px' }]);
var titleInput = createHTMLElement('input', null, 'titleInput',
[{ n: 'placeholder', v: 'Button title' }, { n: 'style', v: style + 'width:80%' }]);
var URLTitle = createHTMLElement('h3', 'Search URL', null,
[{ n: 'style', v: style + 'margin-top: 20px' }]);
var URLQm = createHTMLElement('i', null, 'URLQuestionmark questionmark fa fa-question-circle',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'font-size:16px;margin-left:5px;' }]);
var infoBoxStyle = 'width: 90%;display: inline-block;position: absolute;margin-left: 10px;background-color: white;border-radius: 8px;box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.3) 0px 0px 10px;transition: opacity 0.3s linear;opacity: 0;padding: 10px;font-weight: normal;font-size: medium;';
var URLInfoBox = createHTMLElement('div', 'To get the search URL first go the site you want to add and search the term "ANIMENAME" in the search field. Then copy the full URL (including http://) in the field below. (exaple: https://myanimelist.net/search/all?q=ANIMENAME)', 'URLInfoBox infoBox',
[{ n: 'style', v: infoBoxStyle }]);
URLTitle.append(URLQm, URLInfoBox);
var URLInput = createHTMLElement('input', null, 'URLInput',
[{ n: 'placeholder', v: 'Search URL' }, { n: 'style', v: style + 'width:80%' }]);
var iconTitle = createHTMLElement('h3', 'Icon URL', null,
[{ n: 'style', v: style + 'margin-top: 20px' }]);
var iconQm = createHTMLElement('i', null, 'iconQuestionmark questionmark fa fa-question-circle',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'font-size:16px;margin-left:5px;' }]);
var iconInfoBox = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'iconInfoBox infoBox',
[{ n: 'style', v: infoBoxStyle }]);
iconInfoBox.innerHTML = '(<b>Leave empty for automatic icon parse</b>)<br />Link to icon for the button. <br />The easiest way to get it is to copy this link "https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=" and place the website url at the end (example: https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=myanimelist.net).';
iconTitle.append(iconQm, iconInfoBox);
var iconInput = createHTMLElement('input', null, 'iconInput',
[{ n: 'placeholder', v: 'Icon URL' }, { n: 'style', v: style + 'width:80%' }]);
var msgBoxDiv = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'addMsgBox',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'width: 86%;position: absolute;margin-left: 7%;bottom: 150%;background-color: white;border-radius: 8px;box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.4) 0px 0px 15px;text-align: center;transition: opacity 0.2s linear;opacity:0' }]);
var msgText = createHTMLElement('div', 'Button added succsessfully! Reload to see it!', 'addMgsText',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'margin: 10px;' }]);
var reloadButton = createHTMLElement('button', 'RELOAD', 'reloadButton',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'margin: 10px;margin-right:0px;width:90px;' }]);
var closeButton = createHTMLElement('button', 'CLOSE', 'closeButton',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'margin: 10px;width:90px;' }]);
msgBoxDiv.append(msgText, reloadButton, closeButton);
var buttonsDiv = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'addAndCancelButtons',
[{ n: 'style', v: style + 'margin-bottom: 10px;' }]);
var addButton = createHTMLElement('button', 'ADD', 'addButton',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'width:90px;margin:5px' }]);
var cancelButton = createHTMLElement('button', 'CANCEL', 'cancelButton',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'width:90px;margin:5px' }]);
var editSection = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'editSection',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'display: flex;flex-direction: column;height: calc(100% - 40px);width:100%;display:none;transition: all 0.2s linear 0s;' }]);
var editSectionTitle = createHTMLElement('h2', 'EDIT CUSTOM BUTTONS', null,
[{ n: 'style', v: style + 'margin-top: 25px' }]);
var animeButtonsList = createHTMLElement('ul', null, 'buttonsList',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'list-style: none;margin-top: 25px;padding-left: 40px;overflow: hidden;overflow-y: auto;flex: 1 1 auto;' }]);
var animeButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.animeButton');
var settingsDiv = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'settingsDiv',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'padding: 0px 30px;' }]);
var hideEditCheckbox = createHTMLElement('input', null, 'editCheckbox',
[{ n: 'id', v: 'editCheckbox' }, { n: 'type', v: 'checkbox' }, { n: 'value', v: 'editCheckbox' }]);
