// ==UserScript== // @name 显示B站视频av号、BV号、弹幕CID // @namespace http://s.xmcp.ml/ // @version 0.2 // @description B站强推bvid,不知道在搞什么飞机 // @author xmcp // @match https://www.bilibili.com/video/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; let elem=document.querySelector('#viewbox_report>.video-data:last-child'); if(!elem) return; let showtxt=''; function add(pref,txt) { if(txt) { showtxt+=(pref+txt+' · ').replace(/"/g,'\\"'); } } add('av',window.aid); add('',window.bvid); add('cid=',window.cid); if(showtxt) { // some hack to avoid conflict with virtual dom // first put a content to ::before psuedo element, keeping virtual dom happy let style=document.createElement('style'); style.textContent='#viewbox_report>.video-data:last-child::before {margin-right: .5em; visibility: hidden; content: "'+showtxt+'"}'; document.head.appendChild(style); // but text in pseudo element is not selectable // we solve this by overlaying another div which is out of virtual dom let overlay=document.createElement('div'); overlay.textContent=showtxt; overlay.style.color='#999'; overlay.style.position='absolute'; overlay.style.paddingRight='.5em'; document.body.appendChild(overlay); console.log(overlay); // remember to keep it in the right position function repos() { let pos=elem.getBoundingClientRect(); overlay.style.top=pos.y+'px'; overlay.style.left=pos.x+'px'; } repos(); setTimeout(repos,100); setTimeout(repos,500); window.addEventListener('resize',()=>{ repos(); // if something is happening async setTimeout(repos,100); }); } })();