if (autoHide) {
hideEditCheckbox.setAttribute('checked', true);
var hideEditCheckboxLabel = createHTMLElement('label', 'Auto hide buttons (show on mouseover)', null,
[{ n: 'for', v: 'editCheckbox' }, { n: 'style', v: 'padding-left:5px;' }]);
var exportButton = createHTMLElement('button', 'Export custom buttons.', null,
[{ n: 'style', v: 'padding: 4px;' }]);
exportButton.addEventListener('click', exportCustomButtons);
var imortExportDiv = createHTMLElement('div', null, null,
[{ n: 'style', v: 'display: flex;justify-content: space-evenly;margin: 7px 0;' }]);
var importInput = createHTMLElement('input', null, null,
[{ n: 'type', v: 'file' }, { n: 'accept', v: 'application/json' }, { n: 'style', v: 'display: none;' }]);
importInput.addEventListener('change', onImportChange);
var importButton = createHTMLElement('button', 'Import custom buttons.', null,
[{ n: 'style', v: 'padding: 4px;' }]);
importButton.addEventListener('click', () => { importInput.click(); });
imortExportDiv.append(exportButton, importButton, importInput);
settingsDiv.append(hideEditCheckbox, hideEditCheckboxLabel, imortExportDiv);
var editButtonsDiv = createHTMLElement('div', null, 'addAndCancelButtons',
[{ n: 'style', v: style + 'margin-bottom: 10px;' }]);
var cancelButtonEdit = createHTMLElement('button', 'CLOSE', 'cancelButton',
[{ n: 'style', v: 'width:90px;margin:5px' }]);
createAndAppendEditListEntry(animeButtonsList, animeButtons);
buttonsDiv.append(addButton, cancelButton);
addSectionContents.append(addSectionTitle, title, titleInput, URLTitle, URLInput, iconTitle, iconInput);
addSection.append(addSectionContents, buttonsDiv);
editSection.append(editSectionTitle, animeButtonsList, settingsDiv, editButtonsDiv);
popUp.append(tabs, addSection, editSection, msgBoxDiv);
var html = getElement('html');
buttonsDiv.addEventListener('click', addAndCancelButtonsHandler);
editButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', addAndCancelButtonsHandler);
tabs.addEventListener('click', addAndEditTabButtonsHandler);
animeButtonsList.addEventListener('click', hideAndDeleteHandler);
msgBoxDiv.addEventListener('click', msgButtonsHandler);
settingsDiv.addEventListener('click', settingsHandler);
URLQm.addEventListener('mouseover', URLQuestionmarkHandler);
iconQm.addEventListener('mouseover', iconQuestionmarkHandler);
popUp.addEventListener('click', popupClickHandler);
function createAndAppendEditListEntry(animeButtonsList, animeButtons) {
animeButtons.forEach((b) => {
var listEl = createHTMLElement('li', null, b.id,
[{ n: 'style', v: 'width:90%;margin-top:5px;border-bottom-style: inset;border-bottom-width: thin;display:flex;' }]);
var imgUrl = b.firstElementChild.getAttribute('src');
var img = createHTMLElement('img', null, null,
[{ n: 'src', v: imgUrl }, { n: 'style', v: 'width: 16px;height: 16px;' }]);
var span = createHTMLElement('span', b.getAttribute('title'), null,
[{ n: 'style', v: 'margin-left:5px;bottom: 2px;position: relative;flex: 1 1 0;' }]);
var hideIcon = createHTMLElement('i', null, 'hideButton fa fa-eye',
[{ n: 'title', v: 'Toggle Hide' }, { n: 'style', v: 'font-size:16px;position: relative;margin: 0 10px;' }]);
var removeIcon = createHTMLElement('i', null, 'removeButton fa fa-trash-alt',
[{ n: 'title', v: 'DELETE' }, { n: 'style', v: 'font-size:16px;position: relative;' }]);
if (b.style.display === 'none') {
hideIcon.classList.replace('fa-eye', 'fa-eye-slash');
listEl.append(img, span, hideIcon, removeIcon);
if (b.className.includes('stockButton')) {
removeIcon.style.color = 'lightgray';
function onImportChange(e) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (e) => {
function importCustomButtons(buttons) {
GM_setValue('setting:buttonsNames', buttons);
toggleMsgBox(true, 'Import successful, reload the page for it to take effect.', true);
function exportCustomButtons() {
var customButtonsStr = GM_getValue('setting:buttonsNames', '[]');
downloadJson(`custom-buttons-plus-export-${new Date().toISOString()}`, customButtonsStr);
function downloadJson(filename, jsonString) {
var element = createHTMLElement('a', null, null,
[{ n: 'href', v: 'data:application/json;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(jsonString) },
{ n: 'download', v: `${filename}.json` }]);
element.style.display = 'none';
function createHTMLElement(tag, textContent, className, attributes) {
var element = document.createElement(tag);
if (className) {
element.className = className;
if (textContent) {
element.textContent = textContent;
if (attributes) {
attributes.forEach((a) => {
element.setAttribute(a.n, a.v);
return element